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Depression and Bipolar Disorder in Children Presented by Alexa Hartrich MS, MSW Community Liaison Riveredge Hospital

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Presentation on theme: "Depression and Bipolar Disorder in Children Presented by Alexa Hartrich MS, MSW Community Liaison Riveredge Hospital"— Presentation transcript:

1 Depression and Bipolar Disorder in Children Presented by Alexa Hartrich MS, MSW Community Liaison Riveredge Hospital

2 Riveredge Hospital Our mission:Our mission: We strive to foster an environment that demonstrates compassion and caring with timely and effective communication through comprehensive behavioral health care services of clinical excellence.

3 Riveredge Treatment Riveredge offers Inpatient and Partial Hospital Programs. Our treatment is client-centered with a commitment to Trauma Informed Care. Inpatient Programs Partial Hospitalization Intensive Outpatient Programs Residential

4 Overview Mental Health/Mental Illness Mood Disorders Bipolar Disorder in Children/Adolescents Treatment Options Depression in Children/Adolescents Treatment Options Family Support Q & A

5 Mental Health is characterized by… Ability to engage in productive activities Fulfilling relationships with others Ability to adapt to change Capacity to cope with adversity US Surgeon General’s landmark report on Mental Health, released in December of 1999

6 Mental Illness is NOT.. The result of poor parenting Anyone’s fault A personal weakness

7 Bipolar Disorder/ Depression has affected: Isaac Newton Abraham Lincoln Winston Churchill Beethoven Charles Dickens Virginia Woolf Ernest Hemingway …And probably enhanced their brilliance

8 Mental Illness is … A health condition characterized by ALTERATIONS IN THINKING, MOOD OR BEHAVIOR. (or a combination of the above ) associated with distress or impaired functioning. Mental illness is an “equal opportunity destroyer” –It can affect persons of all ages, races, socio-economic level, religion, educational background, and gender TREATMENT WORKS! Most people can and do Recover with proper treatment!

9 Statistics Fewer than 1/2 of adults and 1/3 of children with diagnosable mental disorders receive any mental health treatment in a given year. The majority of persons with serious mental illness--55%--deny that they have any problem, and so do not seek treatment.

10 Mood Disorders Mood disorders include: –Major Depressive disorders (MDD) –Bipolar disorders Mood disorders are characterized by persistent disturbances, either highs or lows, in mood (emotions / affect). Everyone experiences ups and downs in response to events (good or bad) in their lives. Short-term ups and downs are normal; persistent ones lasting for days or weeks are not. Persistent highs or lows are mood disorders and need medical treatment.

11 Mood Disorders: Major Depressive Disorder Depression is more than the blues. Depression is not a personal weakness. Depression is a treatable illness. MDD affects 8% of children and teens * Schaffer et al. 1996



14 Symptoms of Depression in Children/Adolescents vs. Adults Frequent sadness, or crying Decreased interest in activities Persistent boredom; low energy Social isolation Low self-esteem and guilt Extreme sensitivity to rejection or failure Increased irritability, anger, or hostility Frequent absences from school or poor performance in school Difficulty concentrating A major change in eating and/or sleeping patterns Talk of, or efforts to run away from home (In older children) : –Drug abuse or alcohol abuse Persistent sadness Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness Lost interest in pleasurable activity Lack of energy Fatigue Anxiety, irritability Thoughts of suicide Digestive problems Difficulty concentrating

15 Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar disorder is a combination of depressive and manic episodes. Remember that during a depressive episode, suicide is a considerable risk. Bipolar disorder is more than highs and lows.

16 Bipolar Facts & Stats Bipolar disorder is more likely to affect the children of parents who have the disorder. When one parent has bipolar disorder, the risk to each child is l5 to 30%. When both parents have bipolar disorder, the risk increases to 50 to 75%. (National Institute of Mental Health) Some 20% of adolescents with major depression develop bipolar disorder within five years of the onset of depression. (Birmaher, B., "Childhood and Adolescent Depression: A Review of the Past 10 Years." Part I, 1995) Up to one-third of the 3.4 million children and adolescents with depression in the United States may actually be experiencing the early onset of bipolar disorder. (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1997)

17 Symptoms/Behaviors of Bipolar Disorder in Children/Adolescents vs. Adults Destructive rages Impulsive behaviors Extreme emotions Oppositional behavior Sensitivity to stimuli Problems with peers Temperature dysregulation Craving carbs/sweets Bedwetting and soiling Hallucinations Suicidal ideation Easily startled/excitable Separation distress Overly sensitive to rejection Major mood swings Sad or empty moods Thoughts of death/suicide Chronic pain Excessive crying Rash behavior like shopping sprees, hyper-sexual Poor judgment Racing thoughts, pressured speech Grandiose delusions; exaggerated optimism Lack of sleep/excessive sleep Lack of hunger/overeating Rigid/less flexible

18 Mental Illness and the Impact on the Family Financial Marital Stress/Time Sibling Relationships

19 Treatment for Mood Disorders in Children/Adolescents Medication Therapy –Play therapy –Family therapy –CBT, etc Exercise Group Therapy/ Support Groups Eliminate/Minimize Video Games & TV Diet –Sugar intake reduced Supplements –Omega 3

20 Helpful supports … Support Groups NAMI DBSA Educational Programming Peer Support Literature Advocacy

21 Contact Info Alexa Hartrich –773-991-2398 – 24 hour assessment and referral –708-209-4181

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