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The business of death: Informal insurance by funeral undertakers in South Africa Anja Smith and Mia de Vos, Centre for Financial Regulation and Inclusion.

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1 The business of death: Informal insurance by funeral undertakers in South Africa Anja Smith and Mia de Vos, Centre for Financial Regulation and Inclusion (Cenfri) Research Conference on Microinsurance 2012, University of Twente, 11-13 April

2 Coffins, caskets and domes…




6 Informal insurance by undertakers vs. community- based mechanisms Literature on informal insurance typically focused on informal insurance as activity by non-profit community-based mechanisms – for-profit organisations not mentioned Departure point: For-profit informal insurers require different analytical approach, raise different problems and issues than community-based informal insurers. Research questions: –What are risks of informal insurance by undertakers to clients (and market)? –What are the economic benefits generated by informal insurance at both a revenue and employment level? –Ultimate policy question: do the benefits outweigh the risks? (Not yet answered in this research...)

7 Data Mainly quantitative data through non-representative survey October-November 2011: –Business operations and business financial information –Compliance with various regulations/requirements (business registration, tax, health, insurance) –Insurance business and products offered Combination of convenience and purposive sampling –Most basic selection criteria: sell insurance 72 undertakers in four provinces of South Africa: –Western Cape, Kwazulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Limpopo Basic descriptive analysis applied

8 Defining informal insurance Four categories of interaction with regulation (Kanbur, 2009): – regulations apply and economic activity complies – regulations apply and economic activity does not comply – regulations become non-applicable for economic activity after adjustment of activity – regulation does not apply to activity Informality with regards to insurance provision – need to have risk carried by registered insurance company Informality with regards to intermediation – registered as either Financial Services Provider (FSP) or representative of FSP with Financial Services Board (FSB), non- bank supervisor

9 Informal insurance in the sample 72 funeral undertakers Underwritten 49 funeral undertakers 68.1% of sample Registered Financial Services Provider (FSP) 2 funeral undertakers 4.1 % of underwritten Registered Representative 5 funeral undertakers 10.2% of underwritten Not underwritten 23 funeral undertakers 31.9% of sample Only 7 (14% of undertakers who claim to be underwritten) comply with intermediation or regulation

10 Client base of informal insurers Policyholder range#% of informal providers (N=17) <150 policyholders635.3% 150-1,0000 policyholders741.2% 1,000-3,000 policyholders211.8% >3,000 policyholders211.8%

11 Prudential risk management practices of informal insurers Statement#% of informal provider sample (N=23) I keep my insurance funds in a separate bank account (inferred from many open and double check questions) 417.4% When I first started my business I put some money aside [for many claims at the same time] 417.4% I keep some funds aside to ensure that there is always enough money to pay claims 939.1% If many insurance claims have ever come in at the same time and you did not have enough money to pay out all the claims, how did you deal with this? …This has never happened before. 1147.8%

12 Contribution of informal insurance to revenue Able to estimate both total revenue and total insurance revenue using simple calculations and key variables: ―Calculated average insurance premium ―Number of policyholders ―Total funerals annually (asked about number of funerals per week) ―Percentage cash vs. own insurance funerals ―Number of cash funerals provided (per annum) ―Price of most popular cash funeral package

13 Contribution of informal insurance to revenue Total annual premium revenue#% of total (N=16) R10,000-R100,000/US$1,378-US$13,177425.0 R100,001-R500,000/US$13,177-US$65,955531.3 R500,001-R1,000,000/US$65,955- US$131,769 318.8 >R1,000,001/>US$131,769425.0 Also calculated contribution of total annual premium revenue to total annual revenue (includes income from cash funerals): ―Sample decreases to 12 ―For 8 of 12 (66.67%) income from insurance premiums contributes 30% or more to total annual income

14 Contribution of informal insurers to employment Permanent vs. temporary staff Smaller undertakers manage funerals on a project basis: temporary staff/”contractors” brought in to help deliver funeral 23 undertakers=236 employment opportunities Staff size range #% of sample (N=23) Salary/wage bill range 10 or less1878.3 11 to 30313US$3,953-US$5,271 30 or more28.7<US$21,083

15 Preliminary conclusions and policy implications Total absence of prudential risk management practices AND sizeable percentage of population exposed to these products: –4 million SA adults purchased insurance from a funeral undertakers (FinScope 2010) (but difficult to distinguish beteween formal and informal) –23 informal insurance undertakers serves more than 16,000 policyholders Informal insurance contributes substantially to total revenue: >30% of calculated total annual revenue for 8 (of 12) undertakers Informal insurance undertakers also a source of employment, especially part-time employment

16 Preliminary conclusions and policy implications (2) For few undertakers in sample informal insurance is highly lucrative businesses. If policy goal is level playing field and ensuring consumer protection, better enforcement of regulation is required. Follow targeted approach in any enforcement strategy to formalise informal insurers: – more help for undertakers where insurance is larger proportion of total revenue – more help for undertakers who are larger employers, serve more clients Further research: – contribution of informal insurance to business profitability – client risk profiles and mortality rates

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