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Welcome to PVN 123 Mental Health Nursing.  Linda Dunckel, MSN-Ed, RN  Office hours and tutoring by appointment  100 building – Faculty Prep Room 

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to PVN 123 Mental Health Nursing.  Linda Dunckel, MSN-Ed, RN  Office hours and tutoring by appointment  100 building – Faculty Prep Room "— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to PVN 123 Mental Health Nursing

2  Linda Dunckel, MSN-Ed, RN  Office hours and tutoring by appointment  100 building – Faculty Prep Room  Phone: 503-488-5371 (campus)  503-985-9607 (cell - emergencies)

3  15 hours – 1 credit  Lecture, discussion, small group participation, audio- visual, interactive learning  This course emphasizes:  Mental health nursing care of the client and family  Learning to assist them in achieving satisfactory and productive ways of coping with daily living and life-style changes.  The course will include discussion of eating disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, anxiety, defense mechanisms, and major mental health disorders

4  Bring these to every class!!!!  MTI Book - “PN Mental Health Nursing, Edition 8”  Drug book  Lab Book  Course Schedule  PowerPoint Study Guides (#1-6)  Nurse’s Pocket Guide  Notebook / paper  Electronic device for internet access (laptop, iPhone, iPad, tablet etc.) References:  Foundations of Nursing, 6 th Edition (also study guide)  Adult Health Nursing, 6 th Edition  Web Page Links  Videos  Power Point Presentations  ATI practice exams and pharmacology tutorial

5  Grading Scale:  A90-100%  B80-89%  C75-79%  D70-74%  F69% or below  (75% is a passing grade for this course)  Quizzes and Exams (% of total grade)  Quizzes (2): 10% (5% each)  Exams (2) : 55% (27.5% each)  Final Exam: 35%  ATI Proctored Exam

6  Honesty  Respect  Kindness  An open mind  Come prepared  Your best effort!

7  Honesty  Respect  Kindness  An open mind  My best effort Your success as a student is my success as a teacher!!



10  Mental health problems won’t affect me  MYTH!

11  Mental health problems are very common!  In 2011  1 in 5 American adults experienced a mental health issue  1 in 10 young people experienced a period of major depression  1 in 20 Americans lived with a serious mental illness (schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression)

12  Children don’t experience mental health problems  MYTH!

13  Even young children may show early warning signs  ½ of all mental health disorders show first signs before 14 years of age  ¾ of mental disorders begin before age 24  Less than 20% of children with diagnosable mental health problems receive treatment

14  People with mental health problems are violent and unpredictable  MYTH!

15  The majority of people with mental health problems are no more likely to be violent than anyone else!  3 – 5% of violent acts can be attributed to individuals with a serious mental illness  People with severe mental illnesses are over 10 times more likely to victims of violent crime than the general population

16  People with mental health needs (even those who are managing their mental illness) can’t handle the stress of holding down a job  MYTH!

17  People with mental health problems are just as productive as other employees.  Employers who hire people with mental health problem report good attendance and punctuality as well as motivation, good work, and job tenure that is on par with or greater than other employees.

18  Personality weakness or character flaws cause mental health problems. People with mental health problems can snap out of it if they try hard enough.  MYTH!

19  Mental health problems have nothing to do with being lazy or weak. Many people need help to get better.  Many factors contribute to mental health problems:  Biological factors (genes, physical illness, injury, brain chemistry)  Life experiences (trauma, history of abuse)  Family history of mental health problems.

20  There is no hope for people with mental health problems. Once someone develops mental health problems, they will never recover  MYTH!

21  Studies show that people with mental health problems get better and many recover completely.  Recovery is the process by which people are able to live, work, learn, and participate fully in their lives and communities.

22  Therapy and self-help are a waste of time and money. Why bother when you can just take a pill?  MYTH!

23  Treatment varies depending on the individual.  It could include medication, therapy, or a combination of both.  Many individuals need a “support system” during the healing and recovery process.

24  Prevention doesn’t work. It is impossible to prevent mental illness.  MYTH!

25  Prevention focuses on addressing known risk factors that can increase the chances of developing mental health problems.  Promoting social and emotional well being leads to:  Higher productivity  Better educational outcomes  Lower crime rates  Lower health care costs  Improved quality of life  Increased lifespan  Improved family lives

26 Elyn Saks: “A Tale of Mental Illness -- From the Inside” 

27 “Gladys Wilson and Naomi Feil (validation therapy)” 


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