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Key Natural Resources that develop Nations  Steel  Cement  Copper  Water  Fuel ZIMBABWE.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Natural Resources that develop Nations  Steel  Cement  Copper  Water  Fuel ZIMBABWE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Natural Resources that develop Nations  Steel  Cement  Copper  Water  Fuel ZIMBABWE

2  Oil,  coal,  gas (Natural and Coal Gas) COAL AND GAS Zambezi, Limpopo and Save Basins carry coal and gas deposits. The level and quality of resources vary.



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6  Hwange Basin – Coking Coal, Power Coal, Industry Coal  Gokwe Basin – Power Coal, Industry Coal  Limpopo Basin – Coking Coal?, Power Coal, Industry Coal  Save Basin – Power Coal, Industry Coal CHALLENGES OF NATIONAL COAL RESOURCE  High Sulphur and Phosphorous levels  High Ash  Local Infrastructure poor  Environmental concerns  Definition of coal and Coal grades(National Policy)  Limited Local market  Zimbabwe has no port Facilities allocation. Distance to Port 1500 – 2500KM. Cost of rail +-5c per km per tonne vs Asia/Europe at +- 1,5c per km per tonne.

7  Building of Power Plants ($1m = 1 MW rule of thumb)  Social heating (use of discarded coal fines— fight deforestation)  Centralised Industrial Steam Parks(Industrial Efficiency)  Tobacco curing—special win-win pricing

8  FUEL FROM COAL (National Costs Modeling Key)----SA and Botswana experience.  Coal Exports (critical alignment with Offshore metallurgical plants parameters a pre-requisite)  More Power Plants



11  South Africa’s Eskom is running out of coal because Government gave nearly all Coal Concessions to Private Players who now choose to export for better prices.  Coal exports are achieved by a Nation not individual Companies. So, a National Coal Brand centrally marketed is a must if the Nation has to enter World Coal Markets.

12  By product of the formation of coal. Sits deep in the ground trapped by large water bodies.  Extraction is a highly technical endeavor.  There is need for a National Gas Policy.

13  Gas found in coal basins  Ground must be less physically disturbed.  Hwange coal basin has huge potential, one of the best in the region. A Company is currently applying for a Production License.

14 Gas yield Tests (Desorption):  Lubimbi BH “A” (Hwange Colliery): 5m 3 /ton at 450m BH “B” (Hwange Colliery): 1m 3 /ton at 250m  Luseche Figures not available (Shangani Energy) at 835m  Entuba BH “A” (Hwange Colliery): 4m 3/ton at 410m

15 Gas Yield Tests  Half way House (measured in billion cubic feet/square mile): BH-C3 (Shangani Energy): 35bcf/mi 2 BH-C4 (Shangani Energy): 51bcf/mi 2 Gwayi Here gas resource was estimated at 50billion cubic meters over 177 km 2 of the area. Total 6 TCF = 2 000MW for 50 years 15

16 CHALLENGES  No infrastructure (storage and transport)  No Policy (mineral, fuel, chemical—Inter Ministerial Issue)  Technological knowhow low

17 Accelerated exploration and development programme can lead to creation of “Load Management” Power generation Plants as well as cheap (cost) fertilizers and chemicals. Cost +- $20mLONGTERM Its key to create a National and Regional Industry outside Power Generation e.g. adopt motor vehicle engines that use CNG (Brazil).Incentivise new Industry designed for use of Gas away from Electricity, Coal and Oil.

18  1989 Mobil Oil Study  Abandoned 1993 due to no National Policy on Gas EDUCATED ESTIMATES  Cabora bassa basin 560 TCM  Mana Pools Basin 27.5 TCM  Mid Zambezi Basin 27 TCM  Mid/Longterm National Strategy is needed. 18


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