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Chp 18 Canada Power Review Update Feb 2008. Which of the following is the cause that produced the effect described in the graphic? Glaciers This occurred.

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Presentation on theme: "Chp 18 Canada Power Review Update Feb 2008. Which of the following is the cause that produced the effect described in the graphic? Glaciers This occurred."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chp 18 Canada Power Review Update Feb 2008

2 Which of the following is the cause that produced the effect described in the graphic? Glaciers This occurred during the 4 th ice age About 10, 000 to 15,000 years ago

3 Most of Canada’s people live in the southeast. Largest province is Ontario Near the Great Lakes

4 Canada is made up of three territories and 10 provinces. Quebec and Ontario most important

5 The capital city of Canada Ottawa. Located in Ontario Ontario is most populated area of Canada

6 The second-largest city in Canada Montreal

7 Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan are Prairie Provinces Wheat and cattle are main agricultural products

8 The regional political divisions in Canada are called Provinces Same as states but based on British style government

9 Canada’s economy is based on a free market economy. Much like the USA More controls

10 Between Canada and the United States lies the world’s longest undefended border. Border of Mexico is similar

11 Canada’s province with the most people and greatest wealth is Ontario. Most of the population is here Most of industry is here

12 Canada is made up of three territories and 10 provinces. Territories include Northwest territories Yukon territory Nunavut

13 Canada produces newsprint from the trees that blanket much of British Columbia. Huge tree area called taiga

14 Farming in the Prairie Provinces makes Canada one of the world’s biggest producers of wheat.

15 The major industry in Newfoundland and the Maritime Provinces has been fishing. Some of the best fishing areas in the world

16 Canada’s largest city, Toronto, is the country’s center of manufacturing Finances and communications.

17 One of the world’s best fishing grounds is ____, off the coast of Newfoundland. the Grand Banks

18 The province of Ontario produces more than half of Canada’s manufactured goods.

19 A province in eastern Canada is Newfoundland Quebec Prince Edward Island New Brunswick

20 The capital city of Canada Ottawa.

21 A major shipping center in eastern Canada is Halifax

22 The second-largest city in Canada Montreal

23 Many of the people of Quebec want to keep their French culture and language. Bilingual country

24 The ceremonial ruler of Canada, with no real power, is the king or queen of Canada.

25 Canada’s government is a parliamentary democracy. King or queen but they have no real power

26 What word means native ? indigenous

27 An overseas territory with political and economic ties to the parent country colony

28 The right to self-government is Autonomy.

29 A region around the St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes ruled by France for almost 230 years Quebec.

30 Trade barriers between Canada, the United States, and Mexico were ended by NAFTA. North America Free Trade Agreement End taxes on imported goods or exported goods

31 The job of Canada’s governor- general is to carry out ceremonial duties.

32 Chp 18 Canada Review for Quiz 1 Section 2 Update Feb 2008

33 Which of the following is the cause that produced the effect described in the graphic? waterfalls mountains glaciers peninsulas

34 Which of the following is the cause that produced the effect described in the graphic? waterfalls mountains glaciers peninsulas

35 Canada is made up of 10 provinces and one national government. sixteen states. three territories. 3 states.

36 Canada is made up of 10 provinces and one national government. sixteen states. three territories. 3 states.

37 A province in eastern Canada is Newfoundland Montreal Vancouver. Ottawa.

38 A province in eastern Canada is Newfoundland Montreal Vancouver. Ottawa.

39 The capital city of Canada Montreal Halifax Vancouver. Ottawa.

40 The capital city of Canada Montreal Halifax Vancouver. Ottawa.

41 The second-largest city in Canada Ottawa Halifax Vancouver. Montreal

42 The second-largest city in Canada Ottawa Halifax Vancouver. Montreal

43 About 40 percent of Canada is made up of the Yukon Territory and the Arctic Islands. Maritime Provinces. Prairie Provinces. Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

44 About 40 percent of Canada is made up of the Yukon Territory, the Arctic Islands. Maritime Provinces. Prairie Provinces. the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

45 More than half of Nunavut is made up of the Yukon Territory. lakes and rivers. glaciers. islands in the Arctic Ocean.

46 More than half of Nunavut is made up of the Yukon Territory. lakes and rivers. glaciers. islands in the Arctic Ocean.

47 Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan are NAFTA Ottawa Halifax Prairie Provinces

48 Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan are NAFTA Ottawa Halifax Prairie Provinces

49 The regional political divisions in Canada are called provinces. federation.. Inuit. states.

50 The regional political divisions in Canada are called provinces federation. Inuit states.

51 Canada’s economy is based on government-controlled profits. a parliamentary democracy. a free market economy. the provincial system.

52 Canada’s economy is based on government-controlled profits. a parliamentary democracy. a free market economy. the provincial system.

