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Academic Analytics: Obtaining Benchmarks for Faculty Productivity Carol Livingstone Division of Management Information

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1 Academic Analytics: Obtaining Benchmarks for Faculty Productivity Carol Livingstone Division of Management Information 333-3551

2  Very few good measures  G & C – dollars/numbers  College/dept collections of publication and awards data  Anecdotal evidence from faculty search and outside offer processes The Problem: How to Evaluate Scholarly Productivity

3  No easy benchmarks/peer comparisons  No campus-wide database for vita info - publications and awards The Problem: How to Evaluate Scholarly Productivity

4  AA has compiled a massive database of journal articles, books, chapters, grants, honors, awards, etc.  The scholarly output is matched by name with faculty and researchers at schools nationwide  The database can be used to quantify scholarly output at any university – by discipline – and compare it to peers Overview of Academic Analytics

5  Books  Honorific awards  Journal Articles  Citations  Grants AA Database contents - Measures

6  9,874 PhD programs  385 institutions, 170,000+ faculty  172 disciplines in 11 broad fields  22 AAU institutions actively participate, 30 others considering Database Scope

7 56,000 authored & edited books (Baker & Taylor, Library of Congress, British Library)  Books per faculty member  # Faculty who published a book  % of faculty with a book  Total number of books Book Variables

8 1 million+ articles (journals, and conference proceedings)  Articles per author  Articles per faculty member  # Faculty with an article  % of Faculty with an article  Total number of articles Journal Article Variables

9 10 million + Citations (Scopus & Proquest)  Citations per author  Citations per article  Citations per faculty member  # Faculty with a citation  % of Faculty with a citation  Total number of citations Citations

10 395 awarding bodies, 2700+ award types  Awards per faculty member  # Faculty with an award  % of Faculty with an award  Total number of awards Honorific Awards

11 95,000+ federal research grants  Dollars per Grant  Grant dollars per faculty member  # of Faculty with a grant  % of Faculty with a grant  Total Grant dollars  Total number of grants Grants Variables

12 Academic Analytics AAU Clients Cornell Duke Emory Iowa State Johns Hopkins MIT Ohio State SUNY - Stony Brook Texas A & M Chicago Colorado Kansas Missouri - Columbia Missouri - Kansas City North Carolina Pittsburgh USC Wisconsin - Madison Vanderbilt Wash U - St. Louis

13  Summer, 2011 – 3 yr contract signed  Fall, 2011 - Steering team commissioned  30 users have been authorized  Fall, 2009 faculty data available through web dashboard  Fall, 2010 faculty lists are being processed Where we are

14 Annual Process –Faculty Lists DMICollegesDeptsAA

15  Summary data by department or broad disciplinary area (not by faculty member)  Comparisons to selected peers  Access to entire scrubbed database  Analytical tools through a dashboard interface Academic Analytics Output

16 Sample Output – Productivity Radar

17 Sample Output – Program Gauge

18 Sample Output – Quintile Analysis

19  Refine faculty selection process/criteria  Oversee rollout to college/dept staff  Evaluate tool Steering Committee Goals

20 Demo Demo Questions??

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