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The End of the War and Its Legacy. Nixon and Vietnam  Nixon claimed he had a plan for Vietnam, but he didn’t. He had options drawn up by Henry Kissinger.

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Presentation on theme: "The End of the War and Its Legacy. Nixon and Vietnam  Nixon claimed he had a plan for Vietnam, but he didn’t. He had options drawn up by Henry Kissinger."— Presentation transcript:

1 The End of the War and Its Legacy

2 Nixon and Vietnam  Nixon claimed he had a plan for Vietnam, but he didn’t. He had options drawn up by Henry Kissinger Rapid pullout All out attempt to win the war Slow negotiated withdraw  Vietnamization


4 “Peace with Honor”  Nixon’s policy of slow retreat.  Slowed down anti-war movement.  Antiwar movement will be restored.

5 My Lai Massacre  March 16, 1968 American soldiers murdered an unknown number of Vietnamese civilians at My Lai.  Nov. 1969 America finds out.  “We huddled them up. I poured about 4 clips into the group…. The mothers was hugging their children…. Well, we kept of firing.”


7 Cambodia  March 1970 neutral govt. overthrown.  Alarmed N. Vietnam.  S. Vietnam sends troops.  U.S. provides the air support. April Nixon announces that combat troops are being used.


9 Student Strikes  Students at 448 colleges go on strike.  May 4, 1970 Kent State Massacre May 4, 1970 Kent State Massacre 4 dead – 11 wounded  May 14, 1970 Jackson State 2 dead – 12 wounded



12 Pentagon Papers  7,000 page document  Revealed govt. had drawn up plans for entering war even though LBJ said he would not.  No plan to end war as long as Vietnam persisted.

13 America’s Longest War Ends  Middle of 1972- Nixon’s administration changes it negotiation policy.  March 29, 1973 last American troops leave for home.  On April 30, 1975 Saigon falls.


15 Painful Legacy  More than 56,000 American deaths.  Tens of thousands wounded or maimed soldiers.  Psychological blow to many Americans.  War Powers Act.


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