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#5 The Story New Commandments and a New Covenant Exodus 19-40.

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1 #5 The Story New Commandments and a New Covenant Exodus 19-40

2 Review:

3 Plot Points: God presents His people with His commands, outlining His expectations for the covenant community. God’s central desire is to have a people with whom He can dwell in relationship and through whom he can reveal Himself to the world.

4 I. I.Overview Leaving Egypt Mt. Sinai is where 10 commands were given God shows His covenant with the people

5 II. God wants relationship with people: God insists that His people must live by a set of guidelines God had them make a place for Him to stay God required a way to restore fellowship between this holy God and a sinful people-(Sacrifices)

6 III. At Mt. Sinai—Exodus 19 Camped for 11 months at the mountain

7 Moses goes up on the Mountain to get 10 Commandments 1. No other gods before me 2. No idols 3. Do not take God’s name in vain 4. Keep the Sabbath Holy 5. Honor your Father and mother 6. Do not murder 7. Do not commit adultery 8. Do not steal 9. Do not bear false witness – Lie 10. Do not covet

8 III. III.Worshippers called out Exodus 24- 25 A. Moses tells the people the laws and command “All that the Lord has said, we will do.” Tabernacle explained Ark of the Covenant Explained

9 IV. IV.Golden Calf Exodus 32 God calls Moses back to the Mountain Trying to manufacture another way to God

10 V. God with us Exodus 33-34, 40

11 Upper story God is continually making a way for man to be with Himself God is producing a people for His name

12 Lower story Give commands to live by Each is for your good Build a Tabernacle Purpose is— Exodus 25:8 (ESV) And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst. God wants to meet with us

13 Sacrifice system and tabernacle are to show people a need for Christ and build a nation.

14 Hebrews 10:1–18 (NLT)

15 Communion Sins forgiven Confession is for relationship with God Confession is for relationship with people Bread—Remembering that Christ took our sins and was punished Blood of Christ—Cleanses us from all sin

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