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Welcome to Mark Rutherford School. The House System Blake Miss Bradley Student Support Assistant : Mrs Scott Novello Miss Foley Student Support Assistant:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mark Rutherford School. The House System Blake Miss Bradley Student Support Assistant : Mrs Scott Novello Miss Foley Student Support Assistant:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mark Rutherford School

2 The House System Blake Miss Bradley Student Support Assistant : Mrs Scott Novello Miss Foley Student Support Assistant: Mrs Newbury Turner Mr Briggs Student Support Assistant: Mrs Burrells Woolf Mr Morgan Student Support Assistant: Miss Venables / Mrs Henderson

3 Vertical Tutor Groups 52 Tutor groups 14 Tutor Groups per House 10 Tutor Groups made up of year 7,8,9,10,11 students. 4 Tutor groups made up from Year 12,13 and 14. Tutor responsible for the pastoral care and academic progress of students The Tutor is the student’s and parent’s first point of contact, via planner, telephone call or e mail.

4 Academic Mentoring Takes place on a Tuesday morning Parent and student called into school for a tutor meeting. A letter will be posted home. At least twice in the year Data driven Targets set Targets reviewed Progress monitored by Tutor and Head of House

5 Lunch Time Lunches will take place between 12.15 and 1,55. Years 7,8 10 and 12 will have lunch at 12.15 followed by lesson 4 and 5. Years 9, 11 and 13 will have lunch at 1.15 followed by lesson 5. Younger Year Groups (7 &8) will have a separate play area There are areas where youngsters who are not comfortable with large numbers can go and feel safe and secure.

6 Attendance and Punctuality Target attendance is 93% We expect all our students to achieve this. Punctuality is also a vital skill Lateness receives a sanction Good attendance and punctuality is rewarded.


8 First day of Term Wednesday September 3rd Meet on tennis court at 8.25 am in full ‘winter’ uniform Students will be with their tutor all morning. Timetable, planners maps given out and explained Find their way around school Fire Drill Photographs taken Meet other tutees Planned Activities Expectations, rewards, rules and sanctions explained Lunch Whole school assembly Dismissed to go home at 2.55 pm

9 Top Tips for Parents Label all the items of uniform and belongings Check their planner for homework Agree a bedtime for schooldays, they will be tired in the first weeks Work out what time they will need to get up to get to school on time. Agree a routine for the morning, who showers first and for how long Know the school rules about uniform and do not accept their word that it has changed Encourage them to get their uniform ready the night before Have a timetable clearly displayed at home Help them plan ahead for Food Tech and PE Communicate with school about concerns

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