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The Future The METACyt Biochemical Analysis Center at IU Aayush Tulsyan Ali Merchant Kelley School of Business.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future The METACyt Biochemical Analysis Center at IU Aayush Tulsyan Ali Merchant Kelley School of Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future The METACyt Biochemical Analysis Center at IU Aayush Tulsyan Ali Merchant Kelley School of Business

2 North American Bio-Marker Market Key Takeaways: Discovery of bio-markers via investments in genomics and proteomics Global omics-based market expected to reach $41Bn by 2014 ; US CAGR ~ 17% * Includes Nano-mass Spectrometry Source:

3 Laboratory Services Industry Trends Reallocation of biopharmaceutical R&D on more late-stage projects Slowdown of biotech capital raises is easing Heavy M&A activity has resulted in some short- term excess capacity and resulted in a softening of revenues

4 Current Position The MBAC provides very high end scientific services to researchers in the life sciences. MBAC mostly serves IUB and the IU medical school faculty. MBAC has also completed projects for clients outside the IU system ($75-$100,000 in the last 3 years). Rates for internal collaborative and service customers is fairly low and clients feel that the indirect costs they pay out of their grants should cover the expenses. The client base does not realize the value of the services and/or the cost of providing them. Although corporate clients can afford higher rates, there are challenges in getting those projects

5 Recommendations Change your marketing message to Internal and External Customers Fix current accounting procedures and change the way you report financials Increase prices in accordance with the market and your costs

6 METACyt can build awareness by sending a uniform message There seem to be several websites of the MBAC which could confuse the customer/client

7 Changes they could make on the website Update section on News Feed with feedback from clients Add information on pricing of services Publish more whitepaper or research documents

8 Proteomic Facility at IUPU and METACyt at IU Lack of awareness of the METACyt centre at IU Possible duplication of services provided at Indianapolis and Bloomington There is benefit in collaboration and a more focused approach in targeting clients in Indiana Difference in pricing could lead to loss in business

9 METACyt Pricing vs. Competitors Rates are Per Sample

10 Approximate Per Sample Charge for Protemoics LC-MS-MS PER SAMPLE BASE COSTS Equipment Cost Machinery Runtime$90 Setup time$30 Supplies$38 $158 Staff Cost Preperation$36 Data Analysis$36 $72 Total Base Costs$230 METACyt Charges $250 for >50 samples for external clients Academia charges for same test is $50 ! OSU charges anywhere from $108 to $600 from internal clients - Double from external

11 OSU Implements Price Increase for On Campus Users 20% Price Increase implemented in 2008 Inflation Adjustment Professional Services - 3.13% per year (2005-2010)* Charges represent Pass-through for equipment services and repair costs OSU internal charges are offered at a premium to most METACyt external services

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