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Unit 12 Additional Evidence Megan Haines. 1.1 I can describe what types of information are needed. Logo Idea 1 I do not want this logo to be my final.

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1 Unit 12 Additional Evidence Megan Haines

2 1.1 I can describe what types of information are needed. Logo Idea 1 I do not want this logo to be my final logo because it is boring. Logo idea 2 I do not want this logo to be my final logo because it is boring and nobody will come and buy anything from the shop because it looks boring. Logo idea 3 I WANT this logo to be my final logo because it looks like the wifi logo.

3 1.1 I can describe what types of information are needed. Business card Logo they will remember what your company is. Your name because if you meet someone they will remember your name. The address and they will know your address as well. The phone numbers and they sill be able to contact you if they would like a job. What kind of job I do and they might want to do the same as what you are doing. I liked the colour scheme because I really liked the colour. I thought the colour would fit in nicely. I want my colours to be bright so it catches peoples eye. Also I used contact details so people know how to contact me for a job. I have an address, logo, fax, my name and a phone number. I have my name and contact details so people know who I am.

4 1.1 I can describe what types of information are needed. Letter The logo so they know who you are. The address so they can right back to you. Phone number so they can get hold of you. The name so they know the company name. All the colours are the same because it is the same business and it looks professional if the colour scheme is the same, and it wouldn't make sense if the colours were different. If the design doesn’t Match then it would look like someone made the letter a fake and it wasn’t from the business company.

5 1.1 I can describe what types of information are needed. Newsletter A newsletters is where people take about things that have happened around the world. They include bold titles so people know what newsletter it is about, pictures to make them interesting and articles to talk about different things people might be interested in. I got the articles from the internet for my newsletter but referenced these in my research document. I included my logo so people know who I am and recognise my business and also included page numbers so people know what page they're on and what articles are on each page. I included points of interest so people can skip straight to the page with the article they are most interested in. I included a paragraph so people know what my company is about and contact information on how to get hold of my company in case they want to learn more.

6 1.2 I can describe how to change page design and layout to increase effectiveness of a publication. Contemporary I do not want this design to be my final design because I don’t like the clour and the layout. Wave I do not want this design to be my final design because its to simple. Portfolio I WANT this design to be my final design because I could put more detail on here.

7 1.2 I can describe how to change page design and layout to increase effectiveness of a publication. Cherry I do not want this colour scheme because I don’t like the colour. Bluebird I do not want this colour scheme because the blue is to dark Floral I do WANT this colour scheme because I like this one because its not to dark and its not to light.

8 I have used a template because it gives me more room and space to do more writing and keeps the formatting looking the same no matter what the publication. I used the same template for my business card, letter head and newsletter because if you have a different design then customers could could think what has been sent is from another business and not yours. This might make them think less of your company and not think you are as professional as you are. I used the colour scheme which matched my logo because I liked the colours and they wasn’t to bright or too dark. If I used a different colour scheme for one of my products it wouldn’t look as professional because it wouldn't match and just like the design, if it doesn’t match then customers might not know its from you. I think my business card, letter head and newsletter look professional because they are consistent in colour and design and the design and colours are subtle like my business logo. 1.2 I can describe how to change page design and layout to increase effectiveness of a publication.

9 2.3 Describe how copyright constraints affect use of own and others’ information. Copyright is a law which was passed in 1988 to give protection to the copy right holders if someone tried to copy or steel their work. This was designed to reward people for their ideas, designs or creations and not allow other people to copy then make money off that other persons design. It has been important in my work as I had to make sure that I followed copyright law and didn’t use someone else’s work saying it was my own. I included the weblinks for the articles used in my newsletter so the authors can take the credit and also put my logo into my source and store table as the design belonged to vista print. If I used something in my work and didn’t declare where it came from then I could be prosecuted and even face jail time.

10 2.4 I can describe which file format to use for saving designs and images..PUB – PUB stands for publisher file this file has loads of different templates you can edit your templates to make then the same as your theme. You can only open these files if you have the software you can save your work as a pdf or print..PDF – PDF stands for portable document formant you can look at the files with out having the software PDF always saves thing in a smaller file size, PDF make this look the same as when they were created..JPEG/.JPG – the tem actually stands for joint photographic experts group, "because that is the name of the committee that develops the format. But you don’t have to remember that because even computer nerds will think you're weird if you remember what JPEG stand for. Most picture save as a JPEG..PNG –PNG supports 24-bits RGB. Portable network graphics (PNG, pronounced “PING”) is a format that employs lossless data compression..PSD – is a Photoshop document you have to have the software. You need Photoshop to open the file. Most files are really big but not all of them..TIFF – TIFF is just for pictures it is a picture file. TIFF is a computer file format for storing graphics images popular among graphics artists, the publishing.

11 Publisher is a type of software we can use to create news papers, leaflets and business cards using the inbuilt templates it has available. I have publisher at school but not at home so if I wanted to show my business card to someone at home they wouldn’t be able to open the file if it was saved with the If I converted it to a PDF then they could view it at home as this is a universal format which doesn’t need special software to read it. The PDF of the image world is huge with files available in TIFF, PNG, JPEG and many more. All have different properties such as quality of image, size of image, size of file or transparency. In my work I chose to save my logo as a PNG because its file size is fairly small but it still is really good quality. 2.4 I can describe which file format to use for saving designs and images.

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