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Part 1: Common network/protocol functions

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1 Part 1: Common network/protocol functions
Goals: identify, study common architectural components, protocol mechanisms synthesis: big picture depth: important topics not covered in intro course Overview: signaling: telephone net, Internet, ATM net protocols hard state versus soft state randomization indirection service location network virtualization: overlays Part 1

2 Common but already covered…
error control ARQ (ACK,NAK), FEC, hybrid checksum, CRC flow control congestion control Routing Timers Concerns: fairness, stability Naming and addressing others? Part 1

3 Signaling signaling: exchange of messages among network entities to enable (provide service) to connection/call before, during, after connection/call call setup and teardown call maintenance measurement, billing between: end-user <-> network end-user <-> end-user network element <-> network element Part 1

4 Telephone network: services
point-to-point POTS calls special telephone numbers: 800 (888) number service: free call to customer 900 number service: bill caller numbers for life caller ID calling card/third part charging call routing (to end user): prespecified, by time-of-day “follow me” service incoming/outgoing call restrictions support for cellular roaming: “home” number routed to current cell location Part 1

5 Telephone network: AIN
AIN: Advanced Intelligent (phone) Network: migration from service-in-the-switch to service logic external to (on top of) switching systems looks like Internet philosophy: e.g., DNS is at application layer; RIP,OSPF, BGP above IP) AIN advantages: introduce new services rapidly open interfaces: vendor customization, vendor independence of services Part 1

6 Telephone network: circuit-switched voice trunks (data plane)
subscriber access lines (twisted pair) voice “trunk” lines (carrying multiple calls) Part 1

7 Telephone network: data and control planes
Part 1

8 SS7: telephone signaling network
Part 1

9 Signaling System 7: telephone network signaling
out-of-band signaling: telephony signaling carried over separate network from telephone calls (data) allows for signaling between any switches (not just directly-connected ) allows for signaling during call (not just before/after) allows for higher-than-voice-data-rate signaling security: in-band tone signaling helps phone phreaks; out of band signaling more secure SS7 network: packet-switched calls themselves circuit-switched lots of redundancy (for reliability) in signaling network links, elements Part 1

10 Signaling System 7: telephone network
signaling between telephone network elements: signaling transfer point (STP): packet-switches of SS7 network send/receive/route signaling messages signaling control point (SCP): “services” go here e.g., database function signaling switching point (SSP): attach directly to end user endpoints of SS7 network Part 1

11 Example: signaling a POTS call
4. STP X forwards IAM SSP B 3. STP W forwards IAM to STP X 2. SSP A formulates Initial Address Message (IAM), forwards to STP W W Y 1. caller goes offhook, dials callee. SSP A determines to route call via SSP B. Assigns idle trunk A-B X A B Part 1

12 Example: signaling a POTS call
5. B determines it serves callee, creates address completion message (ACM[A,B,trunk]), rings callee phone, sends ringing sound on trunk to A 6. AC???M routed to Z to Y to A 7. SSP A receives ACM, connects subscriber line to allocated A-B trunk (caller hears ringing) W Z Y X A B Part 1

13 Example: signaling a POTS call
8. Callee goes off hook, B creates, sends answer message to A (ANM[A,B,trunk]) 9. ANM routed to A W Z 10. SSP A receives ANM, checks caller is connected in both directions to trunk. Call is connected! Y X A B Part 1

14 Example: signaling a 800 ca11
800 number: logical phone number translation to physical phone number needed, e.g., CALL_ATT translates to 3. M performs lookup, sends reply to A M 2. STP W forwards request to M W 1. Caller dials 800 number, A recognizes 800 number, formulates translation query, send to STP W Y A A B Part 1

15 Example: signaling a 800 ca11
800 number: logical phone number translation to physical phone number needed M W Z 1. A begins signaling to set up call to number associated with 800 number X A A B Part 1

16 Example: SS7 protocol stack
ISDN end-user signaling TCAP: application layer protocols: 800 service, calling card, call return, cellular roaming SCCP: demultiplexing to multiple upper layer applications SS7-specific network, link, physical layer protocols move to IP (RFC 2719)? Part 1

