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Multicultural Night Here we go ….. PTA PTA meeting at 5:30 in gym – Election of new board PTA adjourned by 5:45 – All families will exit the gym after.

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Presentation on theme: "Multicultural Night Here we go ….. PTA PTA meeting at 5:30 in gym – Election of new board PTA adjourned by 5:45 – All families will exit the gym after."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multicultural Night Here we go ….

2 PTA PTA meeting at 5:30 in gym – Election of new board PTA adjourned by 5:45 – All families will exit the gym after the meeting concludes

3 Arrival Families “check in” for multi-cultural night at one of the two embassies – Embassy #1: Near the food tent – Embassy #2: Inside the Cafeteria Embassies will be fully staffed with both parent and student ambassadors Signage will help communicate expectations

4 Cafeteria: Embassy Henrie: Costa Rica D’Aurizio Italy Oliver: France Lee: Egypt Daniels: Mexico STAIRS __ _____ _________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ Selby: India Bailey: Ghana Herring: Russia Norton: Austria MEDIA SPECIAL AREA: Australia Spaulding & Crocker Japan Entrance 1/2 tour Exit York: Brazil MUSIC Barber: China Rankin: Jamaica Lemere: Sweden Padgett: Colombia Haines: USA Rodgers: Germany _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ Stairs __ _____ _______ ___ _______ Exit Gym: Performances Shuman: N&S Korea BATHROOMS  Food Tents Outside on Lawn! MAIN LEVEL LOWER LEVEL ONLY Performance Entrance: Main Gym Doors *Exit to Performance BATH ROOMS  Embassy *Exit to Performance Coberth- Kurdys: Saudi Arabia & United Arab Emerites

5 Event Options 1.When families check in for multi-cultural night they will need to choose the order of their itinerary from six event options 2.Connect Ed messages, flyers in Thursday folders, and signage will communicate expectations. Communication will help families be aware of the event’s options. Families should be prepared to choose the order of their itinerary upon arrival.

6 Event Options 1.Main Level Tour (Maroon Ticket) 2.Lower Level Tour (Yellow Ticket) 3.World Tour: Main Level & Lower Level (Green Ticket) 4.Performance Options African Drummer (1 st performance) @ 6:15 – 6:40 (Purple Ticket) African Drummer (2 nd performance) @ 6:45 – 7:10 (Blue Ticket) Australian Bush Dancing @ 7:15 – 7:45 (Orange Ticket) 5.Food Tent (White Ticket) 6.Combo: a)Tour + Performance b)Tour + Food c)Performance + Food d)Performance + Food + Tour (main/lower/world)

7 Food … for purchase only Maki Taco Napolitano Southern Cake Queen Holy Matrimony * Food is available from 5:30 – 8:30

8 Procedures for Families Check in: – Families will decide on their itinerary’s option(s) at the embassy – Each family will be given a lanyard at check in – Appropriate tickets will be distributed – Performances will be first come, first serve Tour: – If on a tour, families will follow the set path. – No family should deviate from the path – Hallways will be monitored by both staff and student ambassadors to ensure safety and order are maintained

9 Procedures for Families Food: – All food items must be consumed outside – No food is allowed on the tour or in the performance area Supervision: – Children must stay with their families at all times. (Student Ambassadors are an exception & will have a designated lanyard) – Each family should enter and exit through each classroom’s designated entrance/exit door

10 Procedures for Families Performance: – Each person must show their “ticket” to enter the performance. – Families should arrive to the performance five minutes ahead of the scheduled start time. – If a family is going to the performance from the cafeteria or from the tour, they must exit the building and enter the gym from the outside doors. – If a family needs to leave the tour to go to the performance, they can exit at the designated tour exits only. Ambassadors will direct families to the outside entrance for the performance.

11 Procedures for Families Bathrooms: – Children must be accompanied by an adult – Upper level tour guests will use classroom bathrooms – Lower level tour guests will use hallway bathrooms (marked on map) – Food tent patrons will use bathrooms near the cafeteria and/or the gym. – Ambassadors will be stationed near bathrooms to ensure safety and order.

12 Procedures for Classrooms CLASSROOMS: – Teachers will be posted at classroom doors by 5:45 pm – No staff member should leave prior to 8:15 pm – Classrooms must be neat and clean – If a family attempts to enter without proper lanyard identification, direct them to check-in at the embassy

13 Procedures for Classrooms CLASSROOMS: – Entrance to the classroom and exit from the classroom must be clearly marked and easily accessible. – Displays must be informative and showcase student work. – Classroom Country should be easily identifiable – SMARTBoards should be utilized if applicable (video, pictures, quiz, website, etc.) – World maps will be provided showing where your country is located. Provided maps should be displayed at the entrance of your classroom

14 Procedures for Classrooms CLASSROOMS: – Families must follow the designated path – Families may enter or exit the tour only from designated areas Henrie’s Room (Main Level Tour Entrance) Stairwell / Shuman’s Room (Lower Level Tour Entrance) Gym stairs near Art room *Exit to Performance Only Rankin’s Room *Exit to Performance Only Haines’ Room *Exit to Performance Only

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