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1 Status of Polar Satellite Systems and NWS Satellite Initiatives.

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1 1 Status of Polar Satellite Systems and NWS Satellite Initiatives

2 2 Briefing Outline Joint Polar Satellite System (NOAA, NASA) Overview Defense Weather Satellite System (DoD) Overview Polar Satellite Continuity NPP Products Polar Data into Operations Initiatives

3 3 JPSS Overview JPSS operates in 13:30 (LTAN) orbital plane only Period of development/operations: through FY 2026 Launch Readiness Dates: FY 2014 and FY 2018 (TBC) Maximum data latency of 80 minutes for JPSS-1; and 30 minutes for JPSS-2 International partners provide some space segment components and/or data –AMSR data will be provided by JAXA Depends on EUMETSAT providing mid-morning data under current and future agreements Sensitive – For Official Use Only

4 4 JPSS Overview Maintain most NPOESS PM observations – VIIRS, ATMS, CrIS, OMPS (Nadir) Replace MIS option with JAXA GCOM Advanced Microwave Sounder (AMSR) data Accommodate sensors from NOAA Climate Sensor Program – TSIS, CERES/ERBS, OMPS Limb Accommodate internationally provided SARSAT, A-DCS Use SEM-N data from DWSS (AM orbit) Continue to depend on EUMETSAT for mid-morning orbit through current and future segment components and/or data Sensitive – For Official Use Only

5 5 JPSS Progress To ensure lowest risk of observational gap, first JPSS satellite (JPSS-1) will use NPP clone bus with launch readiness in 2014 Options for second JPSS satellite (JPSS-2), with launch readiness date in 2018, in work with NASA and DoD Due to JPSS-1 (NPP Clone) bus limitations, NOAA is seeking alternate platform, free flyer/rideshare for TSIS, SARSAT and A-DCS NOAA-managed shared ground system being coordinated with DoD to meet both JPSS and DWSS operations, data processing and data latency needs Program will be subject to independent review prior to program baseline Sensitive – For Official Use Only

6 6 DMSP Overview 22 Jun 2010 Acquisition Decision Memo –Immediately begin acquisition efforts to support a 2018 launch for a DMSP successor –Develop a sensor suite consisting of VIIRS, SEM-N, and (TBD) microwave sensing capability for DMSP successor –Transition the NPOESS sensors/elements needed to support JPSS program NLT 31 Dec 2010 –Implement above actions to maximize use of Govt’s investment in NPOESS, and in a manner that offers max opportunities for collaboration w/ JPSS ADM directed AF to conduct 45-day study and brief DAB early August (costs/schedule/sensor suite) Pre-Decisional/FOUO

7 7 DMSP User Impacts and Mitigation Summary Potential User ImpactsMitigation Latency – improved latency not until JPSS-2 - Identify ground receiver architecture and fielding plan - Exploring regional vs global model implications with NCEP Working full ocean color capability on NPOESS C1 - Cross-talk fix identified for VIIRS on JPSS-1 but yet to be tested Uncertainty on TSIS, SARSAT, and ADCS rides - NESDIS discussing ride options with national and international partners Uncertainty on SEM-N- SEM-N on DWSS-1 - NESDIS exploring SEM-N on MetOp DoD working to identify impacts tied to DWSS as the program defined

8 8 2 September 2010Annual Management Review: FY118 8 GCOM-W1 thru W3

9 9 JPSS/DWSS Satellite Instruments Changes in Red InstrumentNPOESS-C1 (PM) - 2011 NPP Nov 11 JPSS-1 LRD – 2014 JPSS-2 LRD – 2017 NPOESS-C2 (AM) - 2016 DWSS LRD 2018, 2021 Latency28min (objective with SafetyNet) 80min 30min28min (objective with SafetyNet) TBD ATMSXXXX CrISXXXX OMPS Limb/NadirNadir OnlyLimb/NadirNadir OnlyLimb/Nadir MIS X(C3)(GCOM/AMS R-2) Data MISMicrowave Capability** VIIRSXXX (OC fixed)XXX CERES/ERBSXCERES ERBS SEM-NXX TSIS*X XX A-DCS*X XX SARSAT*X XX * Seeking free flyer/ride share for JPSS-1 time frame ** May not be same MIS as NPOESS – decision by 10 Aug Sensitive – For Official Use Only

