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HKU Event Management System (HKUEMS) Workshop January 15, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "HKU Event Management System (HKUEMS) Workshop January 15, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 HKU Event Management System (HKUEMS) Workshop January 15, 2015

2 Some basics HKUEMS – developed by ITS Functions: 1.Publicity – HKU homepage and HKU Portal 2.Registration (optional) 3.Reporting (since 2012/13) – extraction of data on public events and CPD courses for submission to the UGC in July each year

3 HKU events Only for events organized by HKU departments/units Both on- and off-campus Events co-organized with other organizations: √ But not events in which the Faculty or department would only contribute a logo as one of the supporting organizations

4 Registered users Event manager account – ITS application form (CF-148) at Registered event managers - administrative staff with responsibilities in event organization Should not be used by individual academic and academic-related staff members to report their KE talks or other KE outputs

5 Background on KE Knowledge Exchange (KE) as one of the 3 missions of higher education (alongside Teaching & Learning and Research) Formally recognized by UGC since 2009

6 HKU Definition of KE Engaging with society, with business, government or the public, to generate, acquire, apply and make accessible the knowledge needed to enhance material, human, social, cultural and environmental well-being

7 KE Performance Indicators CDCF Table 74: Social, Community and Cultural Engagement  Public Lectures  Performance Arts (music, dance, drama etc.)  Exhibitions Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses – required for KE annual report

8 CPD courses UGC’s definition  Training programmes for learners already in work who are undertaking the course for purposes of professional development / upskilling / workforce development, i.e. it does not relate to undergraduate courses where students go on placement  Mainstream teaching activities, on-the-job professional support or consultancy provided on a retainer/contingency basis, and sub-degree courses are excluded.

9 Data Collection Process Before 2012/13: manually via Faculties Since 2012/13: data extraction from HKUEMS

10 Your timely, accurate and complete data input to the HKUEMS means: the efforts of your Faculty/department/unit in organizing public events and CPD courses could be accurately reflected and contribute to HKU’s performance in KE

11 Under-reporting? Year CPD contact hours Percentage change over 2011/12 CPD income (HK$) Percentage change over 2011/12 Data collection method 2011/12*246,896-$8,720,000- Manually via Faculties 2012/13541,585119%$1,804,000-79%HKUEMS 2013/14100,461-59%$6,477,000-26%HKUEMS * 2011/12, being the last financial year of the previous triennium, is regarded as the baseline year.

12 Choose the correct interface Single Session Event  event with only one session  event lasting for one day  event to be repeated with the same programme content on consecutive days for several groups of participants Multiple Sessions Event  event or course lasting for more than one day with different programme contents on each day

13 Choose the appropriate event type (1) Admission Talk/Career Talk/Information Session/Open Day Ceremony/Press Conference/Media Event Continuing Professional Development Short Course Exhibition Performance Arts (music, dance, drama etc.) Public Lecture/Forum/Seminar/Workshop/ Conference/Symposium Other Event/Function

14 Choose the appropriate event type (2) If for admission or recruitment of students: √ Admission Talk/Career Talk/Information Session/Open Day X Public Lecture/Forum/Seminar/Workshop/ Conference/Symposium If a course for training or professional development of particular target group(s), e.g. nurses, dentists, lawyers, social workers: √ CPD course X Public Lecture/Forum/Seminar/Workshop/ Conference/Symposium

15 Target audience Up to 2 selections If targets nurses and healthcare professionals, dentists, lawyers, or social workers, choose “Government/Industry/Non- Governmental Organization (NGO)/ Professional Bodies”

16 Number of attendees Expected Number of Attendees for All Sessions in the Event:  Give your best estimate (e.g. based on past experience of similar events) Actual Number of Attendees:  Go to “View past events”  look for the record  click the icon under “Actions”  Post-event Page  For a “Multiple Sessions Event”, add the actual number of attendees in each session or each day together

17 Post-event Page

18 Complete the Post-event Page promptly! Data will be extracted from HKUEMS in early July each year for submission to the UGC

19 Man-hours of HKU academic staff Expected Total Man-hours of HKU Academic Staff involved in the event:  UGC wants to know only the amount of time in man-hours to be spent by academic staff (teaching and research staff) as a moderator, speaker, etc during the event.

20 CPD contact hours Expected Total Number of Hours Spent by Each Student/Attendee in Contact with the Teaching Staff for the Whole Course (for CPD short course only):  Number of student contact hours in CPD short courses required by UGC

21 6 Case Examples Step-by-step Guide at HKUEMS (under “Create active events”), ITS website and KE website (KE Office > Internal Communication)ITS websiteKE website 6 case examples:  A Seminar  An Admission Talk  A One-day Conference  A Workshop to be Repeated for Several Groups of Participants  A Two-day Conference  A CPD Course

22 Delete your test records! All the test records (in either online or offline status) must be deleted after testing, or else they will be extracted as real events for counting! Go to “Manage active event” or “View past events”  look for the test records  click the icon under “Actions” to delete

23 Q&A Knowledge Exchange Office (KEO) with the support of Management Information Unit (MIU) Information Technology Services (ITS)

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