17 Signaling: discussion
800 logical-number-to-physical number translations: looks like DNS Q: Differences: in DNS end system generates request; dns is transparent to IP network- network layer in phone net does 800-service location translation for you [phone net has more “smarts in net] DNS is more decentralized: hierarchical anyone can run a names server, but not a 800 server Q: where is state stored? in POTS call: SSP stores circuit allocation, start/stop time in 800 call: STPs know where to go for 800 service; in Internet, DNS location transparent to IP routers (knowledge of where to go to DNS service is in end-systems, not in router – intelligence at the edge) Q: Internet versus SS7/telephone network for accessing services Part 1

18 Asynchronous Transfer Mode: ATM
1990’s/00 standard for high-speed (155Mbps to 622 Mbps and higher) Broadband Integrated Service Digital Network architecture Goal: integrated, end-end transport to carry voice, video, data meeting timing/QoS requirements of voice, video (versus Internet best-effort model) “next generation” telephony: technical roots in telephone world packet-switching (fixed length packets, called “cells”) using virtual circuits Part 1

19 ATM networks Part 1

20 ATM Layer: Virtual Channels
VC transport: cells carried on VC from source to dest call setup, teardown for each call before data can flow each packet carries VC identifier (not destination ID) every switch on source-dest path maintain “state” for each passing connection link, switch resources (bandwidth, buffers) may be allocated to VC: to get circuit-like perf. Permanent VCs (PVCs) long lasting connections e.g., “permanent” route between two IP routers Switched VCs (SVC): dynamically set up on per-call basis Part 1

21 ATM Signaling: Q.2931 PNNI (private network- network interface) UNI
(user-network interface) NNI (network- network interface) UNI (user-network interface) Part 1

22 ATM Q.2931 Call Setup Signaling
VCI=5; VPI=0 used as signaling channel user user UNI UNI ATM network setup call reference addresses traffic spec QoS setup call reference addresses traffic spec QoS VPI/VCI call proc call reference VPI/VCI call proc connect connect conn ack conn ack user-user data Part 1

23 ATM Q.2931 Call Release Signaling
user user UNI UNI ATM network user-user data call reference cause release call reference cause call reference cause release complete release release complete Part 1

24 ATM UNI Connection control messages
SETUP: initiate call estab CALL PROCEEDING: call estab begun CONNECT: call accepted CONNECT ACK: call accept ACK RELEASE: initiate call clearing RELEASE COMPLETE: call cleared STATUS ENQUIRY: req. status STATUS: requested status info RESTART: restart all VC’s RESTART ACK: ACK RESTART ADD PARTY: add party to existing connection ADD PARTY ACK: ACK of ADD PARTY ADD PARTY REJECT: REJECT of ADD PARTY DROP PARTY: drop party from existing connection DROP PARTY ACK: ACK of DROP PARTY Part 1

25 ATM Q.2931 Call Setup: Timers
timers used to recover from problems 10 timers at user side, 10 times at network side ATM network start T303 setup call proc setup start T303 stop T303 call proc start T310 stop T303 start T310 connect start T313 connect conn ack stop T310 stop T310 stop T313 conn ack Part 1

26 PNNI Signaling: PNNI user user UNI UNI setup setup call setup proc
“ a specific link, one switching system plays the role of the user side, and the other plays the role of the network side, as defined in the UNI 3.1 Specification.” ATM Forum af-pnni PNNI user user UNI UNI setup setup call proc setup call proc call proc connect connect connect conn ack conn ack conn ack user-user data Part 1

27 Signaling in the Internet
no network signaling protocols in initial IP design connectionless (stateless) forwarding by IP routers best effort service + = New requirement: reserve resources along end-to-end path (end system, routers) for QoS for multimedia applications RSVP: Resource Reservation Protocol [RFC 2205] “ … allow users to communicate requirements to network in robust and efficient way.” i.e., signaling ! earlier Internet Signaling protocol: ST-II [RFC 1819] Part 1

28 RSVP Design Goals accommodate heterogeneous receivers (different bandwidth along paths) accommodate different applications with different resource requirements make multicast a first class service, with adaptation to multicast group membership leverage existing multicast/unicast routing, with adaptation to changes in underlying unicast, multicast routes control protocol overhead to grow (at worst) linear in # receivers modular design for heterogeneous underlying technologies Part 1

