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Welcome to Algebra IA Dickinson High School 281-229-6400 I. Materials Needed A. 3 ring binder B. Plenty of #2 Pencils C. Notebook Paper D. Composition.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Algebra IA Dickinson High School 281-229-6400 I. Materials Needed A. 3 ring binder B. Plenty of #2 Pencils C. Notebook Paper D. Composition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Algebra IA Dickinson High School 281-229-6400 I. Materials Needed A. 3 ring binder B. Plenty of #2 Pencils C. Notebook Paper D. Composition Book E. 1 box of Tissue F. Hand sanitizer G. Graph paper IV. Course Description Algebra IA is a semester course designed to explore algebraic topics including, but not limited to: Creating & using equations Formulas & Expressions Graphing functions Inequalities Students will explore data, graph both linear and quadratic equations, and apply analysis based on real world situations. This course is designed to use the graphing calculator to explore relationships of numbers and graphs. Students will also be prepared to take and be successful on the Math STAAR given at the end of the year. Student Signature: ____________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________ Parents email ________________________________ Parents Contact phone # ____________________ Teacher: Melanie Wegner Email: II. Notebook & Homework A. Composition books are essential. It will consist of your notes & vocabulary; it will serve as a resource in class. It will stay in class and be graded each 9 weeks. B. Algebra students will have homework every week. It is designed to ensure success for the tests. III. Absences & Tutorials A. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to make- up all work as soon as possible. B. Tutorials are offered every Monday, Tuesday & Thursday from 2:45-4:45 in the library. Bus service is available. Sign up in the counselors office. V. Classroom Expectations A. Prompt – Students need to be in their desk with supplies ready when the bell rings. B. Prepared – Students need to have proper supplies ( pencils, notebook, homework, etc.) C. Polite – Students will pay attention and not talk during instructions. Students will follow instructions. D. Participation – Students are required to participate by completing all work and answering questions in class. E. Practice – It is essential for students to practice what is learned in class. This is done through class work and homework.

2 Welcome to Algebra IA Dickinson High School 281-229-6560 I. Materials Needed A. 3 ring binder B. Plenty of #2 Pencils C. Notebook Paper D. Composition Book E. 1 box of Tissue F. Hand sanitizer G. Graph paper IV. Course Description Algebra IA is a semester course designed to explore algebraic topics including, but not limited to: Creating & using equations Formulas & Expressions Graphing functions Inequalities Students will explore data, graph both linear and quadratic equations, and apply analysis based on real world situations. This course is designed to use the graphing calculator to explore relationships of numbers and graphs. Students will also be prepared to take and be successful on the Math STAAR given at the end of the year. Student Signature: ____________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________ Parents email ________________________________ Parents Contact phone # ____________________ Teacher: Kathy Brown Email: II. Notebook & Homework A. Composition books are essential. It will consist of your notes & vocabulary; it will serve as a resource in class. It will stay in class and be graded each 9 weeks. B. Algebra students will have homework every week. It is designed to ensure success for the tests. III. Absences & Tutorials A. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to make- up all work as soon as possible. B. Tutorials are offered every Monday, Tuesday & Thursday from 2:45-4:45 in the library. Bus service is available. Sign up in the counselors office. V. Classroom Expectations A. Prompt – Students need to be in there desk with supplies ready when the bell rings. B. Prepared – Students need to have proper supplies ( pencils, notebook, homework, etc.) C. Polite – Students will pay attention and not talk during instructions. Students will follow instructions. D. Participation – Students are required to participate by completing all work and answering questions in class. E. Practice – It is essential for students to practice what is learned in class. This is done through class work and homework.

3 Welcome to Algebra 2-A Dickinson High School 281-229-6555 I. Materials Needed A. 3 ring binder B. Notebook Paper C. Plenty of #2 Pencils *EXTRA CREDIT* Box of Tissues Graph paper VI. TeachersRoomExtention M. Milutin K-2056522 L. HoningsK-2106587 D. CobenK-206 M. SaucedaB-1086451 K. Broom-Farias II. Notebook & Book Policy A. Notebooks are essential. It will consist of your notes & work; it will serve as a resource in this Algebra program. B. If student has access to internet, they can go online to access the textbook C. If student has no access then students will be allowed to check out a Textbook in the library III. Absences and Tutoring A. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to make-up all work as soon as possible B.Tutorials are offered every Tuesday & Thursday from 2:40 – 3:15 pm.. C.Lighted Windows/Open Doors in the library. Tuesday/Thursday 5- 8pm. IV. Course Description Algebra 2-A is a semester course designed to explore algebraic topics including, but not limited to: Functional relationships, (Linear, Quadratic) Two variable Inequalities Systems of linear equations, Matrices Inverse Functions, Square Root Functions Students will explore data, graph linear, quadratic, and square root equations, and apply analysis based on real world situations. This course is designed to use the graphing calculator to explore relationships of numbers and graphs. Students will also be prepared to take and be successful on the Math TAKS given in April, 2011. Teacher: Karyn Nemeth Email: V. Grades A. Minimum of 3 Tests every nine weeks – 50% B. Minimum of 3 Projects and Quizzes – 30% C. Daily Average – 20% {Includes In-class assignments, notebook, homework, calculator activities, computer lessons, etc}