53 Between Canada and the United States lies the world’s longest river. undefended border. mountain range. glacier.

54 Between Canada and the United States lies the world’s longest river. undefended border. mountain range. glacier.

55 Most of Canada’s people live in the southeast. near the Alaskan border. near the southwest Pacific coast. in British Columbia.

56 Most of Canada’s people live in the southeast. near the Alaskan border. near the southwest Pacific coast. in British Columbia.

57 Canada’s province with the most people and greatest wealth is Ontario. Quebec. Newfoundland. Manitoba.

58 Canada’s province with the most people and greatest wealth is Ontario. Quebec. Newfoundland. Manitoba.

59 Canada is made up of three territories and one national government. sixteen states. two provinces. 10 provinces.

60 Canada is made up of three territories and one national government. sixteen states. two provinces. 10 provinces.

61 Canada produces newsprint from the trees that blanket much of Alberta. Manitoba. British Columbia. Saskatchewan.

62 Canada produces newsprint from the trees that blanket much of Alberta. Manitoba. British Columbia. Saskatchewan.

63 Farming in the Prairie Provinces makes Canada one of the world’s biggest producers of rice. wheat. corn. potatoes.

64 Farming in the Prairie Provinces makes Canada one of the world’s biggest producers of rice. wheat. corn. potatoes.

65 The major industry in Newfoundland and the Maritime Provinces has been service industries. farming. ranching. fishing.

66 The major industry in Newfoundland and the Maritime Provinces has been service industries. farming. ranching. fishing.

67 Canada’s largest city, Toronto, is the country’s capital city. center of manufacturing, finances, and communications. largest seaport. largest French-speaking city.

68 Canada’s largest city, Toronto, is the country’s capital city. center of manufacturing, finances, and communications. largest seaport. largest French-speaking city.

69 One of the world’s best fishing grounds is ____, off the coast of Newfoundland. the Grand Banks the St. Lawrence Seaway Nunavut Niagara Falls

70 One of the world’s best fishing grounds is ____, off the coast of Newfoundland. the Grand Banks the St. Lawrence Seaway Nunavut Niagara Falls

71 The province of Ontario produces more than half of Canada’s imports. farm crops. manufactured goods. newsprint.

72 The province of Ontario produces more than half of Canada’s imports. farm crops. manufactured goods. newsprint.

73 A province in eastern Canada is Newfoundland Montreal Vancouver. Ottawa.

74 A province in eastern Canada is Newfoundland Montreal Vancouver. Ottawa.

75 The capital city of Canada Montreal Halifax Vancouver. Ottawa.

76 The capital city of Canada Montreal Halifax Vancouver. Ottawa.

77 A major shipping center in eastern Canada is Ottawa Halifax Vancouver. Montreal

78 A major shipping center in eastern Canada is Ottawa Halifax Vancouver. Montreal

79 The second-largest city in Canada Ottawa Halifax Vancouver. Montreal

80 The second-largest city in Canada Ottawa Halifax Vancouver. Montreal

81 Many of the people of Quebec want to keep their Inuit heritage. British culture and language. French culture and language. control of the national government.

82 Many of the people of Quebec want to keep their Inuit heritage. British culture and language. French culture and language. control of the national government.

83 The ceremonial ruler of Canada, with no real power, is the prime minister. president. king or queen of Canada. king or queen of England.

84 The ceremonial ruler of Canada, with no real power, is the prime minister. president. king or queen of Canada. king or queen of England.

85 Canada’s government is a dictatorship. parliamentary democracy. free enterprise system. provincial democracy.

86 Canada’s government is a dictatorship. parliamentary democracy. free enterprise system. provincial democracy.

87 What word means native ? autonomy dominion colony indigenous

88 What word means native ? autonomy dominion colony indigenous

89 An overseas territory with political and economic ties to the parent country autonomy dominion colony indigenous

90 An overseas territory with political and economic ties to the parent country autonomy dominion colony indigenous

91 The right to self-government is autonomy. dominion colony indigenous.

92 The right to self-government is autonomy dominion colony indigenous.

93 A region around the St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes ruled by France for almost 230 years Quebec. New France. Vancouver. Ottawa.

94 A region around the St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes ruled by France for almost 230 years Quebec. New France. Vancouver. Ottawa.

95 Trade barriers between Canada, the United States, and Mexico were ended by CIA. GATT. NATO. NAFTA.

96 Trade barriers between Canada, the United States, and Mexico were ended by CIA. GATT. NATO. NAFTA.

97 The job of Canada’s governor- general is to carry out ceremonial duties. run the national government. govern Nunavut. govern the territories.

98 The job of Canada’s governor- general is to carry out ceremonial duties. run the national government. govern Nunavut. govern the territories.

99 Quiz Canada Quiz 1 Number 1-11 Letter answers only update Feb.2010

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