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December is a Month of Holidays. Christmas Christmas is an annual holiday Celebrated on December 25th that marks and honors the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

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Presentation on theme: "December is a Month of Holidays. Christmas Christmas is an annual holiday Celebrated on December 25th that marks and honors the birth of Jesus of Nazareth."— Presentation transcript:

1 December is a Month of Holidays

2 Christmas Christmas is an annual holiday Celebrated on December 25th that marks and honors the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

3 Modern customs of the holiday include: gift-giving, decorating Christmas tree, candles, stockings and angels.

4 There is a magical aspect of Christmas where gifts are left on Christmas Eve by Santa Claus. Children write letters to Santa Claus asking for Christmas’ gifts. There is a magical aspect of Christmas where gifts are left on Christmas Eve by Santa Claus. Children write letters to Santa Claus asking for Christmas’ gifts.

5 Hanukkah is an annual Jewish holiday. It lasts for eight days and commemorates the victory of the Jews over the Hellenist Syrians in 165 AD. It’s celebrated with food, songs, prayers. Children play dreidel and eat doughnuts.

6 Hanukkah is celebrated by the lighting of the menorah. The eight branches of the menorah candles represent the eight nights of Hanukkah. A new candle is lit every day. every day.

7 Kwanzaa was established in 1966 by Dr. Mualana Karenga. The word kwanzaa Kwanzaa was established in 1966 by Dr. Mualana Karenga. The word kwanzaa is derived from African language “Swahili”, which means ”the first fruit”. Kwanza is not a religious holiday, but a cultural one. It is a holiday for African -Americans.

8 Kwanzaa represents the seven principals that serve as a guide for daily living. These principles are :unity, self- determination, responsibility, cooperation, purpose, creativity and faith. Kwanzaa represents the seven principals that serve as a guide for daily living. These principles are :unity, self- determination, responsibility, cooperation, purpose, creativity and faith.

9 Eid al-Adha “ The Festival of Sacrifice” is a major Muslim holiday. The festival remembers the prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son when God ordered him to. Eid al-Adha is a three day holiday. Eid al-Adha “ The Festival of Sacrifice” is a major Muslim holiday. The festival remembers the prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son when God ordered him to. Eid al-Adha is a three day holiday.

10 During Eid al-Adha the Muslims sacrifice domestic animals, usually sheep, as a symbol of sacrifice of Ishmael. The meat is distributed among family, friends and the poor. As with all festivals there are prayers, and also presents. During Eid al-Adha the Muslims sacrifice domestic animals, usually sheep, as a symbol of sacrifice of Ishmael. The meat is distributed among family, friends and the poor. As with all festivals there are prayers, and also presents.

11 Choose the correct answer. Choose the correct answer. When is Christmas celebrated ? When is Christmas celebrated ? a) on December 25 th a) on December 25 tha) on December 25 tha) on December 25 th b) on December 4 th b) on December 4 thb) on December 4 thb) on December 4 th c) on December 31st c) on December 31stc) on December 31stc) on December 31st

12 When was Kwanzaa established? a) in 2000 a) in 2000a) in 2000a) in 2000 b) in 1966 b) in 1966b) in 1966b) in 1966 c) in 1725 c) in 1725c) in 1725c) in 1725

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15 Are you sure? Back To the question To the question

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