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Promoting Concept-Driven Teaching Strategies in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology through Concept Assessments Midwest Regional ASBMB RCN Meeting University.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting Concept-Driven Teaching Strategies in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology through Concept Assessments Midwest Regional ASBMB RCN Meeting University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting Concept-Driven Teaching Strategies in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology through Concept Assessments Midwest Regional ASBMB RCN Meeting University of Michigan at Dearborn 16 June 2012 Facilitators and Presenters Hal White, University of Delaware Marilee Benore, University of Michigan Dearborn

2 What does it mean when a student says, I understand?.... Does it mean the same thing to the student that it does to another student or to you?..… How can students demonstrate their understanding to you and others?

3 Promoting Concept Driven Teaching Strategies in BMB through Concept Assessments Perception Filter in the Learning Process How do we breach it when we teach? Adapted from: Johnstone (1997) J. Chem Educ. 74, 262. Long-Term Memory An “infinite” expandable long-term storage space Limited thinking- holding space Working Memory Space Perception Filter Incoming Information Storing Retrieving Feedback Loop for Perception Filter “7 ± 2” How do we find out what is here? How can students correct it, if it is wrong?

4 The Challenge “So why do outstanding scientists who demand rigorous proof for scientific assertions in their research continue to use and, indeed, defend on the basis of their intuition alone, teaching methods that are not the most effective?” Handelsman et al. Science (2004) 304, 521-2.

5 This is good reading for all STEM teaching faculty

6 Evolution Structure and Function Information Flow Transformation of Energy and Matter Systems 5 Core Concepts 6 Core Competencies Apply Science Process Quantitative Reasoning Interdisciplinary Nature of Science Modeling and Simulation Communicate and Collaborate Science and Society

7 Vision and Change - Recommendations Integrate Core Concepts and Competencies throughout the Curriculum Focus on Student-Centered Learning Promote Campuswide Commitment to Change. Engage the Biology Community in the Implementation of Change.

8 Promoting Concept Driven Teaching Strategies in BMB through Concept Assessments NSF-Funded ASBMB Project: Background and Overview

9 These objectives will be addressed in the following four specific aims of this project: Specific Aim 1: Identify foundational concepts in terms of core knowledge and foundational principles, research, and skills. Specific Aim 2: Create a taxonomy of these foundational concepts and skills, and link them to topics outlined in the undergraduate curriculum recommendations of ASBMB Specific Aim 3: Develop and evaluate appropriate assessment tools for the topics identified in Specific Aim 1. Specific Aim 4: Create a toolkit that can be easily accessed by the academic community. Promoting Concept Driven Teaching Strategies in BMB through Concept Assessments

10 Five Year Schedule for the ASBMB Project Promoting Concept Driven Teaching Strategies in BMB through Concept Assessments Concordia Montclair March 2010 Rockville Moravian Northeastern Norfolk State UC Santa Barbara UM Dearborn August 2011 Richmond April 2012 San Diego

11 Specific Goals for Regional Workshops Years 1-5 2010-2011: --Definitions of foundational concepts and skills --Introduction of the goals of assessment tools: formative vs. summative assessment 2011-2012:--Taxonomy of concepts and skills- links to potential revisions of ASBMB recommended curriculum --Active Learning Strategies 2012-2013:--Development and testing of Assessment tools 2021-2014:--Development and testing of Assessment tools 2014-2015:--Dissemination of results/Toolkit development Promoting Concept Driven Teaching Strategies in BMB through Concept Assessments

12 What Do Our Students Need to Know? Biochemistry Molecular Biology Biology Chemistry PhysicsMathematics Provides the relevance Provides the methods and molecular perspective Provides the means to evaluate and predict Provides physical models

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