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Title slide Title Name, partner Date. State research question here.

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Presentation on theme: "Title slide Title Name, partner Date. State research question here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title slide Title Name, partner Date

2 State research question here

3 Research Some information about your experiment. This can be background information on radish seeds, plant growth in general or your particular study For example: – Light – background info on photosynthesis – Amount of soil – background information in plant nutrients

4 Hypothesis Write your hypothesis in an “if” “then” statement Example: If we feed the snake twice a week then it will live longer then the snakes fed once a week.

5 List the following Independent variable : Dependent variable :

6 List the following Experimental group : Control group :

7 Procedure Be very detailed How long did the experiment take What were the quantities of water used, soil Someone should be able to replicate this experience exactly based on your written procedure

8 Procedure continued Other things to think about How long were the photoperiods (light) When did you measure the plants? How did you go about measuring the plants?

9 Materials List of all materials used

10 Results Briefly describe the outcomes of your experiment When did they start growing? What did the plants look like? Healthy, green, lots of leaves? Was their an obvious pattern?

11 Chart 1: Control group Average Temperature of Costa Rica C° JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAigSeptOctNovDec San Jose303234333135394239373028 Hondura283032333033374136 28 San Quito252729303337414540383026

12 Chart 2: Experimental group

13 Graph Title X axis – dependent variables Y axis – independent variables Easy to read

14 Conclusion In a written out paragraph what can you conclude about your experiment. Restate your hypothesis. Was your hypothesis supported or rejected. Were you able to prove anything in this experiment? If not why not? What would you do differently?

15 Further studies Based on your experiment what would you test next? What would you change, improve, or continue to research?

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