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Brief Summary of Alcohol Consumption Facts in South Dakota Roland Loudenburg, M.P.H., Ed.S. South Dakota Substance Abuse Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup.

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1 Brief Summary of Alcohol Consumption Facts in South Dakota Roland Loudenburg, M.P.H., Ed.S. South Dakota Substance Abuse Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup

2 Alcohol Use Facts 1 in 10 deaths among working age adults age 20-64 are due to excessive alcohol use (CDC) In South Dakota ranked 21 st among all state with a rate of 30 deaths per 100,000 for Alcohol-Attributable Deaths due to excessive alcohol use (CDC) Binge drinking among South Dakota youth and young adults – 17% of South Dakota 9-12 grade students report binge drinking in the last 30 days (CDC YRBSS 2013) – 52% of South Dakota young adults age 18 -25 years of age report binge drinking in the last 30 days (SAMHSA NSDUH) In 2012, 35% of arrests in South Dakota were alcohol related (Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 2014) In 2012, South Dakotan’s consumed an average of 3.1 gallons of ethanol per person compared to the national rate of 2.6 per person (NIAAA surveillance report #98, April 2014)

3 United States report: (surveillance report #98, April 2014)

4 A LCOHOL R ELATED A RRESTS AS A P ERCENTAGE OF A LL A RRESTS Source: Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics (Section 4): 2002-2012 is the latest information as of October 2014.

5 Arrests for Alcohol Offenses, 2002-2012 Year US Rate of Alcohol-related Offenses South Dakota Rate of Alcohol-related OffensesSouth Dakota’s National Rank South Dakota’s Rate Compared to the National Average 200623.5%51.4%Highest rate in the nation2.2 times higher 200723.8%51.7%Highest rate in the nation2.2 times higher 200822.9%50.0%Highest rate in the nation2.2 times higher 200922.6%45.6%Highest rate in the nation2.0 times higher 201022.4%44.7%2 nd highest rate in the nation2.0 times higher 201121.7%42.3%2 nd highest rate in the nation1.9 times higher 201221.3%35.1%2 nd highest rate in the nation 1.6 times higher Source: Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics (Section 4): 2002-2012 is the latest information as of October 2014.

6 YRBSS- Current Use of Alcohol (30 Day) Among 9-12 graders United States South Dakota Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 1991-2013 High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data. Available at

7 YRBSS- Had Five or More Drinks of Alcohol in a Row (Binge) Among 9-12 graders United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 1991-2013 High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data. Available at

8 NSDUH-Binge Drinking by Age for 2006-2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health Services and Human (DHHS)

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