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 Indo-European Migration  East of Fertile Crescent  From Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf.

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Presentation on theme: " Indo-European Migration  East of Fertile Crescent  From Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf."— Presentation transcript:


2  Indo-European Migration  East of Fertile Crescent  From Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf

3  Based on tolerance and diplomacy  Supported by strong military


5  Farmland  Minerals  Copper  Lead  Gold  Silver  Blue Lapis Lazuli

6  Kingdoms  Dozens in the region  Cyrus the Great unite into Empire

7  Size of Empire  East of Indus River  West of Anatolia Peninsula


9  550-539 BC conquered Empire  Military genius  Tolerant rule  Jews-Allowed to return to Jerusalem  Old Testament Appears  Conquer Egypt

10  Cyrus killed when he fought nomadic invaders  After his death, rulers had to unify the territories conquered by Cyrus

11  Conquered Egypt  Scorned Egypt’s religion  Rebellion occurred upon death

12  Noble in ruling class  Established organized government after revolt  Conquered large area for empire  Unable to conquer Greece


14  Divided into 20 Provinces  People practiced own religion  Kept local languages and laws

15  Type of government implemented  Organization of people who controlled the day to day working of the government

16  Absolute power to King  Satraps-Governor of a Province  Military Leaders  Tax Collectors  Inspectors-Eyes and Ears of King

17  Built System of Roads  Improved Communication  Improved Trade


19  Standardized value through empire  Promoted trade  Money economy-goods for money


21  1,677 miles  Ran from Susa in Persia to Sardis in Anatolia


23  EARLY PERSIAN RELIGION WITH A BELIEF IN THE FORCES OF GOOD AND EVIL  Zoroaster-Persian Prophet and Religious Reformer

24  Two Spirtual Armies  Ahura Mazda-Truth and Light  Ahriman-Evil and Darkness  All souls judged at end of time  Teachings similar to concepts in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam



27  Cultural legacy-preserved cultures  Developed system of tolerant government based on standard laws, coinage, and road building

28 Persian Empire vs. Assyrian Empire

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