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6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 1 A. Focusing on the Leaders B. How Jesus.

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Presentation on theme: "6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 1 A. Focusing on the Leaders B. How Jesus."— Presentation transcript:

1 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 1 A. Focusing on the Leaders B. How Jesus Grew Leaders 1. Praying 2. Calling 3. Appointing 4. Mentoring 5. Sending C. More on Mentoring B. How Jesus Grew Leaders 1. Praying 2. Calling 3. Appointing 4. Mentoring 5. Sending C. More on Mentoring

2 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 2 Core Congregation Crowd Jesus focused on the few in order to reach the many. Jesus focused on the few in order to reach the many. A. Focusing on the Leaders

3 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 3 Calls Disciples in Galilee of the Nations Calls Disciples in Galilee of the Nations The Crowds Follow The Crowds Condemn Commissions Disciples in Galilee of the Nations Commissions Disciples in Galilee of the Nations Jesus Disciples the Disciples Jesus Disciples the Disciples A. Focusing on the Leaders

4 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 4 Matt. 13:33 “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it filled the dough.” 1Cor. 5:6 “Don’t you know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?” Matt. 13:33 “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it filled the dough.” 1Cor. 5:6 “Don’t you know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?” A. Focusing on the Leaders

5 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 5 Planted by StreamBearing Fruit Prospers Everything KnowingLovingDoing CommunionCommunityCommission MaryMartha Take Root BelowBear Fruit AboveIsaiah 37:31 A. Focusing on the Leaders

6 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 6 Mark 3:13 Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him Mark 3:14 He appointed twelve — designating them apostles — that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach. B. How Jesus Grew Leaders

7 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 7 5. Sending 4. Mentoring 3. Appointing 2. Calling 1. Praying 5. Sending 4. Mentoring 3. Appointing 2. Calling 1. Praying B. How Jesus Grew Leaders

8 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 8 Mark 3:13 Jesus went up on a mountainside Luke 6:12 And it was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God. Just as Jesus went up to the mountain to pray, we need to prepare ourselves by close communion with God. Mark 3:13 Jesus went up on a mountainside Luke 6:12 And it was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God. Just as Jesus went up to the mountain to pray, we need to prepare ourselves by close communion with God. 1. Praying

9 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 9 We must spend time up on the mountain with Jesus. We must spend time up on the mountain with Jesus. 1. Praying

10 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 10 Mark 3:13 and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him There is a great need of being a channel through which God calls others to join you in the process of spiritual growth. Core groups are formed to manage the ministry rather than the people. Mark 3:13 and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him There is a great need of being a channel through which God calls others to join you in the process of spiritual growth. Core groups are formed to manage the ministry rather than the people. 2. Calling

11 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 11 Mark 3:14 He appointed twelve — designating them apostles The appointing process should be a deeply meaningful spiritual experience which is highlighted by a well-thought out rite of passage. Mark 3:14 He appointed twelve — designating them apostles The appointing process should be a deeply meaningful spiritual experience which is highlighted by a well-thought out rite of passage. 3. Appointing

12 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 12 2Timothy 1:6 For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 3. Appointing

13 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 13 Mark 3:14 that they might be with him 4. Mentoring

14 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 14 Desire of Ages, 249 The apostles were members of the family of Jesus, and they had accompanied Him as He traveled on foot through Galilee. They had shared with Him the toils and hardships that overtook them. They had listened to His discourses, they had walked and talked with the Son of God, and from His daily instruction they had learned how to work for the elevation of humanity. 4. Mentoring

15 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 15 Mark 3:14 and that he might send them out to preach. The sending process should be a deeply meaningful spiritual experience which is highlighted by a well-thought out rite of passage. Mark 3:14 and that he might send them out to preach. The sending process should be a deeply meaningful spiritual experience which is highlighted by a well-thought out rite of passage. 5. Sending

16 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 16 Communion 1. Praying 2. Calling 3. Appointing Communion 1. Praying 2. Calling 3. Appointing Communion Community Commission Community 4. Mentoring Community 4. Mentoring Commission 5. Sending Commission 5. Sending Summary

17 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 17 Discuss what you have learned about the Biblical basis of core groups. Discussion

