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Chapter 12 Notes Manifest Destiny 1818-1853.

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1 Chapter 12 Notes Manifest Destiny

2 The Oregon Country Rivalry in the Northwest
1) Area between Pacific Ocean & Rocky Mountains (north of California) 2) 4 Nations claim it – U.S., Spain, Great Britain, & Russia A. Adams-Onis Treaty 1) Spanish only claim to N. border of California 2) British & U.S. agree to joint occupation of Oregon Country B. Mountain Men 1) First Americans in Oregon were fur traders 2) Most spent time in Rocky Mtns. Trapping beavers 3) Robert Stuart & Jedediah Smith – found South Pass that later became main route to Oregon

3 Jedediah Smith’s Explorations to the West

4 Oregon & Manifest Destiny
* Many Americans believed God gave entire continent to us & wanted us to settle the west A. The Oregon Trail 1) Early 1840s – “Oregon Fever” hit 2) Wanted to escape the hard times of the Panic of – for fertile land in Oregon B. Manifest Destiny 1) Many Americans felt we needed to spread our freedom & democracy across entire continent 2) John O’Sullivan (N.Y. newspaper editor) credited with the phrase Manifest Destiny 3) Destined – set apart by God to expand to Pacific Ocean 4) 1846 – British & U.S. compromise & set Oregon boundary line at 49 degrees lat.

5 Independence for Texas
A Clash of Cultures 1) Disagreement between U.S. & Spain – was present day TX part of Louisiana Purchase? A. Land Grants 1) Large areas of land were given away for settlement in TX 2) Stephen F. Austin led this settlement in 1821 3) To receive this land, settlers had to agree to learn Spanish, convert to Catholic religion, & obey Mexican law B. Growing Tensions 1) most settlers in TX were from U.S. 2) Hadn’t adopted Mexican ways 3) Mexican govt. sets official border between TX & U.S. 4) Wouldn’t allow trade with U.S. & U.S. citizens no longer allowed to settle in TX

6 1) Texas joins Union in 1845 The Struggle for Independence
A. The Battle of the Alamo 1) Mission building in San Antonio 2) Brave leaders: Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, & William Travis 3) Lasted for 12 days – Mexicans finally killed all defenders 4) Even in defeat, they bring Texans together & buy time to gather supplies B. Texas Declares its Independence 1) Declared Independence on March 2, – Republic of Texas C. Lone Star Republic 1) Sam Houston elected Pres. of TX 2) Asks to be annexed by U.S. – refused to keep slave & free state power equal D. Road to Statehood 1) Texas joins Union in 1845 Sam Houston

7 War with Mexico The New Mexico Territory
* Area that included present day New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, & Nevada * Americans used Santa Fe Trail to trade with Mexico & eventually settled in the region California’s Spanish Culture * 1821 – California became a state of the Mexican nation * 1840s – American starting to settle & wanted it as part of our nation (manifest destiny) War with Mexico * Pres. Polk wants war with Mexico so we can gain California Santa Fe Trail

8 A. Conflict Begins 1) War with Mexico is declared on May 11, Fighting begins for California, & Texas B. Polk’s War Plan 1) Secure TX border 2) Seize California & New Mexico 3) Capture Mexico City (capital of Mexico) C. The Bear Flag Republic 1) July 1846, U.S. Navy captured the ports of San Francisco & Monterey 2) By Jan – California is fully controlled by America D. Capture of Mexico City 1) Mexican govt. surrenders in 1847

9 E. United States Expands
1) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo – signed in 1848 a) Mexico gives up TX & agrees to Rio Grande Border 2) Mexican Cession: a) Mexico sells California & New Mexico to U.S. for $15 million. 3) Gadsden Purchase: a) Strip of land south of Arizona & New Mexico b) Brings U.S. mainland to present day size

10 California & Utah California Gold Rush 2) 80% of 49ers were American
* Gold discovered in 1848 – people come from all over the world 1) Arrived in 1849 – known as 49ers 2) 80% of 49ers were American A. Life in California 1) Due to the “gold rush”, cities exploded over night – becoming known as Boomtowns 2) Gold rush doubled world’s supply of gold 3) Very few miners found wealth – but boomtown merchants did 4) One example was Levi Strauss (Levi jeans)

11 A Religious Refuge in Utah
B. Economic & Political Progress 1) Many miners stayed to run businesses – population grew rapidly 2) Californian’s then wrote a constitution & applied for statehood in 1850 3) Banned slavery – southern states wouldn’t support until a compromise was reached later in 1850 A Religious Refuge in Utah A. A Haven in the Desert 1) Mormon migration begins in 1846 2) Largest single migration in American history (12,000 people) 3) Made life in the desert flourish through hard work & dedication 4) Utah does not become a state until 1896 (known as Deseret) Brigham Young

12 CH.12 VOCAB CONT. 5. Annex- To add a territory to one’s own territory
6. Decree- An order given by one in authority

13 CH. 12 VOCABULARY 1. Joint Occupation- The possession & settling of an area by two or more countries 2. Rendezvous- A meeting 3. Mountain Man- A frontiersman living in the mountain wilderness 4. Manifest Destiny- Idea popular in U.S. during 1800’s that the country must expand its boundaries to the Pacific

14 Ch. 12 Vocab #2 Forty-niner- People who arrived in California in 1849 to search for gold Boomtowns- New communities built over night in California during the gold rush Vigilantes- Groups formed by citizens that would act as police, judges, and sometimes executioners Californios- Mexicans who lived in California


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