4 Welcome to Algebra 2-B Dickinson High School 281-229-6400 Room: K-206 Extension: 6536 I. Materials Needed A. Binder or folder B. Notebook Paper C. Plenty of #2 Pencils II. Notebook & Book Policy A. Notebooks are essential. It will consist of your notes & work; it will serve as a resource in this Algebra program. B. If student has access to internet, they can go online to access the textbook C. If student has no access then students will be allowed to check out a Textbook in the library III. Absences A. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to make-up all work as soon as possible! B. Tutorials are offered every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30-3:15 pm. The library will be open every Tuesday and Thursday for tutorials from 5 – 8pm.. V. Grades A. Minimum of 3 Tests every nine weeks – 50% B. Minimum of 3 Projects and Quizzes – 30% C. Daily Average – 20% {Includes In-class assignments, notebook, homework, calculator activities, etc.} Student Signature: ____________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________ Teacher: Lorae Honings Email: IV. Course Description Algebra 2-B is a semester course designed to explore algebraic topics including, but not limited to: Inverse Functions Square Root Functions Irrational Functions Conics Students will explore data, graph equations, and apply analysis based on real world situations. This course is designed to use the graphing calculator to explore relationships of numbers and graphs. Students will also be prepared to take and be successful on the Math TAKS given on April, 2010. VI.TeachersRoomExtention K. NemethK-203 6555 M. MilutinK-205 6522 C. RamirezB106 6488 L. LamarB102 6554 K. BroomK213 6449 S. NevesK206 6439 L. HoningsK210 6587

5 Welcome to Geometry A Dickinson High School 281-229-6400 I. Materials Needed A.Braded folder with pockets B.Notebook Paper C.Plenty of #2 Pencils D.Map pencils 12 pack E.Box of Tissues VI. TeachersRoomExtention L. Lamar J-2036554 S. OrtizJ-2076553 D. PiersonK-2046575 E. RicicarJ-201 L. SaenzK-2076423 K. ThorneK-2026459 N. SoleimaniJ-2066560 II. Notebook & Book Policy A. Notebooks are essential. It will consist of your notes & work; it will serve as a resource in this Geometry program. B. If student has access to internet, they can go online to access the textbook C. If student has no access then students will be allowed to check out a Textbook in the library III. Absences A. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to make-up all work as soon as possible B. Ask your teacher about Perfect Attendance Awards. IV. Course Description Geometry A is a semester course designed to explore topics including, but not limited to: Review of basic concepts Geometric thinking and spatial reasoning Geometric figures and their properties The relationship between geometry, and other mathematics and other disciplines. Tools for geometric thinking Underlying mathematical processes Students will also be prepared to take and be successful on the Math TAKS given on April, 2008. Student Signature: ____________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________ Teacher: ____Mrs. Ortiz___________ Email: V. Grades A. Minimum of 2 Tests every six weeks – 50% B. Minimum of 4 Projects and Quizzes – 30% C. Daily Average – 20% {Includes In-class assignments, notebook, homework, calculator activities, etc.}

6 Welcome to Geometry B Dickinson High School 281-229-6400 Ext. 6536 I. Materials Needed A.3-ring binder (1 in) B.Spiral C.Plenty of #2 Pencils D.Map pencils 12 pack E.Box of Tissues VI. TeachersRoomExtention D. PiersonK-2046575 II. Notebook & Book Policy A We will be using the 3- ring binder to build a portfolio. B. Classroom sets of books will be used. If student has access to internet, they can go online to access the textbook __________________________ C. If student has no access then students will be allowed to check out a Textbook in the library III. Absences A. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to make-up all work as soon as possible IV. Course Description Geometry B is a semester course designed to explore topics including, but not limited to: Review of basic concepts Geometric thinking and spatial reasoning Geometric figures and their properties The relationship between geometry, and other mathematics and other disciplines. Tools for geometric thinking Underlying mathematical processes Students will also be prepared to take and be successful on the Math TAKS given on April, 2010. Student Signature: ____________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________ Teacher: Christina Hurtado Email: V. Grades A. Minimum of 3 Tests every nine weeks – 50% B. Minimum 4 Quizzes – 30% C. Daily Average – 20% {Includes In-class assignments, homework, calculator activities, etc.}

