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The Red Sea Rule #6 When unsure, take the next logical step. Exodus 14:15 Rev. Shawn P. Ellis.

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Presentation on theme: "The Red Sea Rule #6 When unsure, take the next logical step. Exodus 14:15 Rev. Shawn P. Ellis."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Red Sea Rule #6 When unsure, take the next logical step. Exodus 14:15 Rev. Shawn P. Ellis

2  Realize that God means for to be where you are  No always your foul behavior or messing up that leads you to difficult times.  Be more concerned for God’s glory than for your own relief.  How will God be glorified in this (Kingdom thinking)  Acknowledge your enemy  But don’t focus on him.  Pray  Should be #1 – talk to God, share your concerns, but listen to Him speak  Stay Calm and Confident and Give God time to work  Be still and know that He is God (WAIT)

3  What do you find each of these rules have in common?  They all require something on our part! FAITH and MOVEMENT

4 Biblical Examples  Red Sea – God divides the waters of the Red Sea so the Israelites can walk through it and escape Pharoah. (Exodus 14:16) – What were Gods instructions to Moses?  Joshua and Walls of Jericho –The walls would not tumble down until Israelites followed their instructions. What was the Israelites part?  Nehemiah rebuilds the wall of Jerusalem – the Jews are rebuilding the walls, but those around don’t want to make Jerusalem a strong city again, so they threaten to attach the Jews. (Neh. 4:9)

5 Why doesn’t God just give us His Great direction or plan of escape?  Analysis Paralysis – the state of over-analyzing (or over thinking) a situation, or citing sources, so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralyzing the outcome.  How does that relate to God not giving us His plan?  If He told us all that He wanted us to do, we could not handle it.  God is constantly shaping us, so details would be many.

6 Red Sea Rule #6  When unsure, just take the next logical step

7 How does God lead us?  Generally He leads us step-by-step, provides for us, day by day and cares for us moment-by-moment  Psalms 110:3 (NLT) “Your strength shall be renewed each day like the morning dew”.  Luke 11:3 “Give us this day our daily bread”  2 Corinthians 4:16 “ Therfore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day”.

8 So what must we do when problems arise?  Pray–“God I commit my decisions to you”.  Trust God–Means that you believe that God will accomplish His purpose through your actions.  Move in the next logical direction – Its ok to act when God says move, but not out of fear to try to fix our situations.

9 I leave you with this verse…  Eccl. 11:4,6 Whosoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap. Sow your seed in the morning and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well.

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