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KBOR Conference June 13, 2012 Kansas Postsecondary Data with Business Intelligence Reporting.

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1 KBOR Conference June 13, 2012 Kansas Postsecondary Data with Business Intelligence Reporting

2 Original Charge  Senate Bill (SB) 345 Charged KBOR with developing a system of collecting, maintaining, and providing data analysis through a uniformed postsecondary database. ► Provide Uniformity of Data Definitions ► Maximize State Resources ► Analyze State Policies with Regard to Economic and Demographic Factors ► Develop Core Indicators or Quality Performance

3 Foresight 2020  Achieve alignment between the state’s preK-12 and higher education systems and continue to enhance alignment between higher education institutions.  Achieve participation in the state’s higher education system that better reflects the state’s demography and more fully engages adult learners.  Achieve measureable improvement in persistence (retention) and completion (graduation) rates for higher education institutions across the state.  Ensure that students earning credentials and degrees across the higher education system posses the foundational skills essential for success in work and life.  Enhance alignment between the work of the state’s higher education system and the needs of the Kansas economy.  Enhance the regional and national reputation of Kansas universities through aspirational initiatives.

4 SLDS Grant  American Recovery and Reinvestment Act – Statewide Longitudinal Data System (ARRA SLDS) Collaborative Effort between KSDE and KBOR

5 ARRA SLDS  2009 – Grant Application Business Intelligence Model Tracking Students Across Departmental and Geographical Boundaries Linking Licensure, Credentialing, and Workforce Data ► Department of Labor, Kansas Board of Nursing ► New Data Collections (Independents, Private Postsecondary, Financial Aid) ► Data Integration (IPEDS) ► Adult Learner Integration Electronic Processes  2010 – Awarded  2011 & 2012 – On-going Implementation

6 BI Accomplishments in 2011 & 2012  Stakeholder Survey Completed in April 2011  Standardization of Reports in 2011  “Features” Matrix and Vendor Demonstrations in 2011  Vendor Selection and CEO Approval January 2012 Information Builders’ WebFOCUS Business Intelligence Software Suite  CITO Approval in April 2012  Purchase of WebFOCUS software in April 2012  Installation of software in May 2012  Software Training in May 2012

7 Information Builders WebFOCUS Business Intelligence Tool  Enterprise Business Intelligence Software Suite Dashboards Query and analysis tools Mobile BI Guided Ad Hoc Reporting Integrated with standard desktop products (Microsoft Excel and Adobe PDF) Dynamic Report Distribution  Optional products: Predictive Analytics Web-driven Transaction-Based Processing

8 In Progress  Training  Report Creation and Conversion  Testing

9 Introductory Demonstration  Please Note: Data in demonstration is test data and may not reflect your institution’s live dataset.  Please Note: These are preliminary templates. KBOR staff and beta testers’ formatting suggestions will be considered.

10 Introductory Demonstration

11 Preliminary Timeline Beta Testers Sign up by Friday, 7/13/2012 Testing of reports: July 2012 – January 2013 Reports LIVE: February 2013 Board Meeting

12 Primary Contacts  Kathleen (Kat) Nolan Porta (785) 296-7242  Mahmoud AlBawaneh (785) 296-3421  Cynthia Farrier (785) 296-2452

13 Next Steps  Please contact Kat Nolan Porta during the conference or at if you are interested in being a beta

14 Questions  Questions welcomed  Please attend an in-depth demonstration of more WebFOCUS tools tomorrow morning, 8:00 am, with Information Builders’ Sherri Sahs and KBOR’s Kat Nolan Porta.

15  Thank you

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