7 Welcome to Algebra 2-A Pre-AP Dickinson High School 281-229-6400 I. Materials Needed A. 3-Ring Binder (1½ in) B. Notebook Paper C. Plenty of #2 Pencils D. Box of Tissues VI. TeachersRoomExtention K. Baklashev J-2026549 K. Broom K-2046554 M. Milutin K-2056522 II. Notebook & Book Policy A. Notebooks are essential. It will consist of your notes & work; it will serve as a resource in this Algebra program. B. If student has access to internet, they can go online to access the textbook __________________________ C. If student has no access to the internet then students will be allowed to check out a Textbook in the library III. Absences A. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to make-up all work as soon as possible B. Ask your teacher about Perfect Attendance Awards. V. Grades A. Minimum of 2 Tests every six weeks – 60% B. Minimum of 4 Projects and Quizzes – 30% C. Daily Average – 10% {Includes In-class assignments, notebook, homework, calculator activities, etc.} IV. Course Description Algebra 2-A Pre-AP is a semester course designed to explore algebraic topics including, but not limited to: Functional relationships, (Linear, Quadratic) Two variable Inequalities Systems of linear equations, Matrices Inverse Functions, Square Root Functions Students will explore data, graph linear, quadratic, and square root equations, and apply analysis based on real world situations. This course is designed to use the graphing calculator to explore relationships of numbers and graphs. Students will also be prepared to take and be successful on the Math TAKS given on April, 2007. Student Signature: ____________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________ Teacher: __________________________ Email: ____________________________

8 Welcome to Pre-Calculus Pre-AP Dickinson High School 281-229-6522 I. Materials Needed A. 3-Ring Binder (1½ in) B. Notebook/Graph Paper C. Plenty of #2 Pencils **Extra Credit** Box of Tissues Graph Paper VI.TeachersRoomExtention C. HurtadoJ-2086536 M. MilutinK-2056522 II. Notebook & Book Policy A. Notebooks are essential and most be in class each day. B. Textbooks will be issued through the library. __________________________ III. Absences A. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to make-up all work as soon as possible B.Tutorials are offered every Tuesday & Thursday from 2:40 – 3:15 pm. C.Lighted Windows/Open Doors in library. Tuesday/Thursday 5:00 – 8:00pm V. Grades A. Minimum of 3 Tests every nine weeks – 60% B. Minimum of 3 Projects and Quizzes – 30% C. Daily Average – 10% {Includes In-class assignments, notebook, homework, calculator activities, etc.} IV. Course Description Pre-Calculus is a year course designed to explore topics including, but not limited to: Factoring & Complex Fractions Polynomial, Power, & Rational Functions & Graphs Exponential, Logistic, & Logarithmic Functions Trigonometric Functions Analytic Trigonometry Conics An Introduction to Calculus: Limits, Derivatives, & Integrals Students will also be prepared to take and be recognized as commended on the Math TAKS given in April, 2011. Teacher: Margaret Milutin Email:

9 Welcome to Pre-Calculus Dickinson High School 281-229-6587 I. Materials Needed A. 3-Ring Binder (1½ in) B. Notebook paper C. Plenty of #2 Pencils D. 4 function calculator *EXTRA CREDIT * Box of tissues Graph paper VI. TeachersRoomExtention L. HoningsK-2026587 K. NemethK-2046555 II. Notebook Policy A. Notebooks are essential and most be in class each and every day. __________________________ III. Absences A. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to make-up all work as soon as possible B.Tutorials are offered every Tuesday & Thursday from 2:40 – 3:15 pm.. C.Open Windows/Lighted Doors in the library every Tuesday and Thursday 5- 8pm. V. Grades A. Minimum of 3 Tests every nine weeks – 50% B. Minimum of 3 Projects and Quizzes – 30% C. Daily Average – 20% {Includes In-class assignments, notebook, homework, calculator activities, etc.} IV. Course Description Pre-Calculus is a year course designed to explore topics including, but not limited to: Graphical, Numerical, and Algebraic Modeling of Functions Problem Solving Conceptual Understanding With Emphasis of Technology Students will also be prepared to take and be recognized as commended on the Math TAKS given on April, 2011. Teacher: Lorae Honings Email:

