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Emotional & Mental Health Chapters 8-11.  1. Feeling of danger  2. Being timid or afraid  3. Feeling that life experiences will be positive  4. Joy.

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Presentation on theme: "Emotional & Mental Health Chapters 8-11.  1. Feeling of danger  2. Being timid or afraid  3. Feeling that life experiences will be positive  4. Joy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotional & Mental Health Chapters 8-11

2  1. Feeling of danger  2. Being timid or afraid  3. Feeling that life experiences will be positive  4. Joy or contentment  5. Strong affection for another  6. Irritation  7. Feeling you have done something wrong  8. Sadness and despair  9. Feeling or wanting something that someone else has  10. isolation  1. Fear  2. Shyness  3. Optimism  4. Happiness  5. Love  6. Anger  7. Guilt  8. Depression  9. Jealousy  10.Loneliness

3 Top FEARS  3% Driving  5% Dogs  6% Being alone in a house at night  9% Thunder & lightning  9% Spiders/Insects  10% Being in small places  12% Flying  15% Mice  19% Heights  39% Snakes

4  Self-concept: the current mental image you have of yourself  Self-ideal: your mental image of what you would like to be

5 MASLOW’S Hierarchy of NEEDS Physiological Needs: fulfilling your needs for food, water, shelter & sleep Safety-Security: your ability to protect yourself from harm Love & Affection: your ability to give and receive affection; feeling of belonging Self-Esteem: respecting yourself and others Self-Actualization: fulfilling your potential

6 SELF-ESTEEM: pride in & acceptance of yourself; sense of personal worth  Body image: a person’s perception of his or her appearance, level of fitness and health

7 Ways to Build Self-esteem  Accept yourself  Use positive self-talk  Be good at something  Use I statements  Develop a support group  Resist negative peer pressure  Act with integritypg. 182

8  Positive self-talk: talking to yourself in a positive way about your characteristics and abilities  Self-disclosure: telling another person meaningful information about yourself  Support group: people in your life whom you trust and with whom you are able to talk openly  Bracing: unnecessary muscle contraction

9 Characteristics of HIGH self-esteem  Speaks up for self  Respects self and others  Has confidence  Tries new things  Feels valuable to society  Adjust to change  Feels optimistic  Makes decisions based on values

10 Characteristics of LOW self-esteem  Feels insecure  Disrespects self and others  Vulnerable to peer pressure  Doesn’t feel valuable  Fears failure  Uses drugs and alcohol  Feels pessimistic  Behaves destructively

11 Managing Stress  Stress response: the body’s reaction to a stressor  Stress: the combination of a stressor and a stress response  Stressor: any new or potentially unpleasant situation  Fight or flight: a stress response to something physical; instinctively fight or run

12 Stress Response - Physical changes  More blood goes to the brain  Hearing improves  Pupils open wider  Mouth gets dry  Breathing speeds up  Sweating increases  Adrenal glands secrete adrenaline  Muscles tense up  More blood goes to legs  More blood goes to arms  Blood pressure increases  Heart beats faster & contracts harder pg. 194

13 Emotional & Mental Signs of Stress  Anxiety  Frustration  Mood swings  Depression  Irritability  Nightmares  Nervous laugh  Worrying  Confusion  Forgetfulness  Poor concentration  Loneliness pg. 197

14 Physical signs of Stress  Headaches  Dry mouth  Teeth grinding  Shortness of breath  Pounding heart  Indigestion  Diarrhea  Constipation  Muscles aches  Weight change  Fatigue  Insomnia pg. 197

15 STRESS MODEL 1. A new or potentially unpleasant situation 2. You interpret the situation as threatening 3. Your emotional response 4. Your physical response 5. The negative consequences

16 Stress intervention: any action that prevents a stressor from resulting in negative consequences Selective awareness: focusing on the aspects of a situation that helps a person feel better

17 RELAXATION TECHNIQUES  Meditation: close eyes and relax mind  Progressive Relaxation: tense muscles, relax….  Body Scanning: scan for tense muscles  Autogenic Training: release muscle tension, mind in peaceful place  Laughing  Yelling or Crying Pg. 203

18 Stages of GRIEF  1. Denial  2. Anger  3. Bargaining  4. Depression  5. Acceptance

19 SUICIDE: the act of intentionally taking one’s own life  Suicide mindset: the feeling that suicide is the only solution to the problems of living Suicide is a PERMANENT solution to a TEMPORARY problem.

20 Warning Signs of Suicide  Change in eating & sleeping habits  Withdrawal from friends, family & regular activities  Violent actions, rebellious behavior or running away  Use of alcohol or other drugs  Unusual neglect of personal appearance

21  Marked personality change  Persistent boredom, difficulty concentration or a decline in the quality of schoolwork  Frequent complaints about physical symptoms  Giving away favorite possession  Loss of interest in pleasurable activities  Not tolerating praise or rewards pg. 233

22 FACTS about Suicide pg. 230  While some suicides may be impulsive, but usually a person has thought about it for a long time.  Most people who commit suicide have talked about it.  You will not cause a suicide by asking if someone is thinking about it.  A suicide attempt is often a cry for help.

23  A suicidal person who suddenly acts calm and serene may have decided to commit suicide and therefore feels relief that a decision has been made.  People who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs are at a greater risk of acting on suicidal thoughts because their judgment is impaired and they may be more impulsive.  Many people who feel suicidal are not mentally ill. They may be in a period of intense emotional crisis.

24  Many people consider suicide for only a brief period in their lives.  A person who attempts suicide and survives may never attempt it again if proper support and treatment are found.  Suicide is a behavior and cannot be inherited

25 Now you are ready for Test #5

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