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Hany Lashen University of Sheffield. Definition is based on low haemoglobin and / or haematocrite. Age groupHb Threshold (dg/l) Children <4.9911 Children.

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Presentation on theme: "Hany Lashen University of Sheffield. Definition is based on low haemoglobin and / or haematocrite. Age groupHb Threshold (dg/l) Children <4.9911 Children."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hany Lashen University of Sheffield


3 Definition is based on low haemoglobin and / or haematocrite. Age groupHb Threshold (dg/l) Children <4.9911 Children 5-11.9911.5 Children 12-14.9912 Non-pregnant women12 Pregnant women11 Men (> 15)13

4  Classification:  Blood film: microcytic hypocrhomic.  Onset: Acute (haemorrhage) vs chronic.  Cause: ▪ Iron deficiency. ▪ Vitamin B12 and folic acid deficiency. ▪ Haemoglobinopathy: thalassaemia and sickle cell. ▪ Haemorrhage.  IDA is the commonest cause.

5 Region (countries)% Africa (46)40.7 Americas (38)58 South East Asia (11)14.9 Europe (52)22.9 Eastern Mediterranean (21)84.3 Western Pacific (27)13.8

6 AfghanistanKuwaitSaudi Arabia BahrainLebanonsomalia DjiboutiLibyaSudan EgyptMorocoSyria IranOmanTunisia IraqPakistanUAE JordanQatarYemen

7 Category of public health significancePrevalence of anaemia (%) Severe> 40 Moderate20-39.9 Mild5-19.9 Normal< 4.9

8 Age group%Millions Preschool children47.4293 School age children25.4305 Non-pregnant women41.856 Pregnant women30.2468 Men12.7260 Elderly23.9164

9  Most common worldwide.  Need to differentiate between ID and IDA.  Microcytic hypochromic.  Has physiological and pathological causes.  Physiological: children and women, blood donors vegans.  Pathological: IBD, Kidney disease, Cancer, Chronic inflammatory diseases, parasitic infestation, etc.  Iron deficiency per se can have undesired effect on cognition, fatigue and immunity.

10  In jejunum mainly.  Controls serum levels.  5-10% of dietary intake normally.  Increases 3-4 fold when depleted.  Two forms: haem and nonhaem.  Haem absorption not affected by elements.  Nonhaem affected by inhibitors & enhancers.  ID arise when demands exceed supply.

11 GroupAgeMean Wt. Requirement for growth (mg/day) Basal loss Mg/day Menstrual Loss mg/day Males11-14450.550.62 15-1764.40.60.9 18+751.05 Females11-1446.10.550.65 11-1446.10.550.650.48 15-1756.40.350.790.48 18+61820.870.48 Postmenopause620.87 Lactating621.15

12 RequirementHigh (15%)Intermediate (12%)Low (10%)v. Low (5%) Males: 1.179.712.214.629.2 1.512.515.718.837.6 Females: 1.29.311.71428 1.6821.827.732.765.4 1.6220.725.83162 1.4619.624.529.458.8 0.877.59.411.322.6 1.151012.51530

13 Estimates based on the prevalence of anaemia (WHO). Age groupIndustrial world (%)Non-industrial world (%) 0-420.139 4-145.948.1 Pregnant women22.752 All women10.342.3 Men4.330 Elderly1245.2

14  Low Hb.  Microcytic hypochromic.  Exclude haemoglobinopathy esp. thalassaemia.  :Check iron stores:  Low ferretin.  Low transferrin saturation.  High erythrocyte protoporphyrin.  High serum transferrin receptor level.  Bone marrow iron stain.  Establish the cause.

15  Who?  Pregnant women.  School children.  How?  FBC.  Ferretin.

16  Obstetrics:  Hb <8.5 dg/l leads to poor outcome (low birth weight, prematurity, postpartum haemorrhage, infection, slow recovery).  Gynaecology:  Heavy periods (half body iron could be lost in one year ~ 1.5 g).  Oral iron unlikely to keep pace with the loss.

17 TypeMax doseTest dose Ferric carboxymaltose1000 mgNoEurope, Asia, Australia Ferumoxytol510NoFDA Iron isomaltoside20 mg/kgNoEurope (2009) Dexferrum100YesHMWID InfeD100YesLMWID Ferrlecit125NoGluconate Venofer200NoSucrose

18 Ganzoni formula: Total iron dose [mg iron] = Body weight [kg] x (Target Hb – Actual Hb) [g/dL] x 2.4 + Iron for iron stores [mg iron]. Iron for stores + 500 mg for weight >35 kg.

19  IDA very prevalent world wide.  ID prevalence is difficult to assess.  Proper diagnosis & assess iron stores.  Iron supplement should be considered for vulnerable groups.  Health economics should be in operation.  Assess the need, the cause, the time, the efficacy of oral vs. IV iron.  Patient’s compliance in certain cases.

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