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Current state of energyproduction and useage, sources and domestic production.

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Presentation on theme: "Current state of energyproduction and useage, sources and domestic production."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current state of energyproduction and useage, sources and domestic production

2 Total: 815 [PJ]

3 Total: 635 [PJ]


5 Oil – The fifth largest oil exporter in the world. – Exports over 2 million barrels per day. Gas – The third largest exporter. – Over 100 billion scm exported annually. Hydro – Approximately 17 TWh. Imports are insignificant compared to exports



8  Because of environmental conflicts it is hard to achieve acceptance for large scale hydropower.  Focus on improved use of already developed rivers.  Old plants may be replaced by more efficient plants.  The government has presented a strategy for development of Small hydro. ◦ Important for energy supply. ◦ Important for local development. ◦ Secure income for farmers to maintain settlement patterns in rural areas.  International focus on renewable energy.

9  Hydro ◦ Approximately 96% of all power production is hydropower. ◦ Annual production: 124 TWh, annual variation +- 20% ◦ Installed capacity: 29.600 MW, 1250 power plants. ◦ Reservoir capacity: 83,4 TWh  Wind ◦ 10 TWh licensed by the government. ◦ 1,8 TWh developed or under construction. ◦ 4,1 TWh appealed to the officials. ◦ 4,1 TWh has a final license – ready for development.

10  Oil ◦ The total oil resources are between 10,6 and 16,9 billion scm. ◦ 7,1 billion scm has already been produced. ◦ Over 2 million barrels per day produced  Russia 10,1 and Saudi-Arabia 9,8  Gas ◦ Over 4.000 billion scm of recoverable gas reserves ◦ 2.000 billion scm to be discovered. ◦ 30% of all gas production in Western Europe. ◦ The fifth largest producer in the world, but has only 1.6% of the world’s proven gas reserves.  Others ◦ Solar, osmotic etc.


12  The total distric heat production was 7308 GWh  The total electric energy production was 5569 GWh  The total amount of energy produced was 12 877 GWh  4259 GWh of energy was imported  2605 GWh of energy was exported



15  The total district heat production was 13 148 GWh  The total electric energy production was 15 358 GWh  The total amount of energy produced was 28 506 GWh  4783 GWh of energy was imported  7715 GWh of energy was exported




19 Thank you for your attention!

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