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Strengthened Pathways Planning Preparing young people with disabilities for a successful future beyond school.

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1 Strengthened Pathways Planning Preparing young people with disabilities for a successful future beyond school

2 Victoria has a strong and vibrant education system that celebrates diversity, and is committed to supporting the achievement and participation of all students, without exception. Part of our commitment is to strengthen and extend existing support and choice for all people with disabilities. Our commitment

3 It is recognised that people with a disability face considerable barriers to participation in employment and these are reflected in statistics from the past decade: –Australia ranks 21st out of 29 OECD countries in the provision of employment opportunities for those with a disability 1 –Around 45% of those with a disability in Australia are living either near or below the poverty line 2 –In 2009, the labour force participation rate of Victorians with a disability who were of working age was 54 per cent, compared to 83 per cent for Victorians without a disability 3 1 OECD. (2009). Sickness, disability and work: Keeping on track in the economic downturn – Background paper. 2 Ibid. 3 Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011). 4446.0 Disability, Australia, 2009. Post-school outcomes for young people with disabilities

4 Reduced participation in further education, training and employment, can lead to reduced opportunities for economic and social community participation, and reduced protection against associated mental and physical health issues. Every young person with a disability who is able to work should have an opportunity to participate in employment and be actively supported to do so. Post-school outcomes for young people with disabilities

5 The department has worked closely with Victorian special schools and secondary colleges, and undertaken a review of local, national and international research to identify the features of successful career planning for young people with disabilities. The review identified that good practice in career planning for young people with disabilities is: –Proactive –Focused on the individual –Driven by young people and parents –Based on an objective student assessment –Related to life skills development –Inclusive of families and carers –Actively involving businesses, communities and government agencies Successful career planning

6 These features informed the development of Strengthened Pathways Planning – an evidence based approach to careers planning for young people with disabilities.

7 Strengthened Pathways Planning Strengthened Pathways Planning aims to foster independence and increase the participation of young people with disabilities in further education, training and post-school employment, through strengthened careers and transition planning in schools. Strengthened Pathways Planning brings together and builds upon existing DEECD career development resources, customised to the needs of young people with disabilities.

8 Strengthened Pathways Planning The definition of disability under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 can include a range of psychiatric, sensory, physical and intellectual difficulties, that identify up to 20 per cent of the Australian population. The Strengthened Pathways Planning approach is intended for young people with moderate to severe disabilities. For example, students in government schools receiving support under the Program for Students with Disabilities. In addition the Strengthened Pathways Planning information and resources may be applicable to a wider cohort of young people with disabilities and additional needs in schools.

9 Strengthened Pathways Planning The Strengthened Pathways Planning guidelines and materials are located on a single ‘one-stop shop’ webpage with a printable guidelines booklet.

10 Strengthened Pathways Planning The guidelines include: Section 1—Introduction provides the rationale for strengthening career pathways planning for young people with disabilities. It also outlines what terms such as ‘disability’, ‘career’ and ‘work’ mean for young people today. Section 2—Career planning for young people with disabilities outlines universal career resources as well as a customised approach to help young people with disabilities and their families feel confident that they are well prepared and can make informed decisions about future options. Section 3—Components of Strengthened Pathways Planning includes Engaging Parents in Career Conversations, Career Action Plans, R U Ready Student Profile, and Workplace Learning Resources. Section 4—School Implementation addresses issues for schools to consider in positioning pathways planning within the teaching and learning cycle. This section provides a suggested timeline for key planning activities, defines roles and responsibilities, and recommends the On Track survey for ongoing evaluation of post-school outcomes. Section 5—Post School Options outlines the range of post school pathways and associated programs and services available to young people with disabilities when they leave school. Knowing their options in advance can provide reassurance to young people and their families that there are many options available to meet their individual needs.

11 Strengthened Pathways Planning A career is all of the paid and unpaid work, learning and life roles you do throughout your life Jobs and training Sport Clubs and community Education Volunteering Hobbies Cultural activities Life roles 5

12 Strengthened Pathways Planning A range of universal supports are applicable to all young people with disabilities, and in some cases, will fully meet their career development needs. –Victorian Careers Curriculum Framework is an online resource aimed at assisting all young people from Years 7 to 12 to acquire the skills, knowledge and behaviours to manage their careers –Managed Individual Pathways (MIPS) supports career development programs and activities to ensure that all young people aged 15 years and over are provided with an individual, annual Career Action Plan and associated support as a means to making a successful transition through school to further education, training or employment. –Workplace Learning Resources enable young people to trial different post-school options, including work experience. For young people with disabilities supported under the Program for Students with Disabilities, a strengthened approach is recommended.

