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Mrs. Woodworth’s Rules & Procedures. Rules Consider and RESPECT everyone Follow School Rules –Including Dress Code, Beverages, Hats, etc. Be Prepared.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Woodworth’s Rules & Procedures. Rules Consider and RESPECT everyone Follow School Rules –Including Dress Code, Beverages, Hats, etc. Be Prepared."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Woodworth’s Rules & Procedures

2 Rules Consider and RESPECT everyone Follow School Rules –Including Dress Code, Beverages, Hats, etc. Be Prepared for Class Follow Directions No Cell Phones or iPods/MP3 players in class.

3 Consequences Verbal Warning Time Out Parent Contact Detention Referral

4 Procedures Tools to ensure class runs smoothly

5 Start of Class 1.Read “Daily Directions” board and follow. 2.Fill in Planner 3.Begin Scholarshop

6 Assignment Distribution & Pick Up Daily assignments will be on the file cabinet under William Shakespeare Graded assignments will be returned to students on the back table. They will be set out by students’ last names. Any graded assignments that are not picked up will be placed in the Business work bin under “Returned Work” Any assignments without names will be placed in the Business bin under “No Name” and will lose 10 points.

7 Assignment Distribution & Pick Up All assignments must be saved. You will need to keep a folder at home with all of your graded work for this class. You will also be keeping all of your writing assignments in your binder. These will be used at the end of the year. Don’t lose them!

8 Late Work No late work will be accepted in any honors classes in the English Department. Plan ahead.

9 Absent/Make-Up Work You have as many days as you are out to make up the work you missed. If you miss a test or quiz, you must see Mrs. Woodworth the day you return to schedule a make up time. These must be made up within one week of the absence or student will receive a zero on the test or quiz. If an absence is unexcused, the work missed will not accepted. NO DITCHING! I WILL FIND YOU!

10 Study Skills Binder Check –You will receive a grade for keeping your binder organized. These will be checked Randomly. Planner Check –You are required to fill out your planner daily. These will be checked weekly for a performance grade of 25 points. –Students must obtain a parent signature and return it by the next block. No signature = no points. –Students will record grades for all classes in the planner every Friday. Where will you find this information?

11 Writer’s Workshop Paper Format –All assignments that are turned in to Mrs. Woodworth must include an MLA header Name Mrs. Woodworth English 9 – Period ____ Day Month Year –Essays must be written in MLA format. –Assignments must be typed. –Printer/Computer excuses will not be accepted. –A flash drive does not equal an assignment. –All assignments must be printed before coming to class or they will be considered late.

12 Hall/Nurse/Library Passes Hall passes will be granted until they are abused. Please do your business during passing period. Miss class at your own risk. Information will not be repeated. Be smart about timing. Use the passes hanging by the door. If you must see the nurse, you will need to fill out a white pass. If you need to go the library, you must fill out a gold pass. These must be filled out completely.

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