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Published byMervyn Sherman Modified over 9 years ago
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA Atomic and Molecular Data Unit D. Humbert, R.E.H. Clark, K. Sheikh 19 th Data Center Network Meeting Vienna, 3-5 October 2007
IAEA Outline Coordinated Research Projects (CRP) Data Issues Xenon and Tungsten calculations Joint project IAEA-ADAS New developments GENIE ALADDIN: collisions processes, surface interactions AMBDAS Web calculations XML format for A+M data Publications Work Plan and Conclusions
IAEA CRP: Co-ordinated Research Project Joint Project with research effort on topic of interest to fusion: Representatives from 10 to 15 research institutions Duration of 3-5 years Research Coordination Meeting (RCM): periodic meeting at IAEA Headquarters Goals: Data generation Compilation and assessment of data Data evaluation Establishment of databases Data and results: Final results published in “Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion” (APID) Data included in ALADDIN:
IAEA Active and Planned CRPs TitleDuration Atomic and molecular data for plasma modelling 2005-2009 Atomic data for high Z element impurities in fusion reactors 2005-2009 Data for surface composition dynamics relevant to erosion processes 2007-2012 Size, composition and origin of dust in Tokomaks. To be initiated in 2008
IAEA CRP on A + M Data for Plasma Modelling 2007 - 2012 Overall objective Gathering and generating new data relevant to modeling the edge region of plasmas relevant to nuclear fusion energy devices Cross sections, rate coefficients, branching ratios, and kinetic energies from various sources for hydrides (with isotopes) and hydrocarbons. Surface interactions, such as sticking and generation of hydride species First outputs and outcomes New generated data Data used in the EIRENE code Agenda Second RCM, 18-20 June 2007 Final RCM, November 2008
IAEA CRP on A + M Data for Plasma Modelling Participants Research Agreements Bastiaan J. BraamsEmory University, Atlanta, USA Mario Capitelli Centro di Studio per la Chimica de Plasmi, Universita di Bari, ITALY Ursel FantzInstitut für Physik, Universität Augsburg, GERMANY Khaled HassouniLIMHP, Université Paris XIII, Villetaneuse, FRANCE Mineo Kimura Department of Chemistry, Kyushu University, JAPAN Mats Larsson Department of Physics, Stockholm University, SWEDEN B. M. McLaughlinQueen's University of Belfast, Belfast, UK Detlev ReiterInstitut für Plasmaphysik (IPP), Jülich, GERMANY David SchultzOak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, USA Hiroshi Tanaka Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Sophia University, JAPAN Jonathan Tennyson Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, University College London, UK Research Contracts Stefan Matejcik Dept. of Plasmaphysics, Comenius University, SLOVAK REPUBLIC Ratko JanevMacedonian Academy of Science and Art, Skopie, Macedonia Dzenek HermannV. Cermak Laboratory, Prague, Czech Republic
IAEA CRP on Atomic Data for High Z elements impurities in Fusion Reactors Overall objective Two main areas addressed: edge and core regions. Relevant elements heavier than Mg: noble gases (Ar, Kr and Xe), Si, Cl, Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Mo and W, for nearly all stages of ionization. Processes: Electronic collision: excitation, ionisation, recombination including DR Heavy particle collisions: charge exchange and excitation (thermal and beam) Radiative data: transition probabilities, transition energies and energy levels, ranging from IR to X-rays First outputs Benchmark data for some important processes (transition probabilities, excitation and ionization cross sections, charge transfer and recombination) Agenda Second RCM, 26-28 September 2007 Final RCM, May 2009
IAEA CRP on Atomic Data for High Z elements impurities in Fusion Reactors A. Den HartogUniversity of WisconsinUSA M. CornilleLUTH, Observatoire de Paris, Meudon,FRANCE D. FursaMurdoch University, Perth, AUSTRALIA K. KatsonisLPGP, Universite de Paris XI, Orsay, FRANCE A. MüllerJustus-Liebig-Universität, Giessen, GERMANY T. KatoNIFS, Toki, JAPAN Luo ZhengmingSichuan University, China V. NikulinIoffe Physical Tehcnical Institute, St. Petersburg, M. TrzhaskovskayaSt. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Inst., St. Peterburg M. O’MullaneEFD/JET Facility, Abingdon, UNITED KINGDOM W. L. WieseNIST, Gaithersburg, USA H. ZhangLANL, Los Alamos, USA
IAEA CRP on Surface Composition Dynamics 2005-2009 Overall objective To collect and generate new data relevant to erosion dynamics in fusion reactors To better understand of the erosion processes and to find possible methods to control the erosion Investigated materials will be the most common in fusion reactor machines and mainly the ones foreseen for ITER: C, W, Be Outcomes Experimental and theoretical Data on erosion process Data on transport of atoms and molecules Data to be included in the plasma modelling codes like EIRENE First RCM 17-19 October 2007
IAEA CRP on Surface Erosion Participants Alain AlloucheUniversity of Provence, Marseille, France Daiji KatoNIFS, Toki, Japan Russel DoernerUniversity of California, San Diego, USA James DaviesUniversity of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Jungling ChenChinese Academy of Sciences, Heiji, China Kai NordlundUniversity of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland Karl KriegerMax-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany Predrag KrsticLANL, Oak Ridge, USA Yuri MartynenkoKurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia R. ZalavutdinovRussian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
IAEA Size, composition and origin of dust in Tokomaks Objectives To determine the size, composition and origin of dust in tokomaks Recommendation Consider dust from a variety of elements such as C, W and Be Evaluate the role of dust in the tritium inventory and in safety issues First RCM planned in 2008
IAEA Ending CRPs TitleDuration Tritium inventory in fusion machine2001-2006 Atomic and Molecular Data for Fusion Diagnostics 2002-2006 Data for molecular processes in edge plasmas 2002-2006
IAEA CRP on Tritium Inventory in Fusion Reactors Overall Outputs: New data relevant to the overall inventory of tritium in fusion reactors, with special emphasis on the interactions of tritium with plasma facing components and methods for tritium removal Removal of tritium is an important issue for ITER Investigated materials include carbon, tungsten and beryllium Effects of dopants, dependence on particle and heat load Flux and fluence dependence of chemical erosion, main issue in plasma modelling Still some questions on erosion sources Electron-simulated desorption, glow discharge and laser heating are all being investigated for tritium removal APID publication, volume 15 is in progress. Review paper to be published in Nuclear Fusion.
