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How to extend and configure Drupal without user interaction or database dump By Damien Snoeck for Switzerland Romandy Drupal Group January 27, 2010 Work.

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Presentation on theme: "How to extend and configure Drupal without user interaction or database dump By Damien Snoeck for Switzerland Romandy Drupal Group January 27, 2010 Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to extend and configure Drupal without user interaction or database dump By Damien Snoeck for Switzerland Romandy Drupal Group January 27, 2010 Work done with Jeff Trudeau

2 Key Points Pros and Cons Development environment and tools Custom modules Features module

3 Pros and Cons + Ease the production server update + No database dump + No SQL diff + No core files in your code repository + Fast deployment - Need a lot of more time !

4 Files Structure

5 Dev tools Drush: command line tool sh tools/drush -c files/drushrc.php make files/Makefile drupal/ Drush Make: drush extension core = 6.x projects[] = drupal projects[drupal] = 6.15 # Advanced help projects[] = advanced_help projects[advanced_help][subdir] = "contrib" projects[advanced_help][version] = 1.2

6 Drupal Install Script 1. Reset Environment 2. Download and extract drush and drush make 3. Run drush make to create environment 4. Create symbolic links between drupal~ and drupal 5. Apply local patches 6. Other initialization tasks

7 Custom Modules Base module Define dependencies Setting Drupal variables Adding new language Use custom theme Enable/Disable default blocks Translation files *.fr.po

8 Comparison 1.Administer › User management › User settings › uncheck Require e-mail verification 2.Administer › Site configuration › Languages › Add language 3.Administer › Site Bulding › Theme › Enable theme 4.Administer › Site Bulding › Blocks › Configure a block 1. variable_set('user_email_verification', FALSE); 2. locale_add_language('fr', 'French', 'Français'); 3. global $custom_theme; $custom_theme = 'mmio_base'; 4. drupal_write_record('blocks', array('bid'=>18, 'pages'=>'admin*', visibility=>1), 'bid');

9 Custom Menu Module Use of hook_menu() $items['companies'] = array( 'title' => 'Companies', 'description' => 'List of companies', 'menu_name' => 'en-menu1', 'access arguments' => array('access content'), 'page callback' => 'companies', 'weight' => 0, 'options' => array( 'attributes' => array('title' => 'Companies'), 'langcode' => 'en' ), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, 'file' => '', );

10 Features Module Can be exported as module: Content type (with image presets) Permissions Views Dependencies Feeds Integration with Drush

11 Live Demo

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