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Human Urinary System Vocabulary ©Richard L. Goldman March 6, 2003 from: Delmar’s Comprehensive Medical Terminology.

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2 Human Urinary System Vocabulary ©Richard L. Goldman March 6, 2003 from: Delmar’s Comprehensive Medical Terminology

3 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 2 Antiseptic an-tih-SEP-tik anti- = against sept/o = infection -ic = pertaining to A substance that tends to inhibit the growth and reproduction of microorganisms.

4 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 3 arteriole ar-TEE-ree-ohl -arteri/o = artery ole = small or little The smallest branch of an artery.

5 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 4 aseptic technique ay-SEP-tic tek-NEEK a- = without sept/o = infection -ic = pertaining to Any health care procedure in which precautions are taken to prevent contamination of a person, object, or area by microorganisms.

6 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 5 Asymptomatic ay-sim-toh--MAT-ic Without symptoms

7 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 6 Azotemia azz-oh-TEE-mee-ah azot/o = nitrogen -emia = blood condition The presence of excessive amounts of waste products of metabolism (nitrogenous compounds) in the blood caused by failure of the kidneys to remove urea from the blood. Axotemia is characteristic of uremia.

8 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 7 Bowman's capsule BOW-manz CAP-sool The cup-shaped end of a renal tubule containing a glomerulus; also called glomerular capsule.

9 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 8 calculus KAL-kew-lus An abnormal stone formed in the body tissues by an accumulation of mineral salts; usually formed in the gallbladder and kidney. See renal calculus.

10 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 9 calyx KAY-liks The cup-shapted division of the renal pelvis through which urine passes from the renal tubules.

11 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 10 catheter CATH-eh-ter A hollow, flexible tube that can be inserted into a body cavity or vessel for the purpose of instilling or withdrawing fluid.

12 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 11 cortex KOR-teks The outer layer of a body organ or structure

13 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 12 cystometer siss-TOM-er-ter cyst/o = bladder An instrument that measures bladder capacity in relation to changing pressure.

14 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 13 cystoscope SISS-toh-skohp cyst/o =bladder -scope = instrument for viewing An instrument used to view the interior of the bladder, ureter, or kidney. It consists of an outer sheath with a lighting system, a scope for viewing, and a passage for catheters and devices used in surgical procedures.

15 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 14 radiopaque ray-dee-oh-PAYK Not permiting the passage of x-rays or other radiant energy; radiopaque areas appear white on an exposed x-ray film.

16 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 15 renal artery REE-nal AR-teh-ree ren/o=kidney -al=pertaining to arter/o=artery y=noun ending One of a pair of large arteries branching from the abdominal aorta that supplies blood to the kidneys, adrenal glands, and the ureters.

17 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 16 renal calculas A stone formation in the kidney (plural:renal calculi); also called a nephrolith

18 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 17 renal pelvis REE-nal PELL-viss ren/o=kidney -al=pertaining to pelv/i=pelvis -is= noun ending The central collecting part of the kidney that narrows into the large upper end of the ureter; it receives urine through the calyces and drains it into the ureters.

19 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 18 renal tubule REE-nal TOOB-yool ren/o=kidney -al=pertaining to A long, twisted tube that leads away from the glomerulus of the kidney to the collecting tubules. As the glomerular filtrate passes through the renal tubules, the water, sugar, and salts are reabsorbed into the bloodstream through the network of capillaries that surround them.

20 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 19 renal vein REE-nal VAYN ren/o-kidney -al=pertaining to One of two vessels that carries blood away from the kidney.

21 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 20 residual urine rih-ZIH-yoo-al YOO-rin Urine that remains in the bladder after urination.

22 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 21 solute SOL-yoot A substance dissolved in a solution, as in the waste products filtered out of the kidney into the urine.

23 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 22 specific gravity speh-SIH-fik GRAV-ih-tee The weight of a substance compared with an equal volume of water, which is considered to be the standard. Water is considered to have a specific gravity of 1,000 (one); therefore, a substance with a specific gravity of 2,000 would be twice as dense as water.

24 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 23 Toxic TOKS-ik tox/o=poison -ic=pertaining to poisonous.

25 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 24 Turbid TER-bid Cloudy.

26 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 25 Uremia yoo-REE-mee-ah ur/o=urine -emia=blood condition The presence of excessive amounts of urea and other nitrogenous waste products in the blood; also called azotemia.

27 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 26 ureter YOO-reh-ter ureter/o=ureter One of a pair of tubes that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder.

28 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 27 urethra yoo-REE-thrah urethr/o=urethra -a=noun ending A small tubular structure that drains urine from the bladder to the outside of the body.

29 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 28 urethritis yoo-ree-THRIGH-tis urethr/o=urethra -it is=inflammation Inflammation of urethra. This inflammatory condition of the urethra, characterized by dysuria, is usually the result of an infection of the bladder or kidneys.

30 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 29 urinary incontinence YOO-rih-nair-ee in-CON-tin-ens urin/o=urine -ary=pretaining to Inability to control urination; the inability to retain urine in the bladder.

31 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 30 urinary retention YOO-rih-nair-ee ree-TEN-shun urin/o=urine -ary=pertaining to An abnormal, involuntary accumulation of urine in the bladder; the inability to empty the bladder.

32 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 31 urination YOO-rih-NAY-shun urin/o=urine The act of eliminating urine from the body; also called micturition; also called voiding.

33 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 32 Urine YOO-rin The fluid released by the kidneys, transported by the ureters, retained in the bladder, and eliminated through the urethra. Normal urine is clear, straw colored, and slightly acid.

34 © Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 33 voiding VOYD-ing The act of elimating urine from the body: also called micturition; also called urination.

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