IAEA CRP on Data for Molecular Processes in Edge Plasmas Overall Objective To identify the specific molecular processes that are important to the plasma physics in the edge regions and to provide data for some of these processes Outputs Most important molecular species were: molecular hydrogen with all possible isotope distributions, CO, CO 2, CH 4, C 2 -C 3 group hydrocarbons, silicates, nitrogen compounds and H 2 O Numerous data were produced for the following processes: ionisation, recombination, attachment, detachment, excitation, de-excitation, dissociation, charge transfer, chemical reactions, energy transfer and plasma wall interactions APID, volume 13 is in press. Available data are included into ALADDIN.
IAEA Atomic and Molecular Data for Fusion Diagnostics Objective To identify the needs for A+M data for the diagnostics of core and edge plasmas and for the diagnostics of the velocity distribution of fusion alpha particles. Outputs A variety of cross-sections, required for spectral observations near the strike zone and divertor region, have been measured and calculated Cross-section data for both electron and proton impact, required for helium beam diagnostics, have been generated Data have been produced for use in the determination of species from light elements such as helium, boron and hydrocarbons, as well as heavy elements such as tungsten Data on spectral properties were generated to assist greatly in spectral analysis of plasma emissions X-ray emissions from impact on surfaces have been addressed Data have been generated for use in hydrogen charge exchange spectroscopy for determination of the flow and temperature of impurities in the divertor region APID, volume 14 is in press. Available data are included into ALADDIN.
IAEA Workshop on A+M Data for fusion Energy Research Trieste, 28 Aug.-8 Sept. 2006 14 participants (+ 3 ICTP associates) from 11 members states 8 lectures: Electron impact processes in atomic ions Plasma wall interactions in magnetic fusion Atomic and Molecular data on the web Codeposition and Plasma Interaction with Codeposited/Mixed Materials Photo-fragmentation of Atoms and Molecules Use of Atomic Data in Plasma Modeling Charge Exchange in Collisions of Ions with Atoms and Molecules Fundamental Elementary Process in Plasmas Atomic and Molecular Data in Fusion Edge Plasmas Next workshop planned for 2009
IAEA IAEA International Workshop on Challenges in Plasma Spectroscopy for Future Fusion Research Machines 20-22 February 2008, Jaipur, India Joint International workshop Birla Institute of Technology (BIT) Plasma Science Society of India (PSSI) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Topics Fusion plasma diagnostics using radiations covering infrared to X-ray region Development of high performance instrumentation for spectroscopy and detection Active diagnostics using atomic beams and lasers Imaging techniques Simulation and modelling for interpretation of spectra Collisional-radiative and impurity transport modeling Generation of new Atomic and Molecular data relevant to fusion research Registration and abstract deadline: 15 October 2007
IAEA OPEN-ADAS ADAS is an interconnected set of computer codes and data collections for modelling: Radiating properties of ions and atoms in plasmas Analysis and interpretation of spectral measurements Database scope: data for fusion and astrophysical application Project Make the data in ADAS searchable, provide free web access to the data Presence of Alan Whiteford to this meeting
IAEA Calculations Xenon Data required for a CR model, K. Katsonis, LPGP Cross sections for Xe I to VII, using the LANL codes Excitation cross sections by electron impact Ionization cross section by electron impact Photoionization cross sections Autoionization cross section Data will be available on the IAEA A+M Data Unit web site Tungsten Los Alamos, Joe Abdallah et al. Massive calculations for CR Model on Tungsten Data available for highly ionized tungsten (W 54 to 74) The calculations will be extended to lower ionization states All data will be available from the IAEA A+M Data Unit web site
IAEA New computing Developments Web Numerical database Aladdin Bibliographic database AMBDAS Web search engine GENIE Tools for cross section calculations XML XML format for A+M/PSI Data Presentation of Yuri
IAEA XML format for A+M/PSI Data Initiated in 2003 during the DCN meeting Working group Dave, Yuri, Bob, Denis (DCN) M.-L. Dubernay, E. Roueff (Obs. Paris-Meudon) Meetings twice a year Workshops NIST, 1-2 May 2007 Spring 2008, Observatoire Paris-Meudon, France Presentation of Yuri First version of A+M/PSI XML, in 2008
