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Integrated Education and Research Energy Programs at UH Prof. and Chair Tony Kuh Dept. of Electrical Engineering Director REIS Center June 4, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Education and Research Energy Programs at UH Prof. and Chair Tony Kuh Dept. of Electrical Engineering Director REIS Center June 4, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Education and Research Energy Programs at UH Prof. and Chair Tony Kuh Dept. of Electrical Engineering Director REIS Center June 4, 2010

2 Outline  Renewable Energy and Island Sustainability (REIS) Center Goals and Personnel Funding DOE workforce training Education Research Outreach  Energy Programs  UH COE/ HECO relationships

3 REIS Goals  Multidisciplinary team formed to conduct cutting edge renewable energy and island sustainability research Obtain sustained funding from (NSF, DOE, military) Become internationally recognized program  Develop REIS program to educate students in renewable energy and sustainability and provide work force for Hawaii, USA, and globally  Work with state of Hawaii and industry to help with renewable energy and energy efficiency goals  Develop experimental lab: Green Holmes Hall Initiative  Recruit undergraduates, K-12 students, underrepresented students into REIS program

4 REIS Members  O. Boric-Lubecke- EE  M. Burkett - Law  B.-H. Chao- ME  M. Coffman- RUP  D. Garmire- EE  M. Ghasemi Nejhad-ME  R. Ghorbani- ME  P. Johnson- ICS  A. Kavcic- EE  D. Konan- Econ  S. Khanal- MBBE  A. Kuh - EE  B. Y. Liaw- HNEI  E. Miller- HNEI  D. Nakafuji - HECO  A. Ohta- EE  W. Qu- ME  D. Rockwood – Arch.  N. Tarui- Econ  M. Teng- CEE  S. Turn- HNEI  S. Yamada- Business  X. Zhou- EE  R. McGehee- Admin. Asst. Members from 8 schools/ colleges and 11 units

5 Funding Support  Internal: $1M Sustainability Grant from UHM VCRGE Gary Ostrander  External: $2.5M DOE workforce training (STEPS)  Other: NSF, DOD, ARPA E, State, Industry and private

6 Research Proposal Structure  Large: Center grants and proposals UHM Internal: Sustainability grant 6/9-5/11 DOE Workforce Training (WFT) (HECO is a partner, 5/10-6/13) NSF IGERT: Applied for pre-proposal  Targeted Research Proposals: Group  Target Research Proposals: Small proposals

7 REIS DOE workforce training goals  Form new interdisciplinary graduate education and research program in renewable energy, energy efficiency, smart grids, and sustainability A major focus on Hawaii energy problems  Students will obtain broad education in engineering, technology, and social science with depth in one of several areas  Fundamental and applied research will be conducted  Recruit and retain underrepresented students  Work with energy and sustainability companies in Hawaii and state government to help provide workforce

8 Educational Curriculum  Course Breadth and Depth: Students will take two core courses in RE and sustainability (one with engineering focus, one with social science focus) and have depth in one of several areas: Materials, devices, and manufacturing Systems, integration, and smart grid Sustainable infrastructure Biofuels and bioenergy Energy economics  Several new graduate courses plus existing courses on RE, energy efficiency, smart grids, and sustainability. Background courses will be weaved into curriculum

9 Educational Activities continued  Student would obtain (MS, PhD) in department plus REIS certificate  Industry experience: students encouraged to work in Hawaiian energy and sustainability companies (summer interns, Coop students)  Multidisciplinary research: Projects will be group oriented requiring multiple disciplines  Undergraduate RE course  Undergraduate research projects  Develop short courses with HECO (community based and more technical courses addressing needs)  Seminar series

10 Graduate Students Graduate Students UG Students UG Students CEIS Graduate Courses CEIS Research Projects Faculty Engineers Community Short Courses Seminars UG RE Course Internships participant coordinator or lecturer both

11 Recruitment, Retention, and Outreach  Recruit UG students through design projects and Green Holmes Hall Initiative  Special attention given to underrepresented students Native Hawaiian Science and Engineering Mentorship Program (NHSEMP) Society of Women Engineering (SWE), Women in Technology  Retention through a sense of academic community, mentorship, and cultural knowledge  Outreach: REIS faculty and students interface with community and recruit K-12 students into STEM

12 Recruiting, Outreach, and Work Force Training

13 Research Clusters  Smart micro-grids: A. Kavcic, P. Johnson, X. Zhou, P. Santhanam, A. Kuh, D. Nakafuji  Energy Sustainable Buildings: D. Rockwood, W. Qu, D. Garmire  Nanotechnology Production and Storage: M.Ghasemi Nejhad, A. Ohta, D. Garmire, B. Liaw, E. Miller  Wave Energy: R. Ghorbani, M. Teng  Human Energy Harvesting: O. Boric-Lubecke, A. Ohta, V. Lubecke, E. Miller  Biofuels: S. Turn, S. Khanal  Energy economics and sustainability: D. Konan, N. Tarui, M. Coffman  RE applications: R. Ghorbani, W. Qu

14 REIS Program Constituents REIS Faculty ISAC Vice Chancellor Ostrander REIS Students Other UHM faculty, students Federal Funding AgenciesHawaii StateIndustry International Institutions External Evaluators

15 External Collaborators  Academic: CMU, Hong Kong Univ. Imperial College, Manitoba Univ., Tokyo Institute of Technology  Industry: HECO  Industry, institutions, and labs that have written support letters: DBEDT, HREDV, Better Place, WIT, NHSEMP, ORNL Looking for more partnerships to write collaborative proposals and to work on joint research and education projects.

16 Other Activities  Experimental component: Green Holmes Hall Initiative (GHHI), renewable energy generation, monitoring environmental conditions at UH (spatially and temporally)  Commercialization of research (HREDV): wave energy generator, water desalinization using solar power  Industry and private partnerships: donations

17 UH COE Energy Programs  Budget situation: 2009-2010, roughly 12% budget cuts plus hiring freezes  In EE, ME, CEE for 2009-2010 likely to have six faculty retire or resign  Chancellor Hinshaw: cluster hiring in important areas, mentioned sustainability  COE will submit proposal to hire in energy area: Could involve all three departments: EE, ME, CEE Could also partner with other departments: Economics

18 EE Program  Will reestablish energy and power program in EE  Looking to hire faculty with expertise in power systems / power electronics with good understanding of smart grids and renewable energy  Will develop undergraduate power systems and power electronics labs  Will develop smart grid lab to interface with renewable energy generation on Holmes Hall roof and also simulate grid (using hardware and software tools)

19 Current Activities  Have REIS funds to bring in visitor to help with REIS educational and research activities  ONR funds (subcontract from HNEI) are being used to help develop power and energy program Hire visiting faculty member to teach power and energy courses and labs Purchase equipment for power and energy labs  Part of Univ. of Minn. DOE WFT STEPS program to develop national UG energy systems program  On organizing committee to hold a ECEDHA Energy and Power Workshop in Washington DC (Universities, Utilities, Industry, National Energy Labs)

20 UH COE/ HECO Activities  Collaborative research and education activities Grants: DOE WFT: UH lead/ HECO assisting Proposals: NSF CPS GOALI: UH lead/ HECO assisting, DOE FOA 313: HECO lead/UH assisting Support letters: for many other proposals Joint presentations: Grid Comforum, 6 th Annual Carnegie Mellon Conference on the Electricity Industry, 2010 APCESE Education Session Submitted joint papers to IEEE Smart Grid Conference, World Congress on Zero Emissions Initiatives  Summer interns

21 Contact information  REIS homepage:  Tony Kuh: 956-7527, Mahalo!!

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