29 RSVP: does not… specify how resources are to be reserved
rather: a mechanism for communicating needs determine routes packets will take that’s the job of routing protocols signaling decoupled from routing interact with forwarding of packets separation of control (signaling) and data (forwarding) planes Part 1

30 RSVP: overview of operation
senders, receiver join a multicast group done outside of RSVP senders need not join group sender-to-network signaling path message: make sender presence known to routers path teardown: delete sender’s path state from routers receiver-to-network signaling reservation message: reserve resources from sender(s) to receiver reservation teardown: remove receiver reservations network-to-end-system signaling path error reservation error Part 1

31 Path msgs: RSVP sender-to-network signaling
path message contents: address: unicast destination, or multicast group flowspec: bandwidth requirements spec. filter flag: if yes, record identities of upstream senders (to allow packets filtering by source) previous hop: upstream router/host ID refresh time: time until this info times out path message: communicates sender info, and reverse-path-to-sender routing info later upstream forwarding of receiver reservations Part 1

32 RSVP: simple audio conference
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 both senders and receivers multicast group m1 no filtering: packets from any sender forwarded audio rate: b only one multicast routing tree possible H3 H2 R1 R2 R3 H4 H1 H5 Part 1

33 RSVP: building up path state
H1, …, H5 all send path messages on m1: (address=m1, Tspec=b, filter-spec=no-filter,refresh=100) Suppose H1 sends first path message in out L1 L2 L6 in out L3 L7 L4 m1: m1: in out L5 L7 L6 m1: H2 H3 L3 L2 R1 L6 L7 R2 R3 L4 H4 L1 L5 H1 H5 Part 1

34 RSVP: building up path state
next, H5 sends path message, creating more state in routers in out L1 L2 L6 L6 in out L3 L7 L4 m1: m1: L1 in out L5 L5 L7 L6 m1: L6 H2 H3 L3 L2 R1 L6 L7 R2 R3 L4 H4 L1 L5 H1 H5 Part 1

35 RSVP: building up path state
H2, H3, H5 send path msgs, completing path state tables in out L1 L2 L6 L2 L6 in out L3 L7 L4 L3 L4 m1: m1: L1 L7 in out L5 L5 L7 L6 L7 m1: L6 H2 H3 L3 L2 R1 L6 L7 R2 R3 L4 H4 L1 L5 H1 H5 Part 1

36 reservation msgs: receiver-to-network signaling
reservation message contents: desired bandwidth: filter type: no filter: any packets address to multicast group can use reservation fixed filter: only packets from specific set of senders can use reservation dynamic filter: set of senders that can use reservation changes over time filter spec reservations flow upstream from receiver-to-senders, reserving resources, creating additional, receiver-related state at routers Part 1

37 RSVP: receiver reservation example 1
H1 wants to receive audio from all other senders H1 reservation msg flows uptree to sources H1 only reserves enough bandwidth for 1 audio stream reservation is of type “no filter” – any sender can use reserved bandwidth H2 H3 L3 L2 R1 L6 L7 R2 R3 L4 H4 L1 L5 H1 H5 Part 1

38 RSVP: receiver reservation example 1
H1 reservation msgs flows uptree to sources routers, hosts reserve bandwidth b needed on downstream links towards H1 L6 in out L3 L4 L7 in out L1 L2 m1: m1: L1 (b) L2 L6 L3 L4 L7 (b) in out L5 L6 L7 m1: L5 L6 (b) L7 H2 H3 b b L3 L2 b b b R1 L6 L7 b R2 R3 L4 b H4 L1 L5 H1 H5 Part 1

39 RSVP: receiver reservation example 1 (more)
next, H2 makes no-filter reservation for bandwidth b H2 forwards to R1, R1 forwards to H1 and R2 (?) R2 takes no action, since b already reserved on L6 L6 in out L3 L4 L7 in out L1 L2 m1: m1: L1 (b) L2 (b) L6 L3 L4 L7 (b) in out L5 L6 L7 m1: L5 L6 (b) L7 H2 H3 b b b L3 L2 b b b R1 L6 L7 b R2 R3 L4 b b H4 L1 L5 H1 H5 Part 1