IAEA GENIE Web search engine for atomic data, available on the IAEA and the LPGP (GAPHYOR) web sites Radiative properties – search on 8 databases Link to OPEN-ADAS? Collisional databases – search on 4 databases including a new one: NIST Atomic Cross Sections (March 2007) Upgrades, version of September 2007 New criteria: rate coefficients and/or cross sections New process: dielectronic recombination Extension to more processes, molecular data and link to bibliographical data
IAEA ALADDIN Online version: July 2006 2 databases: “Atomic and Molecular Data” and “Particle-Surface interactions” More friendly interface Unit conversion New version for collisional processes New specifications: consultancy of Predrag Krstic and Yuri Ralchenko, August 2005 New version for the particle surface interactions Outcomes Correction of a significant amount of data Improvement in the data structure New interface, more friendly with no more hierarchical level Specifications: P. Kristic, F. Meyer and D. Humbert, May 2007 Process classification Erosion / Sputtering Reflection Sublimation Trapping, Detrapping Electron impact processes and electron emission Output data (from ALADDIN) Output quantity are based or probabilities (yields) as function of various input quantities: Particle fluence or flux Energy fluence or flux Power fluence or flux Surface temperature Impact energy Impact angle Presentation to the RCM on “Surface Erosion”
IAEA Web calculation tools IAEA Cross sections of bare nuclei on hydrogenic ions New process : ionization, Pablo Fainstein and Alain Dubois Average approximation for electron impact excitation of atomic ions Results from collisional radiative calculations of plasmas are available, as carried out with the Los Alamos modelling codes LANL Los Alamos atomic physics codes: an interface is available to run several Los Alamos atomic physics codes to calculate atomic structure and electron impact excitation and ionization cross sections (fine structure levels and configuration average)
IAEA Publications International Bulletin on Atomic and Molecular Data for Fusion Published once a year Last editions Volume 64 published in August 2005 Volume 65 published in July 2006 Volume 66 planned for October 2007 Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction data for Fusion (APID Series) Data and papers related to results produced by CRPs and Consultants groups Edition in preparation Volume 15: CRP on “Tritium Inventory in Fusion Machines” Editions in press Volume 13: CRP on “Atomic Data for Plasma Diagnostics” Volume 14: CRP on “Data for Molecular Processes in Edge Plasmas”
IAEA Distribution List Daff Daff (Data for fusion), Distribution list to disseminate information on Atomic and Molecular, Particle Surface Interaction (AM/PSI) data relevant to the fusion energy research 176 members, as of October 2007 List administrated by A+M Data Unit, moderated by Bob and Denis
IAEA Agenda year 2007 2 nd RCM on “Atomic data for high Z element impurities in fusion reactors”, 26-28 September 2007 XML meeting, 1-2 October 2007 DCN meeting, 3-5 October 1 st RCM on “Data for surface composition dynamics relevant to erosion processes”, 17-19 October 2007 XML meeting, Paris, 6-7 December 2007
IAEA Agenda year 2008 IAEA Workshop on “ Challenges in Plasma Spectroscopy for Future Fusion Research Machines”, Jaipur, India, 20-22 February 2008 Code Center Network (CCN) XML Meeting, April and October 2008 XML Workshop on “A+M/PSI Data”, May 2008 IFRC Subcommittee Meeting, June 2008 Final RCM on “A+M Data for Plasma Modelling”, November 2008 1 st RCM on “Size, Composition and Formation of Dust in Tokomaks”
IAEA Agenda year 2009 CRPs Final RCM on “Atomic Data for High Z Element Impurities in Fusion Reactors”, February 2009 2 nd RCM on “Data for Surface Composition Dynamics Relevant to Erosion Processes” XML XML Workshop on “A+M/PSI Data” 2 XML Meetings Workshop Workshop on “A+M/PSI Data for Fusion Energy Research”, Trieste Staff issues Bob’s retirement on 31 st July 2009 Denis’ end of contract, 29 September 2009 DCN DCN Meeting, September 2009 ?
IAEA IAEA, Vienna International Centre, Atomic and Molecular Data Unit
IAEA Work Plan & Conclusions Coordinated Research Project: 3 to 4 active CRPs IAEA Workshop on “Challenges in Plasma Spectroscopy for Future Fusion Research Machines”, Jaipur, India, 20-22 February 2008 Workshop on A+M Data for Fusion, Trieste, ICTP, September 2009 Computer Code Network (CCN) Consultancies (XML, Web Codes Developments) Software Developments XML for A+M/PSI Data GENIE ALADDIN and AMBDAS Web codes Publications Bulletin volume 66 (October 2007) and volume 67 (July 2008) APID series: volume 13 and 14 in press, volume 15 in preparation
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