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Secondary Faces of Six countries. Six people. Ditosa Mozambique.

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2 Secondary Faces of

3 Six countries. Six people.

4 Ditosa Mozambique

5 Bolivia Raymundo

6 Salma Bangladesh

7 Cambodia Vannak

8 Judy Australia Bernard

9 Papua New Guinea Rollen

10 “We work towards a brighter and more humane world so as to open doors into the future.” Pope Benedict XVI

11 Ditosa Mozambique Ditosa’s community is just one of many being helped by your support for Caritas Australia.

12 Ditosa lives in Matuba, an extremely poor community, where many children have lost one or both of their parents to HIV/AIDS.

13 At the Matuba Children’s Centre, Ditosa and other children like her are able to learn: Computer skills Craft skills Carpentry Jewellery-making How to raise chickens The children also receive extra help for homework.

14 Caritas Chokwe has also provided a water pump. Pipes take clean water to two taps in the village.

15 One of the taps is 500m from Ditosa’s house, greatly reducing her journey to collect water.

16 The water is also used to irrigate the Centre’s vegetable garden where the children grow produce to eat and sell. The money is used to pay for food, medicines, school uniforms and transport for older students.

17 The support Ditosa and her family, as well as the other children and their families, receive from the Centre is a lifeline for them all.

18 When you support Project Compassion, Caritas Australia uses the money to help communities in more than 30 countries. By demonstrating a hope held firm in LOVE, we find courage to take ACTION and bring HOPE to others...

19 Raymundo was one of the many children in Bolivia who work to help support their families. They are often exploited. Thanks to Caritas Australia’s partners, he and other children like him are now living more positive lives.

20 Pregnant mums in remote communities in Bangladesh lived with constant worries. Newly- trained community midwives are helping women like Salma to be healthy and look after their babies.

21 “Real solidarity begins when it is no longer a matter of we and they.” Fr. Albert Nolan, O.P.

22 Vannak learnt how to do silk screen printing and is now a team leader at the Youth Empowerment Project, helping disadvantaged young people to find their way to a brighter future.

23 Caritas Australia’s partners at Red Dust Healing helped Bernard overcome his grief and anger at losing his mother. He has also reconnected with his Aboriginal roots.

24 “There must be made available to all... everything necessary for leading a life truly human, such as food, clothing, and shelter... the right to education, to employment.” Pope Paul VI, Gaudium et Spes 26

25 Rollen achieved her life-long dream of studying through the encouragement of one of Caritas Australia’s partner organisations, Mercy Works. She gained important life skills and learnt how to achieve her goals.

26 The Glory of God is a human being…...fully alive. Saint Irenaeus

27 Prayer Lord, We pray that, in knowing your love, we will find courage to take action and bring hope to others; We thank you for the Caritas Australia partners around the world who are helping children, young people and communities to open doors: into education, sustainable livelihoods, affordable healthcare and into places of safety and support; We ask that, as a result, they will be a sign of hope for a better future. We make this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

28 Join us in Project Compassion: Let’s work together for justice and a brighter world.


30 Picture credits Mozambique: Erin Johnson Bolivia: Richard Wainwright Bangladesh:Majed Chowdhury Cambodia:Philong Sovan Australia:Rob Maccoll PNG:Fr Philip Gibbs


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