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ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN A digital inclusion campaign by Telecentres in Libraries, Education venues & NGOs It helps new internet users, and encourage existing.

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Presentation on theme: "ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN A digital inclusion campaign by Telecentres in Libraries, Education venues & NGOs It helps new internet users, and encourage existing."— Presentation transcript:


2 ABOUT THE CAMPAIGN A digital inclusion campaign by Telecentres in Libraries, Education venues & NGOs It helps new internet users, and encourage existing users to take full advantage of a series of online applications and services that enhance the quality of their lives Takes place in more than 50 countries across Europe, Eurasia and Africa Aims to reach more than 200,000 people in 5,000 telecentres Launches a new multi-language, online youth ICT employment assessment and awareness tool Addresses the importance of digital inclusion and raises the profile of telecentres across Europe.

3 THEMES / AUDIENCES The campaign directly targets people who are offline. However we also want to reach them through people who have already started using the internet at their telecentre. We are therefore suggesting that existing telecentre users are encouraged to “bring a friend or two” along to begin their internet journey. Here are some suggested themes and audiences that could be addressed by the campaign. Please note that each country can support any number of themes: first click – offline citizens jobs online – unemployed, at risk of unemployment eCitizenship (supporting online Govt services) – minorities/migrants senior surfers – older people and intergenerational women online – women, work returners online services (e.g. banking services) – all audiences above

4 TELECENTRE INVOLVEMENT & BENEFITS The role of the telecentres is to perform activities targeting the offline Europeans during the week of 26 to 30 March 2012. This guide is intended to ease your understanding related to the concept of Get online week. Some of the activities are suggested in this guide, but you should feel free to plan others as well. All telecentres involved will benefit of support from the national coordinators and from the project team. For telecentres across Europe, this is an advocacy effort in which we all work together to demonstrate the impact of telecentres at local, regional, national and finally, at the European level. We hope that the success of this campaign will influence and contribute to a stronger consideration of telecentres’ impact in future European eInclusion and eSkills strategies. This translates into actual investment coming from the European authorities and from national governments directed to telecentres.

5 ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Promotion of the campaign at local level Step 1: Identify members of your community – beneficiaries of the campaign activities (offline people, unemployed, youth, seniors, etc) Who can you consider?Where can you find them? - neighbors, other acquaintances; - relatives that do not use computers or the internet; - employees of local companies, organizations that are not aware of internet benefits; - people exposed to social exclusion (people with disabilities, people in poverty, ethnic minorities); - unemployed, under-skilled, etc - public places (parks, public transport stations, schools, churches, etc) - offices of local companies, NGOs, local authorities - employment agencies; - health, social centers for young and elderly; - entertainment facilities - families of telecentre users

6 ACTIVITIES Activity 1: Promotion of the campaign at local level Step 2: Networking - Form a team that will help you to... Step 3: Train the team You should assign clear tasks to each member of the team. (e.g. Talk to people from employment agencies, to attract people in telecentre by presenting the benefits of using the internet, to invite a community leader to take part in the event) - getting peoplein your telecentre by promoting the event locally; - meet potential participants and invite them in telecentres. - organize the event - manage logistics - describe benefits of internet and initiate participants in using the computer / internet

7 ACTIVITIES Activity 2: Plan the event Step 1: Draw an agenda for the Get Online Week activities Based on invitations and activities planned, you should be able to create the agenda of the week. Step 2: Decorate the room Use any materials you have + those provided by Telecentre-Europe through your national coordinator. Step 3: Invitations Make sure you have at least one local leader that can share their stories with participants. You can also rely on telecentre ex-users that have achieved personal or professional successes based on the skills gained following telecentre interaction. Invite children, students that can bring their parents, grandparents to initiate them in using the internet. Step 4: Prepare practical applications / short trainings for participants to highlight tangible internet benefits and / or use the existing proposed tools (if available in your languages): Key Competences for All employment toolkit Internet Buttons Skillage

8 ACTIVITIES Activity 3: Promotion and dissemination Step 1: Prepare and use pre-event press release for the local press Step 2: Invite local media representatives to participate in the event Step 3: Prepare and use post-event press release to disseminate the outcomes (number of people involved, activities, participants, interviews, etc) Step 4: If you have a website, use it: post information about the event. Step 5: Use social media to promote and disseminate the campaign activities locally Step 5: Send case studies, photos and videos to your national coordinator

9 ACTIVITIES Activity 3: Event unfold Step 1: Follow the agenda: welcome speech, applications, use counter Step 2: Make sure someone is recording the events taking photos / filming Step 3: Use the online counter. This will measure the impact of the campaign across Europe. Guidelines on how to use the application will be provided by your national coordinator at a later stage. Step 4: Use Skillage with young people. The tool is probably available in your language, and you will get more details about it from your national coordinator. Step 5: Communicate with your national coordinator regarding any issues encountered

10 PRODUCTS AVAILBLE FOR USE  The employment toolkit Key Competences for all The employment toolkit Key Competences for all Enabling end users to develop ICT skills, a ‘learning to learn’ attitude, a sense of initiative, as well as interpersonal and social skills, improving their employability. The toolkit is available in 5 languages: English, French, Spanish, Latvian and Romanian). If you find it useful for your network, please see what you can do to make it available in your country as well: Guidelines for Stakeholders and New Actors.Guidelines for Stakeholders and New Actors To ease your understanding of how it works, please read this handbook.handbook

11 PRODUCTS AVAILBLE FOR USE  Internet buttons Internet buttons A web based tool that makes the Internet super easy for beginners with the help of a family member or friend. Intergenerational: it is all about getting onliners (young people) to become digital heroes and help offliners (seniors) get online. It is currently available only in English, but aimed to be adapted in Poland, Ireland and Netherlands by Get online week 2012. You can set up a page of personalised Buttons that click through to your favourite sites or services. Your personalised page of Buttons is saved on its own personalised URL that you can access from any computer. It removes all the complicated bits of the internet and makes it easy to keep going back to the places you want to go to.

12 PRODUCTS AVAILBLE FOR USE  Skillage An exciting new online software application that tests and informs the user of their ICT readiness for employment, and informs them of areas that they can improve, and where they can get support to do so. It will be available in multiple languages, online via browser, on Facebook, and hopefully as smartphone Apps. It is aimed at young people (16-24) and will be in their language, and will be cool, irreverent and non corporate. The tool is now being developed and will be ready in March. It will be highly customizable and easy to adapt to each country / language. More details to follow soon…

13 ActivityPeriod (2012) Promote the event at the local level (articles/announcements in local media, posters, leaflets, etc) 01.02 – 25.03 Identify participants and invite them to your telecentre01.03 – 15.03 Identify and invite a couple of prior telecentre users as role-models01.03 – 15.03 Invite at least one community leader to talk about internet advantages01.03 – 15.03 Draw an agenda for the week01.03 Invite local media at the events01.03 – 15.03 Make sure someone is recording activities by taking photos / filming / interviewing people for proper dissemination 26 – 30.03 Use applications provided by the project team or your national coordinator, including the online counter 26 – 30.03 Use your website, Facebook, Twitter and any other communication channels to show your work 26 – 30.03 Share any information (photos, videos, interviews, articles, etc) with your national coordinator 01.04 – 15.04

14 CONTACT [National partner organization name] [Contact person name] Email: [contact person] Tel: [contact person] Telecentre-Europe Web: Email: Laurenţiu Bunescu – Campaign manager Email: Tel: 0040 745 500 731

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