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Islam. Origins Originated in the Arabian peninsula at the time of Muhammad (570 AD) Around the time of the Roman Empire falling to the Byzantine Empire.

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Presentation on theme: "Islam. Origins Originated in the Arabian peninsula at the time of Muhammad (570 AD) Around the time of the Roman Empire falling to the Byzantine Empire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islam

2 Origins Originated in the Arabian peninsula at the time of Muhammad (570 AD) Around the time of the Roman Empire falling to the Byzantine Empire 2

3 Origins (cont.) All created things fulfill their assigned purpose by serving God. Plants and animals, rocks and minerals, rain and wind, stars and planets all naturally fulfill the purpose for which they were designed. By doing so, they worship and serve God. Everything in nature, by acting according to its design, serves God's will. In a sense, the whole universe is Muslim because it surrenders to the divine purpose.

4 The Word “Islam” The name of the religion, Islam, means submission, or obedience to God, and the Muslim is one who submits or surrenders to God and recognizes Muhammad as God's prophet.

5 History (cont.) He separated them from the rest of creation by giving them three divine gifts: intelligence to distinguish the true from the false, a will that can freely choose between them, and the power of speech to worship. Because of these gifts, people are the noblest of God’s creatures, superior to the rest of nature.

6 History (cont.) Islam teaches that God created humans from clay and breathed the spirit of life into them. cGCABDZuM cGCABDZuM

7 History According to Muslim teaching, the truth of Islam was revealed to all of Allah’s prophets Founder of Islam: Muhammad Muhammad received a revelation that perfected all that was revealed to past prophets Muslims believe Muhammad was the only person to see Heaven and Hell while still alive Other prophets are Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus

8 History (cont.) Born 570/571 CE Orphaned and adopted by his uncle Abu Talid Known for his truthfulness, generosity, spirituality; he believed in one God and rejected the idolatry common in Arabia At 25 years old he married a 43 year old widow, Khadija Her wealth enabled Muhammad to further practice his spiritual discipline and meditation

9 History (cont.) At 40 years old, the archangel Gabriel appeared to him during his meditating in the month of Ramadan on Mt. Hira Gabriel told Muhammad to “Read or recite in the name of thy Lord.” This was the first of numerous revelations Muhammad kept receiving in his next 23 years. He memorized the revelations and they were written by others which came to be known as the Qu’ran. Muslims believe Muhammad was the only person to see Heaven and Hell while still alive 9

10 Fundamental Information Belief in Allah―no plural or gender Promotes wholeness, safeness, and peace Voluntary submission to God No intermediaries such as clergy that intercede Personal relationship with Allah Holy place is Mecca 10

11 islam-what-the-west-needs-to- know/ islam-what-the-west-needs-to- know/

12 The Spread of Islam Middle East Northern Africa Central Asia South Asia Western Africa Balkan Peninsula Russia China 12

13 Allah & Muhammad 13

14 Qu’ran Collection of words that Muhammad attributed to Allah Can be sung in form of meditation as well as spoken It cannot be translated; due to the belief that translation takes away from the meaning and context. Verses from the Qu’ran are first said to a newborn as well as before death. 14

15 The Qu’ran 15 Muslims are placing the Qu’ran over their head as a sign of penitence, during prayer.

16 Hadith Collection of narration of Muhammad’s life and deeds 16

17 Hijra Flight from Mecca to Medina (622 AD) Emigration to where early Muslims were promised freedom to practice their religion This flight marks the first year of the Islamic calendar 17

18 Mecca 18

19 The Kaaba at Mecca 19

20 Sunni & Shī‘ah 20

21 Sunni 75-90% of Muslims Believe the Qu’ran is the literal word of God Believe their purpose is to serve and love God 21

22 Shī‘ah 10-20% of Muslims Believe the Qur'an was compiled by Muhammad during his lifetime They interpret the Qu’ran differently 22

23 23 Sufism Although Sufism is a sect of Islam, its philosophy is universal in nature Its roots predate the rise of Islam and Christianity Seeks to realize Divine Unity by abandoning ideas of dualism and the individual self It is the peace loving sect of Islam

24 24 Sufi Mystic and Poet Lived in modern day Turkey 1207C.E.-1273C.E. Rum i

25 25 Whirling Dervishes Dance Ceremony inspired by Rumi

26 What does it mean to be human? Everything in creation depends upon God, the Sustainer, for its existence. The purpose of all creation, including humans, is to love and serve God. islam-empire-faith/ islam-empire-faith/

27 The Human Problem However, people are not perfect. Although not sinful by nature, humans are vulnerable to temptation. Because they are rebellious and proud, they often forget that they are dependent on God. Ignorance. FDyDHSlTfc FDyDHSlTfc

28 Reality:

29 Cites know/ know/ 26

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