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S IERRA L EONE J OURNAL OF B IOMEDICAL R ESEARCH AJPP, Accra 2013 Aiah A Gbakima Editor in Chief.

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Presentation on theme: "S IERRA L EONE J OURNAL OF B IOMEDICAL R ESEARCH AJPP, Accra 2013 Aiah A Gbakima Editor in Chief."— Presentation transcript:

1 S IERRA L EONE J OURNAL OF B IOMEDICAL R ESEARCH AJPP, Accra 2013 Aiah A Gbakima Editor in Chief

2 B ACKGROUND  SLJBR - Open access, peer reviewed journal (ISSN 2076-6270–Print; ISSN-2219-3170-Online)  Published by College of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences (COMAHS), University of Sierra Leone (USL), Freetown.  Maiden Edition was published in July 2009

3 M ISSION To allow healthcare professionals and researchers express their views and also communicate their research findings to the world for teaching and reference purposes.

4 S COPE  All fields of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences including: Basic Medical Sciences Clinical Sciences Dental Sciences Pharmaceutical Sciences Biotechnology in relation to Medicine Nursing Sciences Primary Health Care

5  Categories of articles: Original articles (full-length research papers) Review articles Case reports Short communications Letters to the editors S COPE C ONT.

6 E XECUTIVE Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Editorial Board  Editorial Advisory Board Locals and International

7  Editor- in –Chief  AIAH A. GBAKIMA  Acting Managing Editor  THOMASHIRE A GEORGE E DITORIAL B OARD


9 E DITORIAL A DVISORY B OARD  Hector Morgan  Ahmed Taqi  EA JAIYEOBA (Nigeria)  AO ABIOYE (UK)  AO COKER (Nigeria)  Durosimi R Lisk  JOSEPH EDEM-HOTAH

10 P UBLICATION  Number of articles received per year: 45 – 50  Percentage rejected: 60%  Reasons for rejection: Poor quality manuscript Not within the scope of the journal

11 P UBLICATION C ONT.  Frequency of publication: Twice a year - June and December  No of articles per edition: 8 - 10

12 O NLINE A FFILIATIONS  Affiliated to:  African Journals On-Line (AJOL)  All articles are sent to AJOL one month after printing

13 P EER R EVIEW S TATUS  Reviewers both local and international and no fees paid to reviewers  Reviewers are selected online  Manuscripts considered suitable for review are sent to two experts in the field of study relevant to the manuscript for evaluation.

14 S TRENGTHS AND W EAKNESSES  Strength:  Committed Editorial Board  Acceptance by AJOL  Weaknesses:  Inadequate resources: Few resources and funding for publication and management No fulltime staff to manage journal and need for training No designated office space and equipments

15 S TRENGTHS AND W EAKNESSES C ONT.  Limited technology: Challenge to host web site ( Limited knowledge for producing print journal Challenge of uploading article on-line  Limited numbers of committed manuscript reviewers  Limited numbers of quality manuscripts submitted to journal  High cost of printing and distribution of journal

16 F UTURE PLANS  Sourcing for Funds to Support for the Journal  Capacity building Editorial Staff Researchers and students  Bringing onboard Medical Students as interns  Increase visibility of the Journal

17 Thank you for your attention!

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