13 Strengthened Pathways Planning Year 7 – I discover Year 8 – I explore Year 9 – I focus Year 10 – I plan Year 11 – I decide Year 12 – I apply Stages of Career Development Self Development Career Exploration Career Management Universal Support: Victorian Careers Curriculum Framework

14 Strengthened Pathways Planning Strengthened Pathways Planning offers an enhanced and integrated approach to career planning for young people with disabilities, which includes four customised components that build upon universal career development resources in schools: 1.Engaging Parents in Career Conversations Framework 2.Career Action Plans 3.R U Ready Student Profile 4.Workplace learning resources

15 Strengthened Pathways Planning The pathways planning is overseen by the young person’s Student Support Group in consultation with the school’s career practitioner, and the agreed activities are incorporated within the young person’s Individual Learning Plan. The Individual Learning Plan binds the components of Strengthened Pathways Planning into a unified approach. Career Action Plan R U Ready Student Profile Workplace Learning Opportunities Engaging Parents in Career Conversations Individual Learning Plan

16 Strengthened Pathways Planning An Individual Learning Plan is developed for all students supported under the Program for Students with Disabilities, and is recommended for any student with additional needs. The Student Support Group, including school staff, the parents and student (where appropriate), gathers information about the young person’s current profile and future aspirations to design a set of goals and strategies that address the individual needs of the young person. Individual Learning Plan

17 Strengthened Pathways Planning The Career Action Plan is a student-owned career planning document designed to translate a young person’s dreams and aspirations into specific learning goals and identify relevant work experience opportunities. Career Action Plan

18 Strengthened Pathways Planning Career Action Plan

19 Strengthened Pathways Planning Workplace Learning Opportunities enable young people to trial post-school options and gain direct ‘hands on’ experience in a workplace. Workplace Learning Opportunities

20 Strengthened Pathways Planning There are resources available to help school staff to prepare young people with a disability for work experience and structured workplace learning. –a Job Well Done –Work Experience Toolkit –New Ministerial Orders –New Manuals Workplace Learning Opportunities

21 Strengthened Pathways Planning The Engaging Parents in Career Conversations (EPiCC) Framework provides resources to help schools work together with parents to ensure that young people are empowered with positive career messages both at school and at home.

22 Strengthened Pathways Planning The Engaging Parents in Careers Conversation online resources include: a set of guidelines to support teachers, trainers and career practitioners working with families of young people with a disability a PowerPoint presentation customised for use with families of young people with a disability an activity bank, video links, sample workshops and handouts to help career practitioners working with families of young people with disability

23 Strengthened Pathways Planning The R U Ready Student Profile provides a snapshot of a young person’s work-related skills and employability at a point in time. This helps young people, their parents and teachers engage in career conversations about what the young person can do, their strengths, and readiness for work. R U Ready Student Profile

24 Strengthened Pathways Planning R U Ready Student Profile

25 Strengthened Pathways Planning Early planning and preparation is essential for successful transition. The following diagram provides a suggested timeline for schools implementing the components of Strengthened Pathways Planning throughout the secondary school years.

26 Strengthened Pathways Planning Successful pathways planning is best embedded within the four stages of the teaching and learning cycle which emphasises the ongoing and integrated nature of teaching and learning: Careers Curriculum Framework Workplace Learning Opportunities Student Support Group Career Action Plan Individual Learning Plan R U Ready Student Profile Parental Engagement DataPlan TeachAssess

27 Strengthened Pathways Planning There are a range of external organisations and agencies that provide valuable information and assistance to young people with disabilities who are transitioning from school to post-school options. These organisations such as Local Learning and Employment Networks can facilitate partnerships with local employers and external agencies, share information about possible pathways beyond school, and provide assistance to schools in sourcing work placements for young people with disabilities. The Strengthened Pathways Planning guidelines recommend that schools work closely with these organisations to maximise the opportunities available to young people with disabilities in their local community.

28 The student experience Joshua has an intellectual disability and attends a mainstream school Career Action Plan From Year 7 Joshua updates his Career Action Plan in class as part of the Victorian Careers Curriculum Framework. He identifies cooking and working with people as areas that interest him, and he aspires to be a contestant on a television cooking show. The learning goals identified by Joshua in his Career Action Plan are incorporated into his Individual Learning Plan. R U Ready Student Profile In Year 10 Joshua’s parents attend a Student Support Group meeting and complete the R U Ready Student Profile with his teachers. They identify Joshua’s strengths with interpersonal skills and following written instructions, but also a need for him to further develop his confidence with managing money. The school then prioritises the development of money management skills in Joshua’s Individual Learning Plan. In Year 11 and Year 12 they review and update his R U Ready Student Profile. Workplace learning opportunities In Year 10 the school liaises with a local Workplace Learning Coordinator to identify and negotiate work experience for Joshua at a local bakery. The experience motivates Joshua to strengthen his maths skills, which is prioritised in his Individual Learning Plan. Engaging Parents in Career Conversations (EPiCC) Framework From Year 7 the school discusses career options with Joshua’s parents in Student Support Group meetings. In Years 10 and 11 his parents attend careers workshops at school and learn about pathways to VET programs in hospitality and School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship programs. In Year 12 Joshua’s parents attend open days at the TAFE with Joshua and he enrols in a hospitality course for the following year.

29 Parent information Strengthened Pathways Planning for young people with disabilities – Parent Information provides advice for parents on careers and transition planning for young people with disabilities, and brings together information about Strengthened Pathways Planning in schools, and the broad range of options available to their children when they leave school.

30 Online information The Strengthened Pathways Planning teacher guidelines, parent information and customised resources are available at: s/Pages/disabilitypathways.aspx

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