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Partner List. 1 Minute Discussion Find out what you have in common with your partner. Why were you paired together? Microsoft, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Partner List. 1 Minute Discussion Find out what you have in common with your partner. Why were you paired together? Microsoft, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Partner List

2 1 Minute Discussion Find out what you have in common with your partner. Why were you paired together? Microsoft, 2011

3 College Interests You and your partner each have at least one same college of interest or career field of interest. – Identified through Naviance Family Connection You’ll be working together to learn more about a college of interest. 1 minute - find out what your partners’ colleges and careers of interest are.

4 Understanding GASP Learning 10 th Grade Academic Skills for Success in Postsecondary Education Microsoft, 2011

5 GASP G – Gather To collect information A – Analyze To study the information closely S – Synthesize To combine information from multiple sources P – Present To share the information Microsoft, 2011

6 Project Objectives You will work with a partner to gather, analyze, synthesize, and present information about a college that interests both of you. While learning about colleges, you also will be developing GASP learning strategies and collaboration skills. – These skills are necessary to be successful in high school and postsecondary education.

7 Information First, you and your partner will choose one college of interest to explore. Then, you will be required to gather, analyze, synthesize, and present information about 5 topics related to your selected college of interest.

8 1. College Overview Location – How large is the city? How far from home is the city? Size – how many students? Faculty to student ratio Degrees/certificates offered Demographics (gender, race)

9 2. College Freshman Characteristics How large is the freshman class? How many students applied and how many or what percentage were accepted? Average ACT Average GPA Average Class rank Home town Gender Race

10 3. College Entrance Requirements Test requirements Grade/GPA requirements High School Course requirements Application process – What does the application ask for? – When is the application due?

11 4. College Cost What is the cost of attendance (including tuition, housing, and books) Is there reciprocity with Minnesota (tuition discount for students from your state?) What percentage of students get financial aid? What are the options for financial aid? What financial aid would each of you expect to get from this college?

12 College Fit What majors are offered that you might be interested in (each student should name 2) What activities/sports/clubs/organizations are on campus that you might be interested in (each student should name at least 2) What do you like about the college? Do you think this is a good fit for either or you? Why do you think it would be a good fit for you? Or Why don’t you think it would be a good fit?

13 Presentation Each pair will give a 5-7 minute presentation about their chosen college. You must have a visual presentation to go along with your oral presentation. – The visual presentation can take the following forms: Poster Power Point Webpage Newsletter Brochure Flash or Animated presentation

14 Presentation Date(s) Presentations will be given on:

15 Assessment You will be evaluated using the rubric provided – In the information categories, you’ll be evaluated on: How well you answer the questions How accurate the information is that you provide. – In the presentation categories, you’ll be evaluated on: The clarity of the presentation The amount of time and effort your put into preparing your presentation The visual appeal of your presentation Your ability to collaborate with your partner

16 Steps for Completing the Project 1. Gather Information – Today Work on defining the task: – What is the objective of the project? – What is expected of us? Begin gathering information – Next class: Gather information – Use at least 3 Sources – Paraphrasing and summarizing information gathered Cite your sources!

17 Steps for Completing the Project 2.Analyze the information. – What is important? – What are the main ideas? – Is the information helpful? – Is the information applicable? – Is the information credible?

18 Steps for Completing the Project 3.Synthesize the information. – What information is in more than one source? – What information is only in one source? – Paraphrase or put ideas into your own words – Combine what you’ve learned from the multiple sources

19 Steps for Completing the Project 4.Present the information – Determine your audience – Determine how you will visually present what you’ve learned Poster Power Point Webpage Newsletter Brochure Flash or Animated presentation – Determine the materials needed – Create the presentation – Give the presentation – Evaluate the presentation

20 Step 1: Define the Task Form your pair Discuss the task: – What is the task? – What are they being asked to do? – What is expected in the end? Choose a college to study – Look at your Family Connection colleges of interest and survey results if you need help. Decide how you will divide up the project

21 Which Sources Will You Use? In your pairs, briefly discuss which sources you think will be most helpful and appropriate for the information you are gathering. Microsoft, 2011

22 Next Steps Begin researching! You’ll have more time next class to research and work on the presentation.

23 To-Do Log in to Naviance Go to the “My Planner” Tab Go to the “To-Do List” Tab Add a To-Do

24 To-Do Your To-Do should remind you of the information you need to search for in the next class. Example:

25 Reference Microsoft Office Images. (2011). Retrieved from us/images/

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