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AreaDetector: Recent Additions and Future Plans Mark Rivers GeoSoilEnviroCARS, Advanced Photon Source University of Chicago.

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Presentation on theme: "AreaDetector: Recent Additions and Future Plans Mark Rivers GeoSoilEnviroCARS, Advanced Photon Source University of Chicago."— Presentation transcript:

1 areaDetector: Recent Additions and Future Plans Mark Rivers GeoSoilEnviroCARS, Advanced Photon Source University of Chicago

2 New timestamp functions added to asynManager in response to need from LCLS. These are used to set a user-defined timestamp source, to attach that timestamp to pasynUser. Standard asyn device support sets prec->time with this value, which will be used if prec->TSE=-2. asynStatus (*registerTimeStampSource)(asynUser *pasynUser, void *userPvt, timeStampCallback callback); asynStatus (*unregisterTimeStampSource)(asynUser *pasynUser); asynStatus (*updateTimeStamp)(asynUser *pasynUser); asynStatus (*getTimeStamp)(asynUser *pasynUser, epicsTimeStamp *pTimeStamp); asynStatus (*setTimeStamp)(asynUser *pasynUser, const epicsTimeStamp *pTimeStamp); Added new virtual methods to asynPortDriver for timestamp support. These are updateTimeStamp(), setTimeStamp(), getTimeStamp(). Recent Additions (R1-10) Improved timestamp support

3 Added new epicsTimeStamp field to NDArray. The previous timeStamp field was a double. Useful for plotting and math, but only microsecond precision and not useful for record timestamps. All drivers now call the following as soon as an image is collected: updateTimeStamp(&pImage->epicsTS); NDPluginDriver::processCallbacks now calls the following when an NDArray is received: setTimeStamp(&pArray->epicsTS); This means that all EPICS records, including plugin records, associated with a specific NDArray will have the timestamp when that array was collected if the record has TSE=-2 Recent Additions (R1-10) Improved timestamp support

4 New driver for new Princeton Instruments detectors using their LightField control program. Uses Microsoft Common Language Runtime to control their application, which is written in C#. Added new attribute type, NDAttrSourceFunct. This type of attribute gets its value from a user-defined C++ function. It can thus be use to get any type of metadata. Previously only EPICS PVs and driver/plugin parameters were available as metadata. Recent Additions (R1-10) Other

5 New HDF5 plugin in progress at DLS with input from APS –Features of existing areaDetector HDF5 plugin from DLS (chunking, compression) –Adds XML configuration file to control layout of data and attributes in XML file –Hopefully can replace existing AD HDF5, Nexus, and Tim Madden’s HDF5 plugins with a single plugin. Enhanced support for controlling the file destination (path, name, number) via NDAttributes attached to the NDArray. –Driver sets attributes to determine the values when array is collected, the plugin saves files with different names for flat fields, etc. Near Term Plans (R1-11?) Improved support for file plugins

6 areaDetector is getting too big. –New releases are held up waiting for testing on one detector types, etc. The next major release (R2-0) will split up areaDetector –areaDetector will include only the core components and most plugins –Unbundle detector drivers into their own modules ADPilatus, ADProsilica, etc.. These can be released on a timely basis, independent of other detectors. –Some plugins may be unbundled as well e.g. NDPluginMagick to simplify build for those who don’t need them –How to do this without multiplying my work by 15 with release notes for each module, etc. Future Plans R2-0

7 Hard to collaborate –Need write permission to APS SVN repository Move areaDetector to git and github? Future Plans R2-0

8 asynPortDriver2 –Will need to be a new base class for backwards compatibility –Will improve to better C++ code. –Use exceptions! –I want suggestions and input on this ADDriver2 base class –Put more functionality in ADDriver base class so driver writers don’t worry about getting attributes, etc. –Non-trivial because different detector APIs are so different Future Plans R3-0

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