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Beyond Oral Agents & Insulin: New Frontiers in the Management of Diabetes and Cardiometabolic Risk A Primary Care Initiative.

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond Oral Agents & Insulin: New Frontiers in the Management of Diabetes and Cardiometabolic Risk A Primary Care Initiative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond Oral Agents & Insulin: New Frontiers in the Management of Diabetes and Cardiometabolic Risk A Primary Care Initiative

2 Learning Objectives Describe the role of incretin physiology in diabetes and diabetes treatmentDescribe the role of incretin physiology in diabetes and diabetes treatment Explain the mechanism of action of the incretin mimeticsExplain the mechanism of action of the incretin mimetics Identify the role of glucose metabolism in addressing cardiometabolic riskIdentify the role of glucose metabolism in addressing cardiometabolic risk Integrate incretin mimetics in clinical practiceIntegrate incretin mimetics in clinical practice

3 Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM): Sites of Action Pancreas LiverMuscles Gut Gut Thiazolidinedione Exogenous insulin Biguanides Incretin mimetics Amylin analogues Hyperglycemia Incretin mimetics Alpha glucosidase inhibitors Incretin mimetics Amylin analogues Sulfonylurea Secretagogues

4 Clearly, we have many choices in diabetes management, and yet...

5 master rheumatology series Master Rheumatology Series Inflammatory Cytokines in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Disease Modulators and Therapeutic Targets

6 Development of New Drugs Directed at Inflammatory Cytokines Dr White, MD master rheumatology series

7 masterrheumatology series Certolizumab: ACR Responses After 8 Weeks of Treatment Patients (%)

8 Managing the Strains of Influenza: An Effective Model for Prevention and Treatment

9 Structure of the Influenza Virus InfluenzaVirusAnatomy Neuraminidase Hemagglutinin Capsid ViralRNA M2Protein LipidEnvelope

10 Transmission and Reproduction of Influenza Virus Plasma membrane Endoplasmicreticulum Coated pit Cell receptor Extracellular Stage 1: Attachment Stage 2: Entry Stage 3: Uncoating Cytoplasm Budding Golgiapparatus mRNA (HA, NA) Synthesis of envelope proteins Nucleus

11 1997-1998 Influenza-like Illnesses 1998-1999 Vaccine(n=576)Placebo(n=554)PVaccine(n=582)Placebo(n=596)P Illnesses0.280.24NS0.140.22<0.001 Days Ill 2.381.730.011.021.54<0001 Physician Visits 0.110.09NS0.050.09<0.001 Lost Workdays Patients With Lost Workdays 0.080.09NS0.080.12<0.001 Effectiveness of Vaccination in Healthy Working Adults

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