18 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 18 J. Robert Clinton and Paul Stanley, Connecting “Mentoring is a relational experience through which one person empowers another by sharing God-given resources” (1992:12). Who pastors the pastor? The importance of influences to “finish well.” J. Robert Clinton and Paul Stanley, Connecting “Mentoring is a relational experience through which one person empowers another by sharing God-given resources” (1992:12). Who pastors the pastor? The importance of influences to “finish well.” C. More on Mentoring

19 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 19 A mentor reproduces their life experience to another in order to facilitate mutual spiritual growth. Passive Occasional Intensive Model Historical hero Inspirational Model Historical hero Inspirational Teacher/Leader Timely Advice Knowledge Experience Teacher/Leader Timely Advice Knowledge Experience Discipler/Coach Accountability Maturity Motivation/Skills Discipler/Coach Accountability Maturity Motivation/Skills Attraction Responsiveness Accountability C. More on Mentoring

20 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 20 “Discipling is a relational process in which a more experienced follower of Christ shares with a newer believer the commitment, understanding and basic skills necessary to know and obey Jesus Christ as Lord” (1992:48). “Coaching is a relational process in which a mentor, who knows how to do something well, imports those skills to a mentoree who wants to learn them” (1992:79). “Discipling is a relational process in which a more experienced follower of Christ shares with a newer believer the commitment, understanding and basic skills necessary to know and obey Jesus Christ as Lord” (1992:48). “Coaching is a relational process in which a mentor, who knows how to do something well, imports those skills to a mentoree who wants to learn them” (1992:79). C. More on Mentoring

21 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 21 “The central thrust of a Counselor [Mentor] is timely advice and impartial perspective on the mentoree’s view of self, others, circumstances and ministry” (1992:89). Encouragement Soundboard Major evaluation Perspective Encouragement Soundboard Major evaluation Perspective Specific Advice Linking Major guidance Inner healing Specific Advice Linking Major guidance Inner healing C. More on Mentoring

22 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 22 “A growing leader needs a relational network that embraces mentors, peers and emerging leaders in order to ensure development and a healthy perspective on his or her life and ministry” (1992:159). Leader Upward Downward Internal External “As iron sharpens iron so one sharpens another” (Pr. 27:17). C. More on Mentoring

23 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 23 The 10 Commandments of Mentoring 1. Establish mentoring 2. Agree on Purpose 3. Determine regularity 4. Agree on accountability 5. Set up communication 1. Establish mentoring 2. Agree on Purpose 3. Determine regularity 4. Agree on accountability 5. Set up communication 6. Confidentiality 7. Set life cycle 8. Evaluate relationship 9. Modify expectations 10. Bring closure 6. Confidentiality 7. Set life cycle 8. Evaluate relationship 9. Modify expectations 10. Bring closure The Goal: “To finish well” Paul made it to Rome! The Goal: “To finish well” Paul made it to Rome! C. More on Mentoring

24 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 24 Elder Jim Zackrison 1. Called me to White Memorial Church 2. Recommended me for Administrator 3. I invited him to give church growth lecture 4. The Great Commission model meetings 5. Teacher, counselor, friend 6. Recommended me to AIIAS 1. Called me to White Memorial Church 2. Recommended me for Administrator 3. I invited him to give church growth lecture 4. The Great Commission model meetings 5. Teacher, counselor, friend 6. Recommended me to AIIAS C. More on Mentoring

25 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 25 South Bay Ministry Group 1. Group of eight pastors in one area 2. Met in a different church every other month 3. Met in a pastor’s home every other month 4. Encouraged and listened to one another 1. Group of eight pastors in one area 2. Met in a different church every other month 3. Met in a pastor’s home every other month 4. Encouraged and listened to one another C. More on Mentoring Discipleship Group 1. Chose eight pastors to meet monthly 2. Shared ministry concerns and ideas 1. Chose eight pastors to meet monthly 2. Shared ministry concerns and ideas

26 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 26 Dr. Doug Nies 1. SDA psychologist 2. Coach and consultant 3. Making mid-career change 4. Met two or three times a month 1. SDA psychologist 2. Coach and consultant 3. Making mid-career change 4. Met two or three times a month C. More on Mentoring Elder Greg Schaller 1. Coach and consultant 2. Started the accountability process 1. Coach and consultant 2. Started the accountability process

27 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 27 5T 255: The work done thoroughly for one soul is done for many. C. More on Mentoring

28 6. Growing Leadership in the City Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 Urban Church Ministry AIIAS July, 2004 28 Discuss how mentors have helped you or how you have helped others. Discussion

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