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Office of Application Development Accomplishments and Projects COT Town Hall Meeting April 24, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Office of Application Development Accomplishments and Projects COT Town Hall Meeting April 24, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of Application Development Accomplishments and Projects COT Town Hall Meeting April 24, 2014

2 Page 2 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Accomplishments SelectKentucky Kentucky Story Maps Kentucky Horse Racing Commission Licensing Application Department of Revenue – ePay Corporation Tax eFile Kentucky Aerial Photography and Elevation Data Program

3 Page 3 Select Kentucky Site Selection Mapping Tool

4 Page 4 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Business Problem The Cabinet for Economic Development (CED) had a website of limited functionality for its database of development properties. CED wanted a modern Geographic Information System that would be dynamic and searchable. The system also had to be usable on the Apple iPAD, which is the portable device of choice for CED. There was a budget of $150,000

5 Page 5 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Business Solution A new GIS would be developed leveraging current Commonwealth GIS data and tools as well as technical development from multiple Divisions of the Office of Application Development. The project should take less than a year.

6 Page 6 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Technical Challenges The development team had not worked together CED had little experience with new system development. Commonwealth GIS software did not support the iPAD.

7 Page 7 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Technical Solution Custom development was done using Javascript to enable data to be displayed properly on the iPAD using HTML5. Rapid Prototyping was used as the development methodology because of the highly visual nature of the application. We were able to leverage much of the Commonwealth’s ESRI based GIS infrastructure.

8 Page 8 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Result The project was successfully delivered within the timeframe required. Total cost for the system was within 105% of the original budget. The application has functioned in production with a high degree of up-time. The customer was very pleased with the final product.

9 Page 9 Select Kentucky

10 Page 10 Select Kentucky

11 Page 11 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Kentucky Story Maps

12 Page 12 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Collaborative effort with multiple agencies. Highlights places or areas of interest using an intuitive interface. Combines multimedia content and interactive maps for an elegant user experience. Leverages open-source templates and Esri’s cloud-based platform. Kentucky’s Story Maps

13 Page 13 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Kentucky Story Map Gallery

14 Page 14 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Kentucky Story Maps – State Park Lodges

15 Page 15 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Kentucky Story Maps – Physiographic Regions

16 Kentucky Horse Racing Commission Licensing Application

17 Page 17 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Business Problem Everyone who works at a race track must be licensed by KHRC with a Photo ID The existing system used hard wired proprietary camera technology that is no longer available, and only 3 cameras still worked Two tracks could operate at a time along with KHRC headquarters, so there were no spare cameras. No time to develop new software as camera failure was likely KHRC wanted an industry standard solution

18 Page 18 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Business Solution OAD assigned a project managers with racing experience Evaluated solutions from other states New application from Association of Racing Commissioners International was selected. KHRC Executive Director sat on the ARCI board ARCI would provide software for free and do many modifications for free

19 Page 19 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Technical Approach Team from OAD, OIS, CISO and ARCI Budget was $55,000 Needed to be ready for issuing 2014 licenses by December 2013 All new hardware (laptops, cameras, printers, scanners, etc)

20 Page 20 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Result New system was launched in late November 2013 at Churchill Downs Project came in under budget ARCI would continue to work on “nice to have” enhancements The new system is being widely adopted by other states based upon the experience in Kentucky The Executive Director of KHRC recently named the Chairperson for ARCI

21 Page 21 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Accomplishments CACS-G Early Wins - $28M+ in new tax collections Assignment Tracking System Non-Resident eFile HB440: Revocation of Licenses and Health Benefits Exchange: Independent Verification and Validation (IV & V) Payment Vouchers

22 Page 22 OAD Accomplishments and Projects OAD Projects Change in Approach and Perspective Enterprise Collaboration Enterprise Applications Creation of Commonwealth “Master Data” Not “System Data”

23 Page 23 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Kentucky Business One Stop (KyBOS) Establishment of a Business Portal for all Initial and On-going Commonwealth Services to Businesses Sponsors: Governor’s Office Secretary of State Cabinet for Economic Development Department of Revenue

24 Page 24 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Kentucky Business One Stop (KyBOS) Phase 1 $10M Project Consolidation of business demographic information to establish a centralized “Master Record” Establish a Commonwealth Business Identification Number (CBI) for each legal entity which will be utilized across state government Establish unique identities for individuals accessing business information via the Portal

25 Page 25 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Kentucky Business One Stop (KyBOS) Establish an Agency Portal for the Department of Revenue for data access Establish for business services and tax incentive compliance Provide electronic file and payment services for Withholding Taxes Integration between KyBOS and legacy SOS and DOR systems Implementation Planned for 3 rd Quarter FY15

26 Page 26 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Kentucky Business One Stop (KyBOS) Phase 2 $6.7M Project Integration of Unemployment Insurance services into the Portal Modernize electronic filing for Sales and Use Taxpayers Complete consolidation of business demographic information from 50+ taxes Establish a Business Intelligence Solution to analyze Commonwealth business information Planning Begins July 1, 2014

27 Page 27 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Kentucky from Above Kentucky’s Aerial Photography & Elevation Data Program (KYAPED)

28 Page 28 OAD Projects and Accomplishments KYAPED $11M Multi-Year Program Establishment of a Common Digital Base Map of the Commonwealth Central data source for federal, state and local governments as well as the private sector Commonwealth Agencies include: Division of Geographic Information Transportation Cabinet Department of Abandoned Mine Lands Energy and Environment Cabinet – Division of Water

29 Page 29 OAD Accomplishments and Projects KYAPED –Federal Agencies include: U.S. Geological Survey Federal Emergency Management Agency Department of Defense USDA Farm Services Administration Tennessee Valley Authority –City and County Governments include: Frankfort Plant Board Northern Kentucky Louisville/Jefferson County Paducah/McCracken Co Danville/Boyle County Hardin County

30 Page 30 OAD Accomplishments and Projects KYAPED LiDAR Point Cloud

31 Page 31 OAD Accomplishments and Projects KYAPED Elevation Data in Eastern Kentucky

32 Page 32 OAD Accomplishments and Projects KYAPED Elevation Data in Northern Kentucky

33 Page 33 OAD Accomplishments and Projects KYAPED Aerial Photography 2012

34 Page 34 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Computer Assisted Collections System for Government (CACS- G) $20M+ Project Implementation of new collections system for the Department of Revenue Modernizes collections of all final due and owing tax receivables Integration with over 79+ DOR and other agency systems Implementation Planned for Labor Day Weekend 2014

35 Page 35 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Enterprise Business Intelligence Program (EBI) Cross agency initiative led by the Finance and Administration Cabinet and the Office of the State Budget Director Enterprise Shared Platform for: –Cost reduction –Data Sharing –Expertise in Data Analysis and Reporting –Infrastructure –Business Objects Application supportS

36 Page 36 OAD Accomplishments and Projects Enterprise Business Intelligence Program (EBI) Establishment of data standards and best practices Enterprise Level Agreement (ELA) established for Business Objects -$250.00 Per User -Agency Cost Savings: $300 - $500 Per User COT is both a consumer and a provider of the EBI Program -OAD provides leadership for agency adoption of the EBI Platform

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