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APIM Commissione distrettuale DISTRETTO 2070 Presidente Gian Paolo Perfetti R. C. Imola Membri Marco Battaglia R. C. Bologna Valle del Samoggia Gabriele.

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Presentation on theme: "APIM Commissione distrettuale DISTRETTO 2070 Presidente Gian Paolo Perfetti R. C. Imola Membri Marco Battaglia R. C. Bologna Valle del Samoggia Gabriele."— Presentation transcript:

1 APIM Commissione distrettuale DISTRETTO 2070 Presidente Gian Paolo Perfetti R. C. Imola Membri Marco Battaglia R. C. Bologna Valle del Samoggia Gabriele Canotti R. C. Sassuolo Nevio Gagliardi R. C. Imola Gian Galeazzo Mecarelli R. C. Imola AZIONE per il PUBBLICO INTERESSE MONDIALE Grafica informatica:Remo Franchini

2 BangladeshDhaka - W03456 Support a medical boat that travels to 68 remote villages. o Since 1996, over 60,000 villagers with no access to healthcare have received free medical, optical and dental diagnoses and treatment from volunteer doctors through the mobile boat project. o Currently, 60 to 70 patients are treated per day during the first 24 days of every month. o Forty-eight Rotary Volunteer doctors from the E.U., Peru, Japan, India, Chile, Armenia, U.K., and U.S. served on the 44- foot boat from 1997 to 2003. o Dhaka Rotarians help manage and fund the boat project, in addition to hosting and transporting volunteers. o More than 275,000 villagers who have no access to healthcare can benefit from this project. Resources required: US$ 1,000/month total. (US$ 0.67/average cost of treatment per patient).

3 Kenya Mombasa - W0892 Subsidize education for high school students in Kenya.  Only primary school is provided free of charge by the national government, so many Kenyans cannot afford to attend secondary school.  Since 1987, the Rotary Club of Mombasa has managed an education trust fund that pays the school fees of students who otherwise could not afford to attend school.  700 students are currently sponsored by the project, but many more seek assistance.  Donated teaching materials, including used books, are also welcome. Resources required: US$ 400/student for four years of education.

4 India Beed Mid Town - W04557 The Rotary Club of Beed Mid Town would like to provide 15 sewing machines to poverty stricken women. The majority of these women are house workers and widows and cannot support themselves or their families. The sewing machines will help these women to become self- sufficient and raise their standard of living. A volunteer who speaks English and Hindi with knowledge of sewing skills is also welcome. Resources required: US$ 990 for 15 sewing machines. (US$ 62/sewing machine; US$ 4/local shipping and handling.)

5 Brazil District 4580 - W02675 Enable foster families to care for abandoned children by supporting the Sister Families Project. Rotarians in District 4580 help low-income families provide a home for a child who would otherwise live in an institution. Support will also be offered to single mothers to help them keep and care for their children rather than be forced to relinquish custody to the state. A volunteer with fluency in Portuguese is needed Resources required: US$ 216 sponsors a child for one year.

6 Philippines Calauag - W04609 Reduce tuberculosis infection among underprivileged Philippine children and adults. In August 2002, the Calauag Rotarians successfully launched a screening campaign to identify the hundreds of children, ages 4 to 10, expected to be infected with tuberculosis. Rotarians will initiate a project that offers medication to all needy infected children and adults for six months free of charge. Social workers will also educate parents on proper treatment and hygienic standards. Resources required: US$ 110/child for six-month treatment program. US$ 193/adult for six-month treatment program.

7 India Kholhapur Midtown - W04719 In India many people have the misfortune of losing a limb due to disease, accidents or congenital deformations. A Jaipur Foot Center was established in 1992 by the Rotary Lakkalyan Mandal Turst, managed by the Rotary Club of Kathapur Midtown, to provide limbs free of charge, giving these unfortunate people a higher quality of life. To date, more than 1.400 individuals have benefited from this free service. The Rotary Club of Kolhapur Midtown would like to help the clinic by providing additional funds to fit 100 more people with prosthesis. Resources required: US$ 5.500 total for 100 artificial limbs. (US$ 55/per person.)

8 India Pataglanga - W04668  Prevent waterborne diseases from spreading among schoolchildren in India.  The Rotary Club of Patalganga would like to donate a five-unit purified water system to a local school currently lacking safe drinking water.  Local Rotarians will contribute 25 percent towards the project cost and oversee regular testing for water safety.  Approximately 1.200 students between the ages of 3 and 16 will benefit. Resources required: US$ 800 total. ( US$ 500/purline; US$ 100/storage tank; US$ 100/sinks; US$ 50/pipe fitting; US$ 50/labor).

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