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Real Living. Our Prayers “Help us to live better in the future than we have in the past” 1. Phil.4:12, how to live 2. 1 Th.4:1, ought to live Most don’t.

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Presentation on theme: "Real Living. Our Prayers “Help us to live better in the future than we have in the past” 1. Phil.4:12, how to live 2. 1 Th.4:1, ought to live Most don’t."— Presentation transcript:

1 Real Living

2 Our Prayers “Help us to live better in the future than we have in the past” 1. Phil.4:12, how to live 2. 1 Th.4:1, ought to live Most don’t make it – Mt.7:13-14 What motivates real living?

3 I. ETERNAL SOUL (timeless treasure) I. ETERNAL SOUL (timeless treasure)

4 We care about expensive items Mt.10:28  “Soul” in contrast to “body”  Soul more valuable than body  Both more valuable than whole world Mt.16:24-26, self-denial  Cost  Eternity One soul; one life to save it

5 I. ETERNAL SOUL II. EDIFICATION ROLE (continuing education)

6 To edify others, we must give…  Encouragement. Gn.1. Ja.3. Hb.10  Example. The gospel on display  Ac.20:18  2 Co.9:13  Ga.2:11-14  1 Tim.4:12 (Tit.2:7) Stir up: encourage (L-N); an inciting (Th.); rousing to activity, stirring up (BDAG). Don’t tear down with your life what you build up with your lips


8 We have never been this close to death, eternity, and Judgment 1 Sm.26:10, variety – uniformity Hb.9:27, nothing between… Ja.4:13-17 Your last day on earth Postpone duties? TV…money… sin? Bible? Prayer?


10 Emotions are terrible guide “Rely on your feelings…” 1. What happens when feelings change? 2. What happens when don’t “feel” like obeying God (1 Co.5)? Sinner didn’t feel like obeying Church didn’t feel like obeying

11 Emotions are terrible guide Emotions are terrific motivation “Put your heart into it” 1. 2 Co.5:14-15 His love for usOur love for Him Ro.5:81 Jn.4:19

12 Emotions are terrible guide Emotions are terrific motivation “Put your heart into it” 1. 2 Co.5:14-15 14: His love controls us Orig. to constrain or force one to a thing – L-S. Urge, impel – Th. His death proves that all deserve death; all died spiritually until “raised...”

13 Emotions are terrible guide Emotions are terrific motivation “Put your heart into it” 1. 2 Co.5:14-15 14: His love controls us 15: His love conducts us No longer live for myself… Live for Him Who died for us.

14 Emotions are terrible guide Emotions are terrific motivation “Put your heart into it” 1. 2 Co.5:14-15 14: His love controls us 15: His love conducts us Negative emotions affect us. Jn.20, disciples Positive emotions affect us. Jn.20; Ga.2:20

15 Emotions are terrible guide Emotions are terrific motivation “Put your heart into it” 1. 2 Co.5:14-15 14: His love controls us 15: His love conducts us 2. Tit.2:11-12, grace: not a fuzzy feeling Grace: a moving, motivational teacher “For”... “All” – Tit.2:2-10

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