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Editing—Try IT You’ll Like IT! An online editing drill. Try to answer the questions with a partner.

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Presentation on theme: "Editing—Try IT You’ll Like IT! An online editing drill. Try to answer the questions with a partner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Editing—Try IT You’ll Like IT! An online editing drill. Try to answer the questions with a partner.

2 What does this symbol mean?

3 Delete Way to go!

4 What does this symbol mean?

5 To Insert an r

6 And what does this symbol tell you to do?

7 Good! To close up

8 What does the editor want you to do here?

9 Correct! Add a space

10 What does this mean?

11 Way to go! Insert a period

12 This symbol means what?

13 You’ve got it! Add a comma

14 This symbol means to

15 Cool! Add an apostrophe

16 And now, try this one?

17 This symbol indicates that you need to add a colon.

18 In this sentence what does the copyeditor want you to correct?

19 Yes! Add a semicolon

20 What do these “eyes” mean?

21 Insert quotations

22 The symbol above means to…

23 You are sooo smart! Add parenthesis

24 What does the Z mean?

25 It means… To add a new line.

26 And this snake-like line means…

27 To Run together!

28 STET – What does it mean?

29 STET means to leave as is. The copy editor changed his/her mind after making an editing mark!

30 This is an example of

31 Transposing The letters are reversed.

32 This means to

33 Of Course… Spell out

34 These marks mean

35 To change letters to CAPITAL LETTERS

36 This symbol means to

37 Align sentences

38 What is wrong with this sentence? The ball was caught by the boy who was nearby under the bridge.

39 It’s AWKWARD Was the boy or the ball under the bridge?

40 Now, study pages pages 17 and 18 in your staff manual. We will talk about matters of style next week.

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