10 10 Polar-Orbiting Sensor Continuity CY0 0101 0202 0303 0404 0505 0606 0707 0808 0909 10101 1212 1313 1414 1515 1616 1717 1818 1919 2020 21212 2323 2424 2525 2626 VIIRS CrIS/ ATMS OMPS CERES/ ERBS TSIS SEM-N SARSAT ADCS Latency (95%) NPP NPP (nadir and limb) NPP JPSS-1 JPSS-1 (nadir) JPSS -1 JPSS Free Flyer AQUA AQUA (MODIS) AQUA (AIRS/AMSU-A) AURA (OMI) SORCE GLORY (TIM) NOAA 19 (SEM) NOAA 19 NOAA 19 (AVHRR) NOAA 19 (HIRS/AMSU-A) METOP-A METOP-B NOAA 19 (SBUV) NOAA 18 (SEM) NOAA 18 NOAA 18 (AVHRR) NOAA 17 (SEM) NOAA 17 NOAA 17 (HIRS) NOAA 18 (AMSU-A) NOAA 17 (SBUV) NOAA 18 (SBUV) NOAA 16 (SEM) NOAA 16 TERRA (AM) 140 min 65 min28 min Key Currently on-orbit JPSS Other planned DWSS C2 (AM) 10 MIS - DWSS C2 (AM) JPSS-2 JPSS-2 (nadir) JPSS -2 JPSS Free Flyer

11 11 NPP Products NPP contractor delivered xDRs –Operational: 6 - 18 months after NPP launch JPSS program office controls when xDRs are declared operational Early access to key NOAA user: 1-18 months after NPP launch ATMS RadiancesVegetation IndexCloud Effective Particle Size CrIS RadiancesActive FiresCloud Optical Thickness VIIRS RadiancesAtmospheric Temperature Profile Cloud Top Height (VIIRS) OMPS Radiances Atmospheric Moisture Profile Suspended Matter [New] Cloud MaskAerosol Optical ThicknessLand Surface Temperature (VIIRS) [New] Sea Surface TemperatureLand Surface TypeCloud Base Height [New] Nadir Profile OzoneSurface AlbedoIce Surface Temperature [New] Ozone Total ColumnCloud Cover/LayersSea Ice Characterization (VIIRS) [New] Snow Cover and DepthAerosol Particle SizeAtmospheric Pressure Profile [New] ImageryCloud Top TemperatureQuarterly Surface Type Gridded [New] Ocean Color/ChlorophyllCloud Top Pressure

12 12 CrIS Thinned RadiancesCloud Liquid Water (ATMS)Blended SST CrIS Cloud Cleared RadiancesSea Ice Concentration (ATMS)SST Anomalies Ozone (CrIS)Snow Water Equivalent (ATMS)SST Degree Heating Weeks Trace Gases (Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Sulfur Dioxide) Ice Water Path (ATMS)SST Hot Spots Cloud Top Fraction (CrIS)Land Surface Temperature (ATMS)Coral Reef Bleaching Indices/Alerts Cloud Top Pressure (CrIS)Temperature Profiles (ATMS)SST (AVHRR-like) Stability Products (CrIS)Moisture Profiles (ATMS)Aerosol Optical Depth (AVHRR- like) CO2 Slicing Derived Cloud Top Pressure (CrIS) Rain Water Path (ATMS)Clear Sky Brightness Temperatures Total Precipitable Water (ATMS)Blended Total Precipitable WaterOcean Optimized Cloud Mask Snow Cover (ATMS)Blended Total Precipitable Water Anomaly Green Vegetation Fraction Rainfall Rate (ATMS)Blended Rain RatePolar Winds (VIIRS) Land Surface Emissivity (ATMS) NPP Products (Continued) NOAA Unique Products (NUPs): currently in research to operations –Operational: 6 - 18 months after launch of NPP Early access to key NOAA users 36+ Products

13 13 NPP Products (Continued) FY11 NOAA Unique Products (NUPs) new starts under consideration Ozone Limb Profile Radiances Ozone Profile (OMPS LP) Aerosol Optical Depth (OMPS LP) Normalized Water Leaving Radiances Near Coast Ocean Color (SWIR) Harmful Algal Bloom Anomaly Emiliania huxleyi Bloom Chlorophyll a (5 tailored approaches) 8+ Products

14 14 Polar Data into Operations Initiatives NPOESS Data Exploitation team is meeting with AWIPS reps to determine what is needed for effective NPP interface Product Distribution and Access (PDA) IPT is dealing with polar and geo data IT Infrastructure Working Group has polar data on its scope NWS MOBI Branch to focus on ways to blend satellite data with data from other sensors – focus on NWS Strategic Goals Bonnie Reed is working with JPSS Program on polar- orbiting proving ground initiative NWS OCWWS is working to ensure training modules are in place

15 15 Conclusions NWS is working with JPSS, DWSS, and MetOp to prepare for operational implementation of future capabilities NWS has solid initiatives to effectively implement the NWS Strategic Vision Every NWS organization has a vested interest in participating in this effort Your input and support is critical

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