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EgyptiansHebrewsSumeriansPhoenicians 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60.

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3 EgyptiansHebrewsSumeriansPhoenicians 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Final Jeopardy

4 10 The Egyptians built their civilization along what river? Answer

5 Nile River

6 20 Answer In what direction does the Nile flow?

7 South to north

8 30 Answer How often does the Nile flood and what does it leave behind?

9 Annually; rich silt

10 40 Answer This leader united Upper & Lower Egypt creating Egypt’s first Dynasty.

11 Menes (Narmer)

12 50 Answer What is a theocracy?

13 Egyptian kings were the political leader & religious leader— theocracy making Egypt a theocracy

14 60 Answer The first pyramids were built during the Old Kingdom. What type were they?

15 Step pyramids

16 70 Answer This outside group had bronze weapons and was able to rule Egypt for 110 years.

17 Hyksos

18 80 Answer Who was the first female pharaoh of Egypt?

19 Hatshepsut

20 90 Answer I ruled for 67 years, and I am probably the pharaoh portrayed in the 10 Commandments.

21 Ramses II

22 100 Answer What was the Rosetta Stone?

23 Allowed historians to decode hieroglyphics.

24 10 Answer The founder of the Hebrew religion (Judaism). “Father of the Hebrews”

25 Abraham

26 20 Answer What is monotheism?

27 Belief in one god

28 30 Answer Why did the Hebrews go into Egypt?

29 Drought in Canaan

30 40 Answer In the 1200s BC, who leads the Hebrews out of Egypt?

31 Moses

32 50 Answer Where does Moses lead them?

33 Sinai Desert (Mt. Sinai)

34 60 Answer What is the “Exodus?”

35 When Moses leads the Hebrews out of Egypt

36 70 Answer What does Moses receive on Mt. Sinai?

37 10 Commandments

38 80 Answer Who was the first king to unite the Hebrews?

39 Saul

40 90 Answer The Hebrews eventually split into two kingdoms. What are they?

41 Israel and Judah

42 100 Answer What are the first five books of the Bible called?

43 The Torah

44 10 Answer What does Mesopotamia mean?

45 Land between two rivers

46 20 Answer Between what two rivers did the Sumerians settle?

47 Tigris and Euphrates

48 30 Answer The Sumerians created city-states. What are they?

49 city-states—a city and all of the surrounding land with its own independent government

50 40 Answer What are ziggurats?

51 Stone temples

52 50 Answer What writing system did the Sumerians create?

53 Cuneiform

54 60 Answer What did Sumerians write on?

55 Wet clay

56 70 Answer Who could read and write Cuneiform?

57 Scribes

58 80 Answer What type of religion did Sumerians have?

59 Polytheist

60 90 Answer Name two Sumerian Inventions.

61 Wagon wheel Arch Potter’s wheel Sundial 12 month calendar Bronze Metal plow

62 100 Answer How did geography affect the Sumerians & other civilizations in the Fertile Crescent?

63 Fertile farming land, but unpredictable flooding was dangerous

64 10 Answer Where did the Phoenicians settle?

65 Canaan (Lebanon, Israel, Jordan)

66 20 Answer How did the Phoenicians make a living?

67 Sea trading

68 30 Answer What nickname did the Phoenicians get?

69 Purple People

70 40 Answer What was their major contribution?

71 Alphabet

72 50 Answer Who could read and write the Phoenician alphabet?

73 Anyone- no scribes needed

74 60 Answer Why was the Phoenician alphabet important?

75 Basis for Greek & all western alphabets

76 70 Answer The alphabet spread throughout the Mediterranean. What is this called?

77 Cultural diffusion

78 80 Answer Who introduced the money System?

79 Lydians

80 90 Answer How did geography affect the Phoenicians?

81 They used cedar from the mountains to build ships, and they became sea traders.

82 100 Answer How did geography affect the Lydians?

83 Rich because of gold deposits

84 Final Jeopardy Answer Type your text here.

85 Type the answer

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