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Increasing Library Usage by Nurses Strategies based on Nursing Knowledge Translation Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Increasing Library Usage by Nurses Strategies based on Nursing Knowledge Translation Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Increasing Library Usage by Nurses Strategies based on Nursing Knowledge Translation Research

2 Outline The Ottawa Hospital Nursing Knowledge Translation Working Group Strategies we have tried Strategies you have tried

3 Introduction

4 The Ottawa Hospital Clinical Nurses3517 FTE Advanced Practice Nurses31 Clinical Managers70 Nursing Professional Practice15 Nurse Educators56

5 5 The Ottawa Hospital

6 Library Services @ TOH 10.2 FTE $1.1 million 2 medical libraries and 3 patient libraries Provide services to regional hospitals and Ottawa Public Health on a contractual basis

7 Library Services @ The Ottawa Hospital Electronic access transformation Client service transformation Increased emphasis on healthcare professionals (nursing, allied health)

8 Nursing Knowledge Translation Working Group Climate 1.↑ need for evidence-based practice 2.↑ in workload and acuity 3.Shortage of nurses 4.Explosion of information

9 Mandate Provide direction for the –Access –Integration and –Utilization of Nursing knowledge resources to support the clinical, educational, research and managerial endeavors at TOH

10 Administered to –Clinical Nurses (random sample) 33% return –Clinical Practice Committee 100% return –TOH Nursing Leadership Retreat 100% return Research Utilization Survey –Used with permission of Drs. Estabrooks and Wolf –Validated Likert Scale Nursing Knowledge Translation Working Group - Survey

11 Years of Experience in Nursing 17% 30% 15% 8% 16% 4% 10%

12 Distribution of Times New Knowledge Sought by Years of Practice

13 What sources of information do you use when seeking new knowledge?

14 Type of Information Sought

15 When, how did you carry out your last literature Search? 65% had carried out a lit. search within the past 6 months. 64% Internet Search engines (e.g. Google, Yahoo, MSN) 20% Indexed Database (e.g OVID, CINAHL, Medline) 19% TOH Reference Librarian 14% Never did a literature search

16 Use of Indexed Databases to Carry Out Literature Searches by Years of Experience

17 Barriers

18 Changes that would assist you in Accessing Information?

19 What did we find that is consistent with previous studies Preference to obtain knowledge through personal experiences and interactions –Experience of caring for patients over time –Peers/Nurse Educator –In-services (Spenceley et al, 2008; Estabrooke 2005; Estabrooke 1998; Baessler 1994) Nurses use a variety of strategies Colleague, Search Engines, Educators, Unit Manuals Least Used Journals including Medical and Nursing Research Popular Media (magazines, Television and Internet)

20 What is new about what we found Increased use of search engines as a source and a preferred source of information –Our survey specifically asked about internet search engines as a (preferred) source of new knowledge, and was ranked within the top 2.

21 Survey results What does that mean for libraries?

22 Failed strategies Open houses –Do not have time to go to these Scheduled training session –Usually doesn’t fit their schedules In library displays, flyers, etc. –They don’t come in, so they don’t see

23 Inservice sessions 10 minute sessions done on the wards Focus on tools they can use from their workstation Relationship building session

24 Support Nurse educators Quarterly book lists sent to the educators Table of contents service Show them cool internet tools such as delicious, wikis that they can implement with their nurses Participate in their committees Believe in the trickle down effect

25 Pathfinders Tool for educators to offer to clinical nurses who want to change areas

26 Nursing Librarian Mixed blessing Builds tremendous relationships Creates more work than you can imagine Problem keeping up in a timely way

27 Accessibility 24 hour access to library Remote access via Athens PDA compatible resources Training in the evening shift

28 Strategies: other Raising more awareness by writing articles for the nursing newsletter Focussing on the new grads who are aware of the benefits of database searching **

29 Measuring Success Who are you reaching and who is using the resources? Do not underestimate the trickle down effect of information sharing No longer relevant to only measure who is coming to your library or if certain books are taken out Need to talk to the nurse educators to get more accurate measurements

30 30 Measure of Success Occupational Title (self-identified) # nurses registered as users in 2007 # nurses registered as users in 2010 Nurse498703 Nurse Educator3050 Clinical Manager2529 Senior Management58

31 31 Segmentation of your population Nurses play different roles with different information needs Maybe we need to target different segments with different tools and resources to meet those needs

32 Your strategies – what works / what doesn’t

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