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IDOP Canada. More Than Conquerors International Day of Prayer - Acts 12:5 Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God.

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Presentation on theme: "IDOP Canada. More Than Conquerors International Day of Prayer - Acts 12:5 Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God."— Presentation transcript:

1 IDOP Canada

2 More Than Conquerors

3 International Day of Prayer - Acts 12:5 Peter was therefore kept in prison, but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church. Acts 12:5

4 The Power of Intercession Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words.” Daniel 10:12

5 The Reason for Intercession Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:27

6 Intercession for Persecuted Christians: The Four Focus Nations Bangladesh in South Asia Myanmar (Burma)in South East Asia Saudi Arabia in the Middle East Somalia in Africa

7 Bangladesh GOVERNMENT Parliamentary democracy. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Official religious freedom, threatened by Islamic pressure.

8 Bangladesh - Background Islam was declared the state religion in 1988. There are also Hindu, nominal Christians and tribal groups practicing a blend of various religious beliefs. Half the population is under the age of 16. Bangladesh is one of the world’s poorest nations, suffering from gross overpopulation and periodic natural disasters.

9 Bangladesh - Persecution Persecution of Christian workers and national missionaries is common in Bangladesh, particularly in rural areas. Small extremist groups have been known to kidnap, kill and torture individuals and attack churches.

10 Bangladesh - Please Pray Please pray for political stability and for the power and peace of God to become evident in the political, religious, social and ethnic realms. Pray for openness to the Gospel despite the increased Islamist propaganda, violence and threat of imposition of Sharia (Islamic) Law. Pray for encouragement and protection of Christians in ministry.

11 Myanmar GOVERNMENT Republic, military regime. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Restricted. Theoretically freedom of religion, but much discrimination against Christians.

12 Myanmar - Background Buddhism is strongly entrenched in this nation along with animist, astrological and occult practices. The government is a brutal military dictatorship. The country has been in turmoil since 1942 and has never known democracy or freedom. Its rulers have impoverished its people both economically and socially.

13 Myanmar - Persecution To marginalize the Christians and prevent them from spreading the Gospel, government officials hinder Christians in their travel and ministry. Local persecution also comes from militant Buddhist monks.

14 Myanmar - Please Pray Pray for Buddhist monks, many of whom are open to receiving the Gospel. Pray for government officials to encounter the Living God, and to cease hindering Christians and the spread of the gospel. Pray also for the nominal and liberal Christians who often oppose the evangelical Christians and the evangelical message.

15 Saudi Arabia GOVERNMENT Monarchy. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Virtually none. Non-Muslims forbidden to worship publicly. Evangelism severely punished.

16 Saudi Arabia - Background Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy and an Islamic state committed to the role of the custodian of Islam and its holiest sites. Enormous oil wealth has made it a prosperous nation able to export billions of dollars in aid around the world to propagate Islam. Saudi Arabia has one of the worst human rights records in the world. All religions other than Islam are prohibited in Saudi Arabia. It is one of the least evangelized nations on earth.

17 Saudi Arabia - Persecution Saudis who confess Christ face the death penalty if discovered. Many expatriate Christians working in the country are persecuted, jailed and even killed for practicing their religion, which is illegal.

18 Saudi Arabia - Please Pray Pray for secret Saudi believers, for their lives and for a change in the nation for freedom of expression and religion. Pray for the Saudi nation, that freedom and the Gospel will have its day in Saudi Arabia. Pray for Christians who are currently in Saudi jails.

19 Somalia GOVERNMENT Transitional national government, but much anarchy. RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Restricted.

20 Somalia - Background Somalia is considered the most lawless country in the world. It is divided and ruled by local tribal warlords, a situation which has led to famine, constant fighting, and internally displaced peoples. No real economy exists. Islam is the official religion.

21 Somalia - Persecution What is left of the small Somali church – maybe a few thousand believers – is now underground. Strong prejudices against Christianity exist, as does almost certain persecution of any believer who may venture to share their faith.

22 Somalia - Please Pray Pray for a restoration of a national government to control and bring order to the country. Pray for foreign aid workers and for the ministry of Christ to the peoples in the refugee camps. Pray for the hidden underground Christian believers remaining in Somalia for opportunities to witness.

23 Thank you for praying Thank you for praying for the Persecuted Church

24 IDOP Canada

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