40 RSVP: receiver reservation: issues
What if multiple senders (e.g., H3, H4, H5) over link (e.g., L6)? arbitrary interleaving of packets L6 flow policed by leaky bucket: if H3+H4+H5 sending rate exceeds b, packet loss will occur L6 in out L3 L4 L7 in out L1 L2 m1: m1: L1 (b) L2 (b) L6 L3 L4 L7 (b) in out L5 L6 L7 m1: L5 L6 (b) L7 H2 H3 b b b L3 L2 b b b R1 L6 L7 b R2 R3 L4 b b H4 L1 L5 H1 H5 Part 1

41 RSVP: example 2 H1, H4 are only senders
send path messages as before, indicating filtered reservation Routers store upstream senders for each upstream link H2 will want to receive from H4 (only) H2 H2 H3 H3 L3 L3 L2 L2 R1 L6 L7 R2 R3 L4 H4 L1 H1 Part 1

42 RSVP: example 2 H1, H4 are only senders
send path messages as before, indicating filtered reservation in out L1, L6 L3(H4-via-H4 ; H1-via-R3 ) L4(H1-via-R2 ) L7(H4-via-H4 ) in out L4, L7 L2(H1-via-H1 ; H4-via-R2 ) L6(H1-via-H1 ) L1(H4-via-R2 ) H2 H2 H3 H3 R2 L3 L3 L2 L2 R1 L6 L7 R3 L4 H4 L1 H1 in out L6, L7 L6(H4-via-R3 ) L7(H1-via-R1 ) Part 1

43 RSVP: example 2 receiver H2 sends reservation message for source H4 at bandwidth b propagated upstream towards H4, reserving b in out L1, L6 L3(H4-via-H4 ; H1-via-R2 ) L4(H1-via ) L7(H4-via-H4 ) in out L4, L7 L2(H1-via-H1 ;H4-via-R2 ) L6(H1-via-H1 ) L1(H4-via-R2 ) (b) (b) H2 H2 H3 H3 b R2 L3 L3 L2 L2 b b b R1 L6 L7 R3 L4 H4 L1 L1 H1 in out L6, L7 L6(H4-via-R3 ) L7(H1-via-R1 ) (b) Part 1

44 RSVP: soft-state senders periodically resend path msgs to refresh (maintain) state receivers periodically resend resv msgs to refresh (maintain) state path and resv msgs have TTL field, specifying refresh interval in out L1, L6 L3(H4-via-H4 ; H1-via-R3 ) L4(H1-via ) L7(H4-via-H4 ) in out L4, L7 L2(H1-via-H1 ;H4-via-R2 ) L6(H1-via-H1 ) L1(H4-via-R2 ) (b) (b) H2 H2 H3 H3 b R2 L3 L3 L2 L2 b b b R1 L6 L7 R3 L4 H4 L1 L1 H1 in out L6, L7 L6(H4-via-R3 ) L7(H1-via-R1 ) (b) Part 1

45 RSVP: soft-state suppose H4 (sender) leaves without performing teardown eventually state in routers will timeout and disappear! in out L1, L6 L3(H4-via-H4 ; H1-via-R3 ) L4(H1-via ) L7(H4-via-H4 ) in out L4, L7 L2(H1-via-H1 ;H4-via-R2 ) L6(H1-via-H1 ) L1(H4-via-R2 ) (b) (b) H2 H2 H3 H3 b R2 L3 L3 L2 L2 b b b R1 L6 L7 gone fishing! R3 L4 H4 L1 L1 H1 in out L6, L7 L6(H4-via-R3 ) L7(H1-via-R1 ) (b) Part 1

46 The many uses of reservation/path refresh
recover from an earlier lost refresh message expected time until refresh received must be longer than timeout interval! (short timer interval desired) Handle receiver/sender that goes away without teardown Sender/receiver state will timeout and disappear Reservation refreshes will cause new reservations to be made to a receiver from a sender who has joined since receivers last reservation refresh E.g., in previous example, H1 is only receiver, H3 only sender. Path/reservation messages complete, data flows H4 joins as sender, nothing happens until H3 refreshes reservation, causing R3 to forward reservation to H4, which allocates bandwidth Part 1

47 RSVP: reflections multicast as a “first class” service
receiver-oriented reservations use of soft-state Part 1

48 Signaling Discussion: SS7 vs Q2931 vs RSVP
Similarities Differences Part 1

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