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The library is open Scaling a Network: Resource Sharing across State Lines Donna Bacon Executive Director, MOBIUS Tim Auger Director, Resource Sharing,

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Presentation on theme: "The library is open Scaling a Network: Resource Sharing across State Lines Donna Bacon Executive Director, MOBIUS Tim Auger Director, Resource Sharing,"— Presentation transcript:

1 the library is open Scaling a Network: Resource Sharing across State Lines Donna Bacon Executive Director, MOBIUS Tim Auger Director, Resource Sharing, iii

2 INN-Reach – what is it? Real-time Resource Sharing System –Extension of the library catalog –Physical materials and electronic resources –Design based on the circulation model Components –Physical union catalog –Discovery application –Requesting and circulation system –Statistics module

3 INN-Reach – distinctive competencies Distinctive competencies –Physical union catalog Highly configurable de-duping, overlay algorithms Real-time and automated updates from all members As a result, more accurate search results, very high “first to fill” rates (over 90%) –High-levels of integration Seamless patron and staff experience An extension of local catalog and circulation As a result, very inexpensive to operate

4 INN-Reach Environment Sierra INN-Reach Central Millennium DCB

5 INN-Reach Catalog Sierra INN-Reach Central Millennium DCB Catalog Sync

6 INN-Reach Catalog Sierra INN-Reach Central Millennium DCB Catalog Sync Real time

7 INN-Reach Catalog Sierra INN-Reach Central Millennium DCB Catalog Sync De-dup & overlay

8 Patron Access Sierra INN-Reach Central Millennium DCB Local “pass- thru”

9 Patron Access Sierra INN-Reach Central Millennium DCB Direct Access

10 Patron Authentication Sierra INN-Reach Central Millennium DCB Patron Auth

11 Item Selection Sierra INN-Reach Central Millennium DCB Auto Select

12 Circulation Sierra INN-Reach Central Millennium DCB Circ Service Store

13 Circulation Sierra INN-Reach Central Millennium DCB update

14 Circulation Sierra INN-Reach Central Millennium DCB Circ Service update updated

15 Peer to Peer Networked INN-Reach systems Allows further extension of both local and primary consortium catalog –Increases titles and copies –Increases breadth of collections –Reduces ILL dependency Same capabilities, same user workflows, better service to patrons

16 Peer to Peer Environment MOBIUS Alliance

17 Peer to Peer Environment MOBIUSAlliance “pass- thru”

18 Peer to Peer Environment MOBIUSAlliance Search re- executed

19 Peer to Peer Environment MOBIUSAlliance

20 Peer to Peer Environment MOBIUSAlliance Search re- executed

21 Peer to Peer Environment MOBIUSAlliance Patron Auth

22 Peer to Peer Environment MOBIUSAlliance Circ Service Store Lender Borrower

23 Peer to Peer Environment MOBIUSAlliance Lender Borrower update

24 Peer to Peer Environment MOBIUSAlliance Circ Service Lender Borrower update updated

25 The patron experience INN-REACH Peer to Peer PRODUCT DEMO








33 Photo by Chocolate Geek - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License Created with Haiku Deck






39 14 Four Year Public 27 Four Year Private 6 Two Year Public 6 Community Colleges 5 Seminaries 4 Medical Libraries 4 Law Libraries 5 Public Libraries 4 Special Libraries

40 Over 27 million items Over 10 million unique holdings

41 MOBIUS libraries borrow twice as often and lend nearly three times as often through the MOBIUS Union Catalog as they do their local catalog. Books arrive in 2 to 3 days.


43 Photo by roger g1 - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License with Haiku Deck


45 Trans-Amigos Express


47 Software Implementation – All the kids are doing it… You know, it’s just called Peer-2-Peer software…

48 Implementation = Acceptance Politics—Buy-in and approval from our member libraries Alliance and MOBIUS Directors and ILS Coordinators meet to discuss basic policy & procedures between the consortiums Our relationship—contract? Membership dues?

49 Implementation = Acceptance Well Established and Different Systems + Well Established and Different Models of Doing Things + Well Established and Different Courier Models + Well Established and Different Ways in Which We All Handle Materials = Loads of Fun!

50 Implementation Blues…Why Can’t You Be Just More Like ME? (Or Me Like You?) We agree to accept each other and each of our “unique” policies… 2 renewals vs. 1? Really? Do we collect money or not? What about non-bibliographic material? How does stuff get there? How do we get it back? Do we form a committee?

51 Peer-2-Peer? Double the Fun! Synchronized settings that are reflected everywhere…PTYPES, ITYPES, Loan Rules, etc… Shared codes of all types on each INN-Reach server Now please do this on 40+ servers for nearly 200 libraries…all the while not taking either system down to do it! MOBIUS manages 11 clusters plus INN-Reach – nearly everyone in Missouri with a few notable exceptions… The Colorado Alliance manages their INN-Reach system – everyone else is locally managed… Project Management--Basecamp

52 Ok, it’s time for the details! Circulation Issues—length of checkout, renewals, timing of notices, billing & lost book issues, blocks, number of items allowed for checkout, collections available Design of pass-thru buttons on each other’s union catalogs Joint publicity materials for our libraries Discussion lists, ongoing communication between our libraries FAQ’s, policies, procedures for our libraries

53 Implementation – Package & Delivery Its this easy, right?

54 Just Keep Truckin’… Different couriers in three states for Colorado and Missouri What’s The Matter With Kansas? 5 day per week service or less? Gas prices – a variable Go Greyhound? Are you kidding me? The drop-off point is where? But that’s the easy part, right? RIGHT! In a word, NO!

55 What goes IN the truck and how? Bags vs. Rubber Bands – oh, my…

56 But That’s Not All… Seriously, who knew book bands  could be so controversial? Obligatory photo of cute kittens to offset controversial green book band…

57 Membership Has Its Privileges - Bonus Extras Added Benefits of Partnering include… Center for Research Libraries E-Resources Special Collections Extending Courier Across the Midwest

58 Implementation- It’s All About the Results! In the first 7 weeks we circulated almost 2,000 items (with little publicity)!

59 Implementation Lessons Learned Keep it Simple (but not too simple) Better understand staff workflow at different sized libraries Expect to compromise and prepare your libraries for the inevitable Communicate frequently during your implementation phase Don’t rush—remember those staff who need extra time to adapt Put a personal “face” to the partnership for your members And remember….it’s all about the courier & workflow!

60 Courier LessonsLearned Compromise is essential Involve the circulation staff at your libraries as much as possible Establish regular conference calls with the couriers and consortium offices Test, test, test before going live Visit your courier’s sorting facilities to be clear about how shipments will be moved and handled Constant Communication is essential Find a city that all couriers already go to exchange materials, so you reduce costs Negotiate a fair price based upon number of stops and weight (and yes, since you are dealing with multiple couriers, you can create a pricing war)


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