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Administration Tab CiviCRM. Data Organization in CiviCRM: "Building Blocks" Contacts Reports Mail Tags Activities Contribe Member Events and Event Attendences.

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Presentation on theme: "Administration Tab CiviCRM. Data Organization in CiviCRM: "Building Blocks" Contacts Reports Mail Tags Activities Contribe Member Events and Event Attendences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Administration Tab CiviCRM

2 Data Organization in CiviCRM: "Building Blocks" Contacts Reports Mail Tags Activities Contribe Member Events and Event Attendences

3 Contacts Individuals Organizations Households Information within contact profiles: name, nickname, greeting, title website, email addresses, phone numbers, IM account name addresses communication preferences

4 Mail Mail are a way to connect two contacts to each other. out of the box relationship types in CiviCRM are "employer - employee" and "parent - child" One describes the relationship of A to B, and the other of B to A. o For example, Adam is Bernard's son and Bernard is Adam's father. Sometimes both descriptions will be the same: Charlie is Diane's friend and Diane is Charlie's friend.

5 Groups Groups are useful to identify two or more contacts with something in common. (Similar to relationships but not just two-way) Can be use for mailing lists. o you would create a group containing newsletter subscribers, then use the group to send an email newsletter. Groups can be a "child" or "parent" o When a group is a parent, and you select that group and its contacts, you select the contacts within it's child groups as well.

6 Groups Cont. "For some groups, such as your advisory board, you might want to capture other types of relationships than a simple "belong to" (eg. president, vice-president, member, substitute). Instead of creating a group, you might want to create a new type, "board", and a contact, "advisory board", then add the members of the group as relationships to that contact. For mailing purposes, you might want to create a smart group with all the related individuals (no matter the type of relationship) of that board."

7 Tags Similar to groups, tags are used to identify contacts, but also can be applied to activities and cases (still to come) that have something in common.

8 Activities Activities track interactions between the organization and its clients or contacts at a specific point in time. All of CiviCRM's components make extensive use of activities, such as to record contributions, event attendances, membership subscriptions, and emails. You can create additional activity types to define specific activities that your organization carries out, for example, "completed annual survey". All Activities have these characteristics: o time o status o added by o assigned to o with contacts

9 Contributions Type of activity Whenever there is a financial element it is technically a contribution o for each donation, campaign contribution, for paid events and membership fees. predefined contribution types: o donations o campaign contributions o membership fees o fees These can be added to They have different status which reflect the reception process. (we will discuss this the CiviContribute week)

10 Memberships and Membership Types Type of activity o contain extra fields for tracking memberships --> start & end dates Definitions such as these (fees as well) can all be customized. Memberships are renewable o the start and end date are shifted but the original date of joining remains the same. Membership fees are a type of contribution

11 Events and Attendance Another building block of CiviCRM Contains fields to add events and give these events, times locations, fees and other information. When a contact registers for an event, a participant record is created linking the contact to the event.

12 Reports Reports are a way to logically connect a series of activities Meaning that you can define different case types and associate a predefined series of activities with them. When creating a new case you typically create a series of scheduled activities that need to be completed as a part of that report As the report progresses, you can record new activities, or series of activities, as part of the case.

13 Administration To-begin lets talk about Menus o administer-->site building blocks-->menus o this is important especially when creating content. Identifying where your links for the content will be located. o on this menu page you will see some fields.  here you can create a new menu or edit existing menus  these menus can be made invisible for certain users and viewable for others. Lets Make a New Menu

14 Content Management Administer-->content management-->content o all of the content you create, just like in wordpress, is stored in your database.  so when you delete something on the Drupal end it is deleted in your database as well. Content Types o A page is a simple method for creating and displaying information that rarely changes, such as an "About us" section of a website. By default, a page entry does not allow visitor comments and is not featured on the site's initial home page. o A story, similar in form to a page, is ideal for creating and displaying content that informs or engages website visitors. Press releases, site announcements, and informal blog-like entries may all be created with a story entry. By default, a story entry is automatically featured on the site's initial home page, and provides the ability to post comments.

15 Site Configuration: Maintenance, Reports administer-->site configuration Maintenance Since we are currently constructing a new site, use the site configuration admin section to take our site offline o click site maintenance o once the preferences are saved, it will be in maintenance mode o while it may look inaccessible use the following path to access the log-in panel   login

16 Site Configuration Continued Reports o This will give you information about updates and site information.

17 Setting Themes administer-->site building-->themes Here you can configure your existing theme o also uploading exterior themes Visibility of Items on you page On this page you can also insert a path to a custom logo or upload a file.

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