10 Welcome to Geometry A Pre-AP Dickinson High School 281-229-6400 I.Materials Needed A.Notebook Paper B.Pencils C.Colored Pens II. Extra Credit A.Graph paper B.Note cards III. Absences A. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to make-up all work as soon as possible VI. Grades A. Minimum of 3 Tests every 9-weeks – 50% B. Minimum of 4 Quizzes every 9-weeks– 30% C. Daily Average – 10% D. Benchmark – 10% V. Course Description Geometry A Pre-AP is a semester course designed to explore topics including, but not limited to: Review of basic concepts Geometric thinking and spatial reasoning Geometric figures and their properties The relationship between geometry, and other mathematics and other disciplines. Tools for geometric thinking Underlying mathematical processes Students will also be prepared to take and be successful on the Math TAKS given on April, 2011. Student Signature: ____________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________ Teacher: __________________________ Email: ____________________________ VII. TeachersRoomExtention D. PiersonK-2046575 L. SaenzK-2076423 IV.Tutorials Tues./Thurs. 2:30-3:15 Lighted Windows/ Open Doors Tues./Thurs. 5-8 PM Additional times by teacher listed on their website.

11 Welcome to Math Models A Dickinson High School 281-229-6400 I. Materials Needed A. 1 in. 3-Ring Binder B. Plenty of #2 Pencils C. Notebook Paper D. Protractor E. Graph Paper V. Grades A. Minimum of 3 Tests every nine weeks – 50% B. Minimum of 4 Projects and Quizzes – 30% C. Daily Average – 20% {Includes In-class assignments, notebook, homework, calculator activities, computer lessons, etc} IV. Course Description Math Models A is a semester course designed to explore Geometric topics including, but not limited to: Probability Interpret Graphs Solve for unknown values given Geometric Properties Students will explore data, graph both linear and quadratic equations, and apply analysis based on real world situations. This course is designed to use the graphing calculator to explore relationships of numbers and graphs. Students will also be prepared to take and be successful on the Math TAKS given on April, 2011. Student Signature: ____________________________ Parent Signature: _________________________ Teacher: Mrs. Ortiz Email: II. Notebook & Book Policy A. Notebooks are essential. It will consist of your notes & work; it will serve as a resource in this Math program. __________________________ B. Students will be supplied a book when necessary during class. III. Absences A. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to make-up all work as soon as possible B. Ask your teacher about Perfect Attendance Awards. VI. TeachersRoomExtention S. Ortiz B-1046553 S. GauseB-1016549 L. LamarB-1026554

12 Welcome to Math Models B Dickinson High School 281-229-6449 Teacher: Mrs. Kati Farias Email: Materials Needed A. Plenty of #2 Pencils B. Spiral (for notes) C. Graphing calculator Rules and Procedures A. Have at least 2 pencils sharpened before tardy bell rings B. Be in seat when tardy the bell rings C. Follow directions first time given D. RESPECT others, their possessions and space E. Follow all rules as stated in Student Handbook Notebook (Spiral) A. Notebooks are essential. They will serve as your textbook and resource in this TAKS program. B. Students are expected to take notes: ** Note quizzes will given Absences A. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to make-up all work as soon as possible B. If you miss a test, you will need to make it up before or after-school or by appointment Grades A. Minimum of 3 Tests every nine weeks – 50% B. Minimum of 3 Projects and Quizzes – 30% C. Daily Average – 20% {Includes In-class assignments, notebook, homework, calculator activities, computer lessons, etc} RE-Test Dates: March 4, 2010 April 28, 2010 Student Signature: ____________________________ Parent Signature: ______________________________

13 Welcome to Algebra I-A Dickinson High School 281-229-6400 I. Materials Needed A. 1 in. 3-Ring Binder B. Plenty of #2 Pencils C. Notebook Paper D. Dividers E. Calculator (TI-83) {optional} II. Notebook & Book Policy A. Notebooks are essential. It will consist of your notes & work; it will serve as a resource in this Algebra program. B. If student has access to internet, they can go online to access the textbook __________________________ C. If student has no access then students will be allowed to check out a Textbook in the library III. Absences A. In the event you are absent, it is your responsibility to make-up all work as soon as possible B. Ask your teacher about Perfect Attendance Awards. C. Tutorials are offered every Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30-3:15. The library will be open every Tuesday and Thursday for tutorials. IV. Course Description Algebra I-A is a semester course designed to explore algebraic topics including, but not limited to: Creating & using equations Formulas & Expressions Graphing functions Inequalities Students will explore data, graph both linear and quadratic equations, and apply analysis based on real world situations. This course is designed to use the graphing calculator to explore relationships of numbers and graphs. Students will also be prepared to take and be successful on the Math TAKS given in April, 2009. V. Grades A. Minimum of 2 Tests every six weeks – 50% B. Minimum of 4 Projects and Quizzes – 30% C. Daily Average – 20% {Includes In-class assignments, notebook, homework, calculator activities, computer lessons, etc} VI. TeachersRoomExtention L. Honings K-2106587 M. Milutin K-2056522 C. RamirezK-2096488 N. SoleimaniJ-2066560 Teacher: ____________________